After running, we have several "manifest" json files named with a prefix `manifest.libri.`. A manifest file summarizes a speech data set, with each line containing the meta data (i.e. audio filepath, transcription text, audio duration) of each audio file within the data set, in json format.
`sh` prepares all ASR datasets (currently, only LibriSpeech available). After running, we have several summarization manifest files in json-format.
By `cat manifest.libri.train-* > manifest.libri.train-all`, we simply merge the three seperate sample sets of LibriSpeech (train-clean-100, train-clean-360, train-other-500) into one training set. This is a simple way for merging different data sets.
A manifest file summarizes a speech data set, with each line containing the meta data (i.e. audio filepath, transcript text, audio duration) of each audio file within the data set, in json format. Manifest file serves as an interface informing our system of where and what to read the speech samples.
More help for arguments:
python datasets/librispeech/ --help
### Preparing for Training
`python` computes mean and stdandard deviation for audio features, and save them to a file with a default name `./mean_std.npz`. This file will be used in both training and inferencing.