提交 cc992072 编写于 作者: W walloollaw 提交者: qingqing01

add more help info in argmax when axis is not set (#874)

上级 ac7a2931
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ This tool is used to convert a Caffe model to a Fluid model
- Save weights as fluid model file
python alexnet.py alexnet.npy ./fluid
python alexnet.py alexnet.npy ./fluid #only infer the last layer's result
python alexnet.py alexnet.npy ./fluid fc8,prob #infer these 2 layer's result
3. Use the converted model to infer
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def build_model(net_file, net_name):
(net_file, net_name))
net_path = os.path.dirname(net_file)
module_name = os.path.basename(net_file).rstrip('.py')
module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(net_file))[0]
if net_path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, net_path)
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def build_model(net_file, net_name):
m = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[net_name])
MyNet = getattr(m, net_name)
except Exception as e:
print('failed to load module[%s]' % (module_name))
print('failed to load module[%s.%s]' % (module_name, net_name))
return None
......@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ def load_inference_model(dirname, exe):
def infer(model_path, imgfile, net_file=None, net_name=None, debug=True):
""" do inference using a model which consist 'xxx.py' and 'xxx.npy'
fluid = import_fluid()
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ if [[ -z $only_convert ]];then
# only look the first line in prototxt file for the name of this network, maybe not correct
net_name=`grep "name" $proto_file | head -n1 | perl -ne 'if(/^\s*name\s*:\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){ print $1."\n";}'`
net_name=`grep "name" $proto_file | head -n1 | perl -ne 'if(/^name\s*:\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/){ print $1."\n";}'`
if [[ -z $net_name ]];then
......@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ def set_args(f, params):
kwargs = {}
for arg_name in arg_list:
v = getattr(node.layer.parameters, arg_name, None)
v = getattr(params, arg_name, None)
except Exception as e:
#maybe failed to extract caffe's parameters
v = None
if v is not None:
......@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ def argmax_shape(input_shape, out_max_val=False, top_k=1, axis=-1):
axis += len(input_shape)
assert (axis + 1 == len(input_shape)
), 'only can be applied on the last dimension now'
), 'only can be applied on the last dimension[axis:%d, %s] now,'\
'make sure you have set axis param in xxx.prototxt file' \
% (axis, str(input_shape))
output_shape = input_shape
output_shape[-1] = top_k
......@@ -56,14 +58,13 @@ def argmax_layer(input, name, out_max_val=False, top_k=1, axis=-1):
if axis < 0:
axis += len(input.shape)
assert (axis + 1 == len(input_shape)
), 'only can be applied on the last dimension now'
topk_var, index_var = fluid.layers.topk(input=input, k=top_k)
if out_max_val is True:
output = fluid.layers.concate([topk_var, index_var], axis=axis)
index_var = fluid.layers.cast(index_var, dtype=topk_var.dtype)
output = fluid.layers.concat([index_var, topk_var], axis=axis)
output = topk_var
output = index_var
return output
......@@ -124,10 +124,18 @@ class Graph(object):
for node in self.topologically_sorted():
# If the node has learned parameters, display the first one's shape.
# In case of convolutions, this corresponds to the weights.
data_shape = node.data[0].shape if node.data else '--'
out_shape = node.output_shape or '--'
s.append('{:<20} {:<30} {:>20} {:>20}'.format(
node.kind, node.name, data_shape, tuple(out_shape)))
if node.data is None:
data_shape = '--'
out_shape = node.output_shape or '--'
s.append('{:<20} {:<30} {:>20} {:>20}'.format(
node.kind, node.name, data_shape, tuple(out_shape)))
for d in node.data:
#data_shape = node.data[0].shape if node.data else '--'
data_shape = d.shape
out_shape = node.output_shape or '--'
s.append('{:<20} {:<30} {:>20} {:>20}'.format(
node.kind, node.name, data_shape, tuple(out_shape)))
return '\n'.join(s)
""" this module is used as a template for generating sub class of Network
class MyNet(object):
### automatically generated by caffe2fluid ###
inputs_info = "INPUTS_INFO"
custom_layers_path = "CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS"
def custom_layer_factory(self):
import os
pk_paths = []
default = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
location = os.environ.get('CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS', default)
pk_name = 'custom_layers'
pk_dir = os.path.join(location, pk_name)
pk_paths.append((location, pk_dir))
location = MyNet.custom_layers_path
pk_dir = os.path.join(MyNet.custom_layers_path, pk_name)
pk_paths.append((location, pk_dir))
for loc, pk_dir in pk_paths:
if os.path.exists(pk_dir):
if loc not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, loc)
from custom_layers import make_custom_layer
return make_custom_layer
except Exception as e:
print('maybe you should set $CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS first')
raise e
def input_shapes(cls):
return cls.inputs_info
def convert(cls, npy_model, fluid_path, outputs=None):
fluid = import_fluid()
shapes = cls.input_shapes()
input_name = shapes.keys()[0]
feed_data = {}
for name, shape in shapes.items():
data_layer = fluid.layers.data(
name=name, shape=shape, dtype="float32")
feed_data[name] = data_layer
net = cls(feed_data)
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe = fluid.Executor(place)
net.load(data_path=npy_model, exe=exe, place=place)
output_vars = []
if outputs is None:
if type(outputs) is list:
for n in outputs:
assert n in net.layers, 'not found layer with this name[%s]' % (
fluid_path, [input_name],
return 0
def main():
""" a tool used to convert caffe model to fluid
import sys
import os
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print(' python %s %s.npy [save_dir] [layer names seperated by comma]' \
% (sys.argv[0], filename))
print(' eg: python %s %s.npy ./fluid' % (sys.argv[0], filename))
print(' eg: python %s %s.npy ./fluid layer_name1,layer_name2' \
% (sys.argv[0], filename))
return 1
npy_weight = sys.argv[1]
fluid_model = sys.argv[2]
outputs = None
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
outputs = sys.argv[3].split(',')
ret = MyNet.convert(npy_weight, fluid_model, outputs)
if ret == 0:
outputs = 'last output layer' if outputs is None else outputs
print('succeed to convert to fluid format with output layers[%s]'
' in directory[%s]' % (outputs, fluid_model))
print('failed to convert model to fluid format')
return ret
def generate_net_code(net_name, inputs_info):
""" generate framework of a custom net code which represent a subclass of Network
@net_name (str): class name for this net
@inputs_info (str): a str which represents a dict, eg: '{"data": [3, 32, 32]}'
net_codes (str): codes for this subclass
import os
import inspect
net_codes = str(inspect.getsource(MyNet))
net_codes = net_codes.replace('MyNet(object)', '%s(Network)' % net_name)
net_codes = net_codes.replace('"INPUTS_INFO"', inputs_info)
custom_layer_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
net_codes = net_codes.replace('CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS', custom_layer_dir)
return net_codes
def generate_main_code(net_name):
""" generate a piece of code for 'main' function
@net_name (str): class name for this net
main_codes (str): codes for this main function
import inspect
main_codes = str(inspect.getsource(main))
main_codes = main_codes.replace('MyNet', net_name)
return main_codes
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" just for testing
print generate_net_code('Attribute', "{'data': [3, 277, 277]}")
print generate_main_code('Attribute')
......@@ -290,20 +290,15 @@ class Network(object):
input, dropout_prob=drop_prob, is_test=is_test, name=name)
return output
def custom_layer_factory(self):
""" get a custom layer maker provided by subclass
raise NotImplementedError(
'[custom_layer_factory] must be implemented by the subclass.')
def custom_layer(self, inputs, kind, name, *args, **kwargs):
""" make custom layer from the package specified by '$CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS'
""" make custom layer
#fluid = import_fluid()
#import custom package
default = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
p = os.environ.get('CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS', default)
pk = os.path.join(p, 'custom_layers')
assert os.path.exists(pk) is True, "not found custom_layer package [%s],"\
"you need to set $CAFFE2FLUID_CUSTOM_LAYERS" % (pk)
if p not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, p)
from custom_layers import make_custom_layer
return make_custom_layer(kind, inputs, name, *args, **kwargs)
layer_factory = self.custom_layer_factory()
return layer_factory(kind, inputs, name, *args, **kwargs)
......@@ -198,18 +198,10 @@ class TensorFlowEmitter(object):
codes.append(network_source + '\n')
return self.statement('\n'.join(codes))
def emit_class_def(self, name):
return self.statement('class %s(Network):' % (name))
def emit_setup_def(self):
return self.statement('def setup(self):')
def emit_shape_def(self, input_nodes):
func_def = self.statement('@classmethod')
func_def += self.statement('def input_shapes(cls):')
def get_inputs_info(self, input_nodes):
input_shapes = {}
for n in input_nodes:
name = n.name
......@@ -218,51 +210,7 @@ class TensorFlowEmitter(object):
input_shapes[name] = ', '.join(shape)
input_shapes = ['"%s": [%s]' % (n, l) for n, l in input_shapes.items()]
shape_str = ','.join(input_shapes)
func_def += self.statement('return {%s}' % (shape_str))
return '\n\n' + func_def
def emit_convert_def(self, input_nodes):
codes = []
inputs = {}
#codes.append('shapes = cls.input_shapes()')
codes.append('shapes = cls.input_shapes()')
codes.append('input_name = shapes.keys()[0]')
codes.append('input_shape = shapes[input_name]')
for n in input_nodes:
name = n.name
layer_var = name + '_layer'
layer_def = '%s = fluid.layers.data(name="%s", shape=shapes["%s"],'\
' dtype="float32")' % (layer_var, name, name)
#layer_var, layer_def = data_layer_def(n.name, n.output_shape)
inputs[name] = layer_var
input_dict = ','.join(['"%s": %s' % (n, l) for n, l in inputs.items()])
codes.append('feed_data = {' + input_dict + '}')
codes.append('net = cls(feed_data)')
codes.append("place = fluid.CPUPlace()")
codes.append("exe = fluid.Executor(place)")
codes.append("net.load(data_path=npy_model, exe=exe, place=place)")
codes.append("output_vars = [net.get_output()]")
codes.append("fluid.io.save_inference_model(" \
"fluid_path, [input_name],output_vars," \
"exe, main_program=None, model_filename='model'," \
"print('save fluid model as [model] and [params] in directory [%s]' % (fluid_path))"
func_def = self.statement('@classmethod')
func_def += self.statement('def convert(cls, npy_model, fluid_path):')
func_def += self.statement('fluid = import_fluid()')
for l in codes:
func_def += self.statement(l)
return '\n' + func_def
return '{%s}' % (shape_str)
def emit_main_def(self, name):
if name is None:
......@@ -271,22 +219,7 @@ class TensorFlowEmitter(object):
self.prefix = ''
main_def = self.statement('if __name__ == "__main__":')
main_def += self.statement(
"#usage: save as an inference model for online service\n")
main_def += self.statement("import sys")
main_def += self.statement("if len(sys.argv) != 3:")
main_def += self.statement("print('usage:')")
main_def += self.statement(
"print('\tpython %s [xxxnet.npy] [save_dir]' % (sys.argv[0]))")
main_def += self.statement("exit(1)")
main_def += self.statement("npy_weight = sys.argv[1]")
main_def += self.statement("fluid_model = sys.argv[2]")
main_def += self.statement("%s.convert(npy_weight, fluid_model)" %
main_def += self.statement("exit(0)")
main_def += self.statement('exit(main())')
return '\n\n' + main_def
def emit_parents(self, chain):
......@@ -301,10 +234,17 @@ class TensorFlowEmitter(object):
return self.statement('self.' + node.emit())
def emit(self, name, chains, input_nodes=None):
from ..net_template import generate_net_code
from ..net_template import generate_main_code
self.net_name = name
inputs_info = self.get_inputs_info(input_nodes)
s = self.emit_imports()
s += self.emit_class_def(name)
s += generate_net_code(name, inputs_info) + '\n'
# define the net using api
s += self.emit_setup_def()
blocks = []
......@@ -315,8 +255,9 @@ class TensorFlowEmitter(object):
b += self.emit_node(node)
s = s + '\n\n'.join(blocks)
s += self.emit_shape_def(input_nodes)
s += self.emit_convert_def(input_nodes)
# define the main function
s += '\n\n\n' + generate_main_code(name)
s += self.emit_main_def(name)
return s
......@@ -367,9 +308,6 @@ class Transformer(object):
transformers = [
# Reshape the parameters to TensorFlow's ordering
# (c_o, c_i, h, w) -> (h, w, c_i, c_o) for TF
NodeKind.Convolution: (0, 1, 2, 3),
# (c_o, c_i) -> (c_i, c_o)
NodeKind.InnerProduct: (1, 0)
......@@ -66,12 +66,14 @@ class DataInjector(object):
def adjust_parameters(self, node, data):
if not self.did_use_pb:
return data
# When using the protobuf-backend, each parameter initially has four dimensions.
# In certain cases (like FC layers), we want to eliminate the singleton dimensions.
# This implementation takes care of the common cases. However, it does leave the
# potential for future issues.
# The Caffe-backend does not suffer from this problem.
data = list(data)
squeeze_indices = [1] # Squeeze biases.
if node.kind == NodeKind.InnerProduct:
squeeze_indices.append(0) # Squeeze FC.
......@@ -80,8 +82,22 @@ class DataInjector(object):
if idx >= len(data):
shape_old = data[idx].shape
data[idx] = np.squeeze(data[idx])
d = data[idx]
assert len(
) == 4, 'invalid shape[%s] from caffe when adjust_parameters' % (
shape_old = d.shape
sq_axis = None
if idx == 0:
sq_axis = (0, 1)
elif idx == 1:
sq_axis = (0, 1, 2)
data[idx] = np.squeeze(d, axis=sq_axis)
shape_new = data[idx].shape
if len(shape_old) != shape_new:
debug('squeeze idx:%d, with kind:%s,name:%s' % \
......@@ -131,18 +147,19 @@ class DataReshaper(object):
for node in graph.nodes:
if node.data is None:
if node.kind not in self.reshaped_node_types:
# Check for 2+ dimensional data
if any(len(tensor.shape) > 1 for tensor in node.data):
notice('parmaters not reshaped for node: {}'.format(node))
transpose_order = self.map(node.kind)
weights = node.data[0]
if (node.kind == NodeKind.InnerProduct
) and self.has_spatial_parent(node):
if node.kind == NodeKind.InnerProduct:
# The FC layer connected to the spatial layer needs to be
# re-wired to match the new spatial ordering.
in_shape = node.get_only_parent().output_shape
#in_shape = node.get_only_parent().output_shape
fc_shape = weights.shape
output_channels = fc_shape[0]
weights = weights.reshape((output_channels, -1))
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