提交 6b0f946d 编写于 作者: C caoying03

clean codes of language model.

上级 1aaee801
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import os
import math
import numpy as np
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from utils import logger, load_reverse_dict
__all__ = ["BeamSearch"]
class BeamSearch(object):
generating sequence by using beam search
NOTE: this class only implements generating one sentence at a time.
def __init__(self, inferer, word_dict_file, beam_size=1, max_gen_len=100):
constructor method.
:param inferer: object of paddle.Inference that represent the entire
network to forward compute the test batch.
:type inferer: paddle.Inference
:param word_dict_file: path of word dictionary file
:type word_dict_file: str
:param beam_size: expansion width in each iteration
:type param beam_size: int
:param max_gen_len: the maximum number of iterations.
:type max_gen_len: int
self.inferer = inferer
self.beam_size = beam_size
self.max_gen_len = max_gen_len
self.ids_2_word = load_reverse_dict(word_dict_file)
logger.info("dictionay len = %d" % (len(self.ids_2_word)))
self.eos_id = next(x[0] for x in self.ids_2_word.iteritems()
if x[1] == "<e>")
self.unk_id = next(x[0] for x in self.ids_2_word.iteritems()
if x[1] == "<unk>")
except StopIteration:
logger.fatal(("the word dictionay must contains an ending mark "
"in the text generation task."))
self.candidate_paths = []
self.final_paths = []
def _top_k(self, softmax_out, k):
get indices of the words with k highest probablities.
NOTE: <unk> will be exclued if it is among the top k words, then word
with (k + 1)th highest probability will be returned.
:param softmax_out: probablity over the dictionary
:type softmax_out: narray
:param k: number of word indices to return
:type k: int
:return: indices of k words with highest probablities.
:rtype: list
ids = softmax_out.argsort()[::-1]
return ids[ids != self.unk_id][:k]
def _forward_batch(self, batch):
forward a test batch.
:params batch: the input data batch
:type batch: list
:return: probalities of the predicted word
:rtype: ndarray
return self.inferer.infer(input=batch, field=["value"])
def _beam_expand(self, next_word_prob):
In every iteration step, the model predicts the possible next words.
For each input sentence, the top k words is added to end of the original
sentence to form a new generated sentence.
:param next_word_prob: probablities of the next words
:type next_word_prob: ndarray
:return: the expanded new sentences.
:rtype: list
assert len(next_word_prob) == len(self.candidate_paths), (
"Wrong forward computing results!")
top_beam_words = np.apply_along_axis(self._top_k, 1, next_word_prob,
new_paths = []
for i, words in enumerate(top_beam_words):
old_path = self.candidate_paths[i]
for w in words:
log_prob = old_path["log_prob"] + math.log(next_word_prob[i][w])
gen_ids = old_path["ids"] + [w]
if w == self.eos_id:
"log_prob": log_prob,
"ids": gen_ids
new_paths.append({"log_prob": log_prob, "ids": gen_ids})
return new_paths
def _beam_shrink(self, new_paths):
to return the top beam_size generated sequences with the highest
probabilities at the end of evey generation iteration.
:param new_paths: all possible generated sentences
:type new_paths: list
:return: a state flag to indicate whether to stop beam search
:rtype: bool
if len(self.final_paths) >= self.beam_size:
max_candidate_log_prob = max(
new_paths, key=lambda x: x["log_prob"])["log_prob"]
min_complete_path_log_prob = min(
self.final_paths, key=lambda x: x["log_prob"])["log_prob"]
if min_complete_path_log_prob >= max_candidate_log_prob:
return True
new_paths.sort(key=lambda x: x["log_prob"], reverse=True)
self.candidate_paths = new_paths[:self.beam_size]
return False
def gen_a_sentence(self, input_sentence):
generating sequence for an given input
:param input_sentence: one input_sentence
:type input_sentence: list
:return: the generated word sequences
:rtype: list
self.candidate_paths = [{"log_prob": 0., "ids": input_sentence}]
input_len = len(input_sentence)
for i in range(self.max_gen_len):
next_word_prob = self._forward_batch(
[[x["ids"]] for x in self.candidate_paths])
new_paths = self._beam_expand(next_word_prob)
min_candidate_log_prob = min(
new_paths, key=lambda x: x["log_prob"])["log_prob"]
path_to_remove = [
path for path in self.final_paths
if path["log_prob"] < min_candidate_log_prob
for p in path_to_remove:
if self._beam_shrink(new_paths):
self.candidate_paths = []
gen_ids = sorted(
self.final_paths + self.candidate_paths,
key=lambda x: x["log_prob"],
self.final_paths = []
def _to_str(x):
text = " ".join(self.ids_2_word[idx]
for idx in x["ids"][input_len:])
return "%.4f\t%s" % (x["log_prob"], text)
return map(_to_str, gen_ids)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import os
# -- config : data --
################## for building word dictionary ##################
train_file = 'data/chinese.train.txt'
test_file = 'data/chinese.test.txt'
vocab_file = 'data/vocab_cn.txt' # the file to save vocab
max_word_num = 51200 - 2
cutoff_word_fre = 0
build_vocab_method = 'fixed_size' # 'frequency' or 'fixed_size'
vocab_max_size = 3000 # when build_vocab_method = 'fixed_size'
unk_threshold = 1 # # when build_vocab_method = 'frequency'
################## for training task #########################
# path of training data
train_file = "data/train_data_examples.txt"
# path of testing data, if testing file does not exist,
# testing will not be performed at the end of each training pass
test_file = ""
# path of word dictionary, if this file does not exist,
# word dictionary will be built from training data.
vocab_file = "data/word_vocab.txt"
# directory to save the trained model
# create a new directory if the directoy does not exist
model_save_dir = "models"
min_sentence_length = 3
max_sentence_length = 60
batch_size = 32 # the number of training examples in one forward/backward pass
num_passes = 20 # how many passes to train the model
# -- config : train --
log_period = 50
save_period_by_batches = 50
use_which_model = 'ngram' # must be: 'rnn' or 'ngram'
use_gpu = False # whether to use gpu
use_gpu = True # to use gpu or not
trainer_count = 1 # number of trainer
class Config_rnn(object):
config for RNN language model
rnn_type = 'gru' # or 'lstm'
emb_dim = 200
hidden_size = 200
num_layer = 2
num_passs = 2
batch_size = 32
model_file_name_prefix = 'lm_' + rnn_type + '_params_pass_'
class Config_ngram(object):
config for N-Gram language model
emb_dim = 200
hidden_size = 200
num_layer = 2
N = 5
num_passs = 2
batch_size = 32
model_file_name_prefix = 'lm_ngram_pass_'
# -- config : infer --
input_file = 'data/input.txt' # input file contains sentence prefix each line
output_file = 'data/output.txt' # the file to save results
num_words = 10 # the max number of words need to generate
beam_size = 5 # beam_width, the number of the prediction sentence for each prefix
################## for model configuration ##################
rnn_type = "lstm" # "gru" or "lstm"
emb_dim = 256
hidden_size = 256
stacked_rnn_num = 2
################## for text generation ##################
gen_file = "data/train_data_examples.txt"
gen_result = "data/gen_result.txt"
max_gen_len = 25 # the max number of words to generate
beam_size = 5
model_path = "models/rnn_lm_pass_00000.tar.gz"
if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir):
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\ No newline at end of file
我 是
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我 爱
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我 爱 中国
我 爱 中国 。我
我 爱 中国 。我 爱
我 爱 中国 。我 是
我 爱 中国 。我 是 中国
\ No newline at end of file
我们 不会 伤害 你 的 。 他们 也 这么 说 。
你 拥有 你 父亲 皇室 的 血统 。 是 合法 的 继承人 。
叫 什么 你 可以 告诉 我 。
你 并 没有 留言 说 要 去 哪里 。 是 的 , 因为 我 必须 要 去 完成 这件 事 。
你 查出 是 谁 住 在 隔壁 房间 吗 ?
# coding=utf-8
import os
import gzip
import numpy as np
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from utils import logger, load_dict
from beam_search import BeamSearch
import config as conf
from network_conf import rnn_lm
def rnn_generate(gen_input_file, model_path, max_gen_len, beam_size,
use RNN model to generate sequences.
:param word_id_dict: vocab.
:type word_id_dict: dictionary with content of "{word, id}",
"word" is string type , "id" is int type.
:param num_words: the number of the words to generate.
:type num_words: int
:param beam_size: beam width.
:type beam_size: int
:return: save prediction results to output_file
assert os.path.exists(gen_input_file), "test file does not exist!"
assert os.path.exists(model_path), "trained model does not exist!"
assert os.path.exists(
word_dict_file), "word dictionary file does not exist!"
# load word dictionary
word_2_ids = load_dict(word_dict_file)
UNK_ID = word_2_ids["<unk>"]
except KeyError:
logger.fatal("the word dictionary must contain a <unk> token!")
# initialize paddle
paddle.init(use_gpu=conf.use_gpu, trainer_count=conf.trainer_count)
# load the trained model
pred_words = rnn_lm(
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
gzip.open(model_path, "r"))
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=pred_words, parameters=parameters)
generator = BeamSearch(inferer, word_dict_file, beam_size, max_gen_len)
# generate text
with open(conf.gen_file, "r") as fin, open(conf.gen_result, "w") as fout:
for idx, line in enumerate(fin):
fout.write("%d\t%s" % (idx, line))
for gen_res in generator.gen_a_sentence([
word_2_ids.get(w, UNK_ID)
for w in line.lower().strip().split()
fout.write("%s\n" % gen_res)
if __name__ == "__main__":
rnn_generate(conf.gen_file, conf.model_path, conf.max_gen_len,
conf.beam_size, conf.vocab_file)
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# 使用循环神经网语言模型生成文本
语言模型(Language Model)是一个概率分布模型,简单来说,就是用来计算一个句子的概率的模型。利用它可以确定哪个词序列的可能性更大,或者给定若干个词,可以预测下一个最可能出现的词。语言模型是自然语言处理领域里一个重要的基础模型。
## 应用场景
* **自动写作**:语言模型可以根据上文生成下一个词,递归下去可以生成整个句子、段落、篇章。
* **QA**:语言模型可以根据Question生成Answer。
* **机器翻译**:当前主流的机器翻译模型大多基于Encoder-Decoder模式,其中Decoder就是一个待条件的语言模型,用来生成目标语言。
* **拼写检查**:语言模型可以计算出词序列的概率,一般在拼写错误处序列的概率会骤减,可以用来识别拼写错误并提供改正候选集。
* **词性标注、句法分析、语音识别......**
## 关于本例
├── data
│ └── train_data_examples.txt # 示例数据,可参考示例数据的格式,提供自己的数据
├── config.py # 配置文件,包括data、train、infer相关配置
├── generate.py # 预测任务脚本,即生成文本
├── beam_search.py # beam search 算法实现
├── network_conf.py # 本例中涉及的各种网络结构均定义在此文件中,希望进一步修改模型结构,请修改此文件
├── reader.py # 读取数据接口
├── README.md
├── train.py # 训练任务脚本
└── utils.py # 定义通用的函数,例如:构建字典、加载字典等
## RNN 语言模型
### 简介
<p align=center><img src='images/rnn.png' width='500px'/></p>
### 模型实现
- **定义模型参数**:`config.py`中定义了模型的参数变量。
- **定义模型结构**:`network_conf.py`中的`rnn_lm`**函数**中定义了模型的**结构**,如下:
- 输入层:将输入的词(或字)序列映射成向量,即词向量层: `embedding`。
- 中间层:根据配置实现RNN层,将上一步得到的`embedding`向量序列作为输入。
- 输出层:使用`softmax`归一化计算单词的概率。
- loss:定义多类交叉熵作为模型的损失函数。
- **训练模型**:`train.py`中的`main`方法实现了模型的训练,实现流程如下:
- 准备输入数据:建立并保存词典、构建train和test数据的reader。
- 初始化模型:包括模型的结构、参数。
- 构建训练器:demo中使用的是Adam优化算法。
- 定义回调函数:构建`event_handler`来跟踪训练过程中loss的变化,并在每轮训练结束时保存模型的参数。
- 训练:使用trainer训练模型。
- **生成文本**:`generate.py` 实现了文本的生成,实现流程如下:
- 加载训练好的模型和词典文件。
- 读取`gen_file`文件,每行是一个句子的前缀,用[柱搜索算法(Beam Search)](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/08.machine_translation/README.cn.md#柱搜索算法)根据前缀生成文本。
- 将生成的文本及其前缀保存到文件`gen_result`。
## 使用说明
* 1,运行`python train.py`命令,开始train模型(默认使用RNN),待训练结束。
* 2,运行`python generate.py`运行文本生成。(输入的文本默认为`data/train_data_examples.txt`,生成的文本默认保存到`data/gen_result.txt`中。)
### 语料适配
* 清洗语料:去除原文中空格、tab、乱码,按需去除数字、标点符号、特殊符号等。
* 内容格式:每个句子占一行;每行中的各词之间使用一个空格符分开。
* 按需要配置`config.py`中的如下参数:
train_file = "data/train_data_examples.txt"
test_file = ""
vocab_file = "data/word_vocab.txt"
model_save_dir = "models"
1. `train_file`:指定训练数据的路径,**需要预先分词**。
2. `test_file`:指定测试数据的路径,如果训练数据不为空,将在每个 `pass` 训练结束对指定的测试数据进行测试。
3. `vocab_file`:指定字典的路径,如果字典文件不存在,将会对训练语料进行词频统计,构建字典。
4. `model_save_dir`:指定模型保存的路径,如果指定的文件夹不存在,将会自动创建。
### 构建字典的策略
- 当指定的字典文件不存在时,将对训练数据进行词频统计,自动构建字典`config.py` 中有如下两个参数与构建字典有关:
max_word_num = 51200 - 2
cutoff_word_fre = 0
1. `max_word_num`:指定字典中含有多少个词。
2. `cutoff_word_fre`:字典中词语在训练语料中出现的最低频率。
- 加入指定了 `max_word_num = 5000`,并且 `cutoff_word_fre = 10`,词频统计发现训练语料中出现频率高于10次的词语仅有3000个,那么最终会取3000个词构成词典。
- 构建词典时,会自动加入两个特殊符号:
1. `<unk>`:不出现在字典中的词
2. `<e>`:句子的结束符
### 模型适配、训练
* 按需调整`config.py`中如下配置,来修改 rnn 语言模型的网络结果:
rnn_type = "lstm" # "gru" or "lstm"
emb_dim = 256
hidden_size = 256
stacked_rnn_num = 2
1. `rnn_type`:支持 ”gru“ 或者 ”lstm“ 两种参数,选择使用何种 RNN 单元。
2. `emb_dim`:设置词向量的维度。
3. `hidden_size`:设置 RNN 单元隐层大小。
4. `stacked_rnn_num`:设置堆叠 RNN 单元的个数,构成一个更深的模型。
* 运行`python train.py`命令训练模型,模型将被保存到`model_save_dir`指定的目录。
### 按需生成文本
* 按需调整`config.py`中以下变量,详解如下:
gen_file = "data/train_data_examples.txt"
gen_result = "data/gen_result.txt"
max_gen_len = 25 # the max number of words to generate
beam_size = 5
model_path = "models/rnn_lm_pass_00000.tar.gz"
1. `gen_file`:指定输入数据文件,每行是一个句子的前缀,**需要预先分词**。
2. `gen_result`:指定输出文件路径,生成结果将写入此文件。
3. `max_gen_len`:指定每一句生成的话最长长度,如果模型无法生成出`<e>`,当生成 `max_gen_len` 个词语后,生成过程会自动终止。
4. `beam_size`:Beam Search 算法每一步的展开宽度
5. `model_path`:指定训练好的模型的路径。
其中,`gen_file` 中保存的是待生成的文本前缀,每个前缀占一行,形如:
若隐若现 地像 幽灵 , 像 死神
* 运行`python generate.py`命令运行beam search 算法为输入前缀生成文本,下面是模型生成的结果:
81 若隐若现 地像 幽灵 , 像 死神
-12.2542 一样 。 他 是 个 怪物 <e>
-12.6889 一样 。 他 是 个 英雄 <e>
-13.9877 一样 。 他 是 我 的 敌人 <e>
-14.2741 一样 。 他 是 我 的 <e>
-14.6250 一样 。 他 是 我 的 朋友 <e>
1. 第一行 `81 若隐若现 地像 幽灵 , 像 死神`以`\t`为分隔,共有两列:
- 第一列是输入前缀在训练样本集中的序号
- 第二列是输入的前缀。
2. 第二 ~ `beam_size + 1` 行是生成结果,同样以 `\t` 分隔为两列:
- 第一列是该生成序列的对数概率(log probability)
- 第二列是生成的文本序列,正常的生成结果会以符号`<e>`结尾,如果没有以`<e>`结尾,意味着超过了最大序列长度,生成强制终止
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document.getElementById("context").innerHTML = marked(
# coding=utf-8
import paddle.v2 as paddle
import gzip
import numpy as np
from utils import *
import network_conf
from config import *
def generate_using_rnn(word_id_dict, num_words, beam_size):
Demo: use RNN model to do prediction.
:param word_id_dict: vocab.
:type word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param num_words: the number of the words to generate.
:type num_words: int
:param beam_size: beam width.
:type beam_size: int
:return: save prediction results to output_file
# prepare and cache model
config = Config_rnn()
_, output_layer = network_conf.rnn_lm(
num_layer=config.num_layer) # network config
model_file_name = config.model_file_name_prefix + str(config.num_passs -
1) + '.tar.gz'
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
gzip.open(model_file_name)) # load parameters
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=output_layer, parameters=parameters)
# tools, different from generate_using_ngram's tools
id_word_dict = dict(
[(v, k) for k, v in word_id_dict.items()]) # {id : word}
def str2ids(str):
return [[[
word_id_dict.get(w, word_id_dict['<UNK>']) for w in str.split()
def ids2str(ids):
return [[[id_word_dict.get(id, ' ') for id in ids]]]
# generate text
with open(input_file) as file:
output_f = open(output_file, 'w')
for line in file:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
# generate
texts = {} # type: {text : probability}
texts[line] = 1
for _ in range(num_words):
texts_new = {}
for (text, prob) in texts.items():
if '<EOS>' in text: # stop prediction when <EOS> appear
texts_new[text] = prob
# next word's probability distribution
predictions = inferer.infer(input=str2ids(text))
predictions[-1][word_id_dict['<UNK>']] = -1 # filter <UNK>
# find next beam_size words
for _ in range(beam_size):
cur_maxProb_index = np.argmax(
predictions[-1]) # next word's id
text_new = text + ' ' + id_word_dict[
cur_maxProb_index] # text append next word
texts_new[text_new] = texts[text] * predictions[-1][
predictions[-1][cur_maxProb_index] = -1
if len(texts_new) <= beam_size:
texts = texts_new
else: # cutting
texts = dict(
texts_new.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
# save results to output file
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + '\n')
for (sentence, prob) in texts.items():
output_f.write('\t' + sentence.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\t'
+ str(prob) + '\n')
print('already saved results to ' + output_file)
def generate_using_ngram(word_id_dict, num_words, beam_size):
Demo: use N-Gram model to do prediction.
:param word_id_dict: vocab.
:type word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param num_words: the number of the words to generate.
:type num_words: int
:param beam_size: beam width.
:type beam_size: int
:return: save prediction results to output_file
# prepare and cache model
config = Config_ngram()
_, output_layer = network_conf.ngram_lm(
num_layer=config.num_layer) # network config
model_file_name = config.model_file_name_prefix + str(config.num_passs -
1) + '.tar.gz'
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
gzip.open(model_file_name)) # load parameters
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=output_layer, parameters=parameters)
# tools, different from generate_using_rnn's tools
id_word_dict = dict(
[(v, k) for k, v in word_id_dict.items()]) # {id : word}
def str2ids(str):
return [[
word_id_dict.get(w, word_id_dict['<UNK>']) for w in str.split()
def ids2str(ids):
return [[id_word_dict.get(id, ' ') for id in ids]]
# generate text
with open(input_file) as file:
output_f = open(output_file, 'w')
for line in file:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
words = line.split()
if len(words) < config.N:
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + "\n\tnone\n")
# generate
texts = {} # type: {text : probability}
texts[line] = 1
for _ in range(num_words):
texts_new = {}
for (text, prob) in texts.items():
if '<EOS>' in text: # stop prediction when <EOS> appear
texts_new[text] = prob
# next word's probability distribution
predictions = inferer.infer(
input=str2ids(' '.join(text.split()[-config.N:])))
predictions[-1][word_id_dict['<UNK>']] = -1 # filter <UNK>
# find next beam_size words
for _ in range(beam_size):
cur_maxProb_index = np.argmax(
predictions[-1]) # next word's id
text_new = text + ' ' + id_word_dict[
cur_maxProb_index] # text append nextWord
texts_new[text_new] = texts[text] * predictions[-1][
predictions[-1][cur_maxProb_index] = -1
if len(texts_new) <= beam_size:
texts = texts_new
else: # cutting
texts = dict(
texts_new.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
# save results to output file
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + '\n')
for (sentence, prob) in texts.items():
output_f.write('\t' + sentence.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\t'
+ str(prob) + '\n')
print('already saved results to ' + output_file)
def main():
# init paddle
paddle.init(use_gpu=use_gpu, trainer_count=trainer_count)
# prepare and cache vocab
if os.path.isfile(vocab_file):
word_id_dict = load_vocab(vocab_file) # load word dictionary
if build_vocab_method == 'fixed_size':
word_id_dict = build_vocab_with_fixed_size(
train_file, vocab_max_size) # build vocab
word_id_dict = build_vocab_using_threshhold(
train_file, unk_threshold) # build vocab
save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file) # save vocab
# generate
if use_which_model == 'rnn':
word_id_dict=word_id_dict, num_words=num_words, beam_size=beam_size)
elif use_which_model == 'ngram':
word_id_dict=word_id_dict, num_words=num_words, beam_size=beam_size)
raise Exception('use_which_model must be rnn or ngram!')
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -3,93 +3,54 @@
import paddle.v2 as paddle
def rnn_lm(vocab_size, emb_dim, rnn_type, hidden_size, num_layer):
def rnn_lm(vocab_dim,
RNN language model definition.
:param vocab_size: size of vocab.
:param emb_dim: embedding vector's dimension.
:param vocab_dim: size of vocab.
:param emb_dim: embedding vector"s dimension.
:param rnn_type: the type of RNN cell.
:param hidden_size: number of unit.
:param num_layer: layer number.
:param stacked_rnn_num: layer number.
:return: cost and output layer of model.
assert emb_dim > 0 and hidden_size > 0 and vocab_size > 0 and num_layer > 0
# input layers
input = paddle.layer.data(
name="input", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
target = paddle.layer.data(
name="target", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
name="input", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_dim))
if not is_infer:
target = paddle.layer.data(
# embedding layer
input_emb = paddle.layer.embedding(input=input, size=emb_dim)
# rnn layer
if rnn_type == 'lstm':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=input_emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
if rnn_type == "lstm":
for i in range(stacked_rnn_num):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
elif rnn_type == 'gru':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(input=input_emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
input=rnn_cell if i else input_emb, size=hidden_size)
elif rnn_type == "gru":
for i in range(stacked_rnn_num):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
input=rnn_cell if i else input_emb, size=hidden_size)
raise Exception('rnn_type error!')
raise Exception("rnn_type error!")
# fc(full connected) and output layer
output = paddle.layer.fc(
input=[rnn_cell], size=vocab_size, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
# loss
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=output, label=target)
return cost, output
input=[rnn_cell], size=vocab_dim, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
def ngram_lm(vocab_size, emb_dim, hidden_size, num_layer, gram_num=4):
N-Gram language model definition.
:param vocab_size: size of vocab.
:param emb_dim: embedding vector's dimension.
:param hidden_size: size of unit.
:param num_layer: number of hidden layers.
:param gram_size: gram number in n-gram method
:return: cost and output layer of model.
assert emb_dim > 0 and hidden_size > 0 and vocab_size > 0 and num_layer > 0
# input layers
emb_layers = []
for i in range(gram_num):
word = paddle.layer.data(
name="__word%02d__" % (i + 1),
emb = paddle.layer.embedding(
param_attr=paddle.attr.Param(name="_proj", initial_std=1e-3))
next_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="__next_word__", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
# hidden layer
for i in range(num_layer):
hidden = paddle.layer.fc(
input=hidden if i else paddle.layer.concat(input=emb_layers),
predict_word = paddle.layer.fc(
input=[hidden], size=vocab_size, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
# loss
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=predict_word, label=next_word)
if is_infer:
last_word = paddle.layer.last_seq(input=output)
return last_word
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=output, label=target)
return cost, predict_word
return cost, output
......@@ -2,62 +2,31 @@
import collections
import os
MAX_LEN = 100
def rnn_reader(file_name, min_sentence_length, max_sentence_length,
def rnn_reader(file_name, word_dict):
create reader for RNN, each line is a sample.
:param file_name: file name.
:param min_sentence_length: sentence's min length.
:param max_sentence_length: sentence's max length.
:param word_id_dict: vocab with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param word_dict: vocab with content of '{word, id}',
'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:return: data reader.
def reader():
UNK = word_id_dict['<UNK>']
UNK_ID = word_dict['<unk>']
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
if len(words) < min_sentence_length or len(
words) > max_sentence_length:
words = line.strip().lower().split()
if len(words) < MIN_LEN or len(words) > MAX_LEN:
ids = [word_id_dict.get(w, UNK) for w in words]
target = ids[1:]
yield ids[:], target[:]
return reader
def ngram_reader(file_name, N, word_id_dict):
create reader for N-Gram.
:param file_name: file name.
:param N: N-Gram's N.
:param word_id_dict: vocab with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:return: data reader.
assert N >= 2
def reader():
ids = []
UNK_ID = word_id_dict['<UNK>']
cache_size = 10000000
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
ids += [word_id_dict.get(w, UNK_ID) for w in words]
ids_len = len(ids)
if ids_len > cache_size: # output
for i in range(ids_len - N - 1):
yield tuple(ids[i:i + N])
ids = []
ids_len = len(ids)
for i in range(ids_len - N - 1):
yield tuple(ids[i:i + N])
ids = [word_dict.get(w, UNK_ID)
for w in words] + [word_dict['<e>']]
yield ids[:-1], ids[1:]
return reader
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import os
import sys
import gzip
import pdb
import paddle.v2 as paddle
import config as conf
import reader
from utils import *
import network_conf
import gzip
from config import *
from network_conf import rnn_lm
from utils import logger, build_dict, load_dict
def train(model_cost, train_reader, test_reader, model_file_name_prefix,
def train(topology,
train model.
:param model_cost: cost layer of the model to train.
:param train_reader: train data reader.
:param test_reader: test data reader.
:param model_file_name_prefix: model's prefix name.
:param model_file_name_prefix: model"s prefix name.
:param num_passes: epoch.
if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir):
# init paddle
paddle.init(use_gpu=use_gpu, trainer_count=trainer_count)
# create parameters
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(model_cost)
# initialize PaddlePaddle
use_gpu=conf.use_gpu, gpu_id=3, trainer_count=conf.trainer_count)
# create optimizer
adam_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
......@@ -34,105 +41,82 @@ def train(model_cost, train_reader, test_reader, model_file_name_prefix,
average_window=0.5, max_average_window=10000))
# create parameters
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(topology)
# create trainer
trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD(
cost=model_cost, parameters=parameters, update_equation=adam_optimizer)
cost=topology, parameters=parameters, update_equation=adam_optimizer)
# define event_handler callback
# define the event_handler callback
def event_handler(event):
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
if event.batch_id % 100 == 0:
print("\nPass %d, Batch %d, Cost %f, %s" % (
if not event.batch_id % conf.log_period:
logger.info("Pass %d, Batch %d, Cost %f, %s" % (
event.pass_id, event.batch_id, event.cost, event.metrics))
# save model each pass
if (not event.batch_id %
conf.save_period_by_batches) and event.batch_id:
save_name = os.path.join(model_save_dir,
"rnn_lm_pass_%05d_batch_%03d.tar.gz" %
(event.pass_id, event.batch_id))
with gzip.open(save_name, "w") as f:
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass):
result = trainer.test(reader=test_reader)
print("\nTest with Pass %d, %s" % (event.pass_id, result.metrics))
with gzip.open(
model_file_name_prefix + str(event.pass_id) + '.tar.gz',
'w') as f:
if test_reader is not None:
result = trainer.test(reader=test_reader)
logger.info("Test with Pass %d, %s" %
(event.pass_id, result.metrics))
save_name = os.path.join(model_save_dir, "rnn_lm_pass_%05d.tar.gz" %
with gzip.open(save_name, "w") as f:
# start to train
print('start training...')
logger.info("start training...")
reader=train_reader, event_handler=event_handler, num_passes=num_passes)
print("Training finished.")
logger.info("Training is finished.")
def main():
# prepare vocab
print('prepare vocab...')
if build_vocab_method == 'fixed_size':
word_id_dict = build_vocab_with_fixed_size(
train_file, vocab_max_size) # build vocab
word_id_dict = build_vocab_using_threshhold(
train_file, unk_threshold) # build vocab
save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file) # save vocab
# init model and data reader
if use_which_model == 'rnn':
# init RNN model
print('prepare rnn model...')
config = Config_rnn()
cost, _ = network_conf.rnn_lm(
len(word_id_dict), config.emb_dim, config.rnn_type,
config.hidden_size, config.num_layer)
# init RNN data reader
train_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.rnn_reader(train_file, min_sentence_length,
max_sentence_length, word_id_dict),
test_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.rnn_reader(test_file, min_sentence_length,
max_sentence_length, word_id_dict),
elif use_which_model == 'ngram':
# init N-Gram model
print('prepare ngram model...')
config = Config_ngram()
assert config.N == 5
cost, _ = network_conf.ngram_lm(
# init N-Gram data reader
train_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.ngram_reader(train_file, config.N, word_id_dict),
if not (os.path.exists(conf.vocab_file) and
logger.info(("word dictionary does not exist, "
"build it from the training data"))
build_dict(conf.train_file, conf.vocab_file, conf.max_word_num,
logger.info("load word dictionary.")
word_dict = load_dict(conf.vocab_file)
logger.info("dictionay size = %d" % (len(word_dict)))
cost = rnn_lm(
len(word_dict), conf.emb_dim, conf.hidden_size, conf.stacked_rnn_num,
# define reader
reader_args = {
"file_name": conf.train_file,
"word_dict": word_dict,
train_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.rnn_reader(**reader_args), buf_size=102400),
test_reader = None
if os.path.exists(conf.test_file) and os.path.getsize(conf.test_file):
test_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.ngram_reader(test_file, config.N, word_id_dict),
reader.rnn_reader(**reader_args), buf_size=65536),
raise Exception('use_which_model must be rnn or ngram!')
# train model
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import os
import collections
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
__all__ = ["build_dict", "load_dict"]
def save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file_name):
save vocab.
:param word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param vocab_file_name: vocab file name.
f = open(vocab_file_name, 'w')
for (k, v) in word_id_dict.items():
f.write(k.encode('utf-8') + '\t' + str(v) + '\n')
print('save vocab to ' + vocab_file_name)
logger = logging.getLogger("paddle")
def load_vocab(vocab_file_name):
def build_dict(data_file,
insert_extra_words=["<unk>", "<e>"]):
load vocab from file.
:param vocab_file_name: vocab file name.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param data_file: path of data file
:param save_path: path to save the word dictionary
:param vocab_max_size: if vocab_max_size is set, top vocab_max_size words
will be added into word vocabulary
:param cutoff_thd: if cutoff_thd is set, words whose frequencies are less
than cutoff_thd will not added into word vocabulary.
NOTE that: vocab_max_size and cutoff_thd cannot be set at the same time
:param extra_keys: extra keys defined by users that added into the word
dictionary, ususally these keys includes <unk>, start and ending marks
assert os.path.isfile(vocab_file_name)
dict = {}
with open(vocab_file_name) as file:
for line in file:
if len(line) < 2:
kv = line.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\t')
dict[kv[0]] = int(kv[1])
return dict
word_count = defaultdict(int)
with open(data_file, "r") as f:
for idx, line in enumerate(f):
if not (idx + 1) % 100000:
logger.debug("processing %d lines ... " % (idx + 1))
words = line.strip().lower().split()
for w in words:
word_count[w] += 1
sorted_words = sorted(
word_count.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
def build_vocab_using_threshhold(file_name, unk_threshold):
build vacab using_<UNK> threshhold.
stop_pos = len(sorted_words) if sorted_words[-1][
1] > cutoff_word_fre else next(idx for idx, v in enumerate(sorted_words)
if v[1] < cutoff_word_fre)
:param file_name:
:param unk_threshold: <UNK> threshhold.
:type unk_threshold: int.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
counter = {}
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
for word in words:
if word in counter:
counter[word] += 1
counter[word] = 1
counter_new = {}
for (word, frequency) in counter.items():
if frequency >= unk_threshold:
counter_new[word] = frequency
counter_new = sorted(counter_new.items(), key=lambda d: -d[1])
words = [word_frequency[0] for word_frequency in counter_new]
word_id_dict = dict(zip(words, range(2, len(words) + 2)))
word_id_dict['<UNK>'] = 0
word_id_dict['<EOS>'] = 1
return word_id_dict
stop_pos = min(max_word_num, stop_pos)
with open(save_path, "w") as fdict:
for w in insert_extra_words:
fdict.write("%s\t-1\n" % (w))
for idx, info in enumerate(sorted_words):
if idx == stop_pos: break
fdict.write("%s\t%d\n" % (info[0], info[-1]))
def build_vocab_with_fixed_size(file_name, vocab_max_size):
def load_dict(dict_path):
build vacab with assigned max size.
:param vocab_max_size: vocab's max size.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param dict_path: path of word dictionary
words = []
for line in open(file_name):
words += line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
return dict((line.strip().split("\t")[0], idx)
for idx, line in enumerate(open(dict_path, "r").readlines()))
counter = collections.Counter(words)
counter = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])
if len(counter) > vocab_max_size:
counter = counter[:vocab_max_size]
words, counts = zip(*counter)
word_id_dict = dict(zip(words, range(2, len(words) + 2)))
word_id_dict['<UNK>'] = 0
word_id_dict['<EOS>'] = 1
return word_id_dict
def load_reverse_dict(dict_path):
return dict((idx, line.strip().split("\t")[0])
for idx, line in enumerate(open(dict_path, "r").readlines()))
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