For online prediction, Approximate Nearest Neighbor(ANN) is adopted to directly recall top N most likely watch video. However, our ANN system currently only supports cosin sorting, not by inner product sorting, which leads to big effect difference.
For online prediction, Approximate Nearest Neighbor(ANN) is adopted to directly recall top N most likely watch video. Here shows how to get user vector and video vector.
### User Vector
User vector is the output of the last RELU layer with cascading a constant term 1 in the front. Here the dimension of the last RELU layer is 31, and thus the dimension of user vector is 32.
Video vector is extracted from the parameters of softmax layer. If there are M different videos, the output of softmax layer will be the probability of click of these M videos.
To get  from user vector , a  matrix which consists of the parameters w, b of softmax layer is multiplied. Each column of this matrix is a 32-dim video vector, according to the dictionary order one by one.
However, most of ANN systems currently only support cosin sorting, not by inner product sorting, which leads to big effect difference.
To solve it, user and video vectors are sliently modified by a SIMPLE-LSH conversion\[[4](#References)\], so that inner sorting is equivalent to cosin sorting after conversion.
@@ -274,7 +292,73 @@ When online predicting, for a coming  is also equivalent.
Use `` and `` to calculate user and item vectors. For example, run the following commands:
### Implemention
Run `` to generate user vector. First input the features into network and then infer. The output of the last RELU layer is saved in variable probs[1]. By cascading a contant term 1 in the front and making SIMPLE-LSH conversion, user vector is generated.
# do simple lsh conversion
Run `` to generate video vector. First load the model and extract the parameters nce_w and nce_b. And then generate ith video vector by putting nce_b[0][i] in the first dimension and nce_b[0][i] in the next. Finally make SIMPLE-LSH conversion, finding the maximum norm and processing according to .