提交 a6aefb5f 编写于 作者: C caoying03

Merge branch 'develop' into GNR

......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ addons:
- python-pip
- python2.7-dev
- pip install -U virtualenv pre-commit pip
- sudo pip install -U virtualenv pre-commit pip
- docker pull paddlepaddle/paddle:latest
- .travis/precommit.sh
......@@ -28,10 +28,7 @@ You can also visit https://github.com/baidu-research/GloballyNormalizedReader to
cd data && ./download.sh
3. Featurize the data by running:
python featurize.py --datadir data --outdir featurized
3. **(TODO) add the preprocess and featurizer scripts.**
# Training a Model
......@@ -70,10 +70,7 @@ You can also visit https://github.com/baidu-research/GloballyNormalizedReader to
cd data && ./download.sh
3. Featurize the data by running:
python featurize.py --datadir data --outdir featurized
3. **(TODO) add the preprocess and featurizer scripts.**
# Training a Model
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