"No Free Lunch (NFL)" 是机器学习任务基本原则之一:没有任何一种模型是天生优于其他模型的。模型的设计和选择建立在了解不同模型特性的基础之上,但同时也是一个多次实验评估的过程。在本例中,我们继续向大家介绍几种最常用的文本分类模型,它们的能力和复杂程度不同,帮助大家对比学习这些模型学习效果之间的差异,针对不同的场景选择使用。
该 DNN 模型默认对输入的语料进行二分类(`class_dim=2`),embedding(词向量)维度默认为28(`emd_dim=28`),两个隐层均使用Tanh激活函数(`act=paddle.activation.Tanh()`)。需要注意的是,该模型的输入数据为整数序列,而不是原始的单词序列。事实上,为了处理方便,我们一般会事先将单词根据词频顺序进行 id 化,即将词语转化成在字典中的序号。
positive 0.9275 0.0725 previous reviewer <unk> <unk> gave a much better <unk> of the films plot details than i could what i recall mostly is that it was just so beautiful in every sense emotionally visually <unk> just <unk> br if you like movies that are wonderful to look at and also have emotional content to which that beauty is relevant i think you will be glad to have seen this extraordinary and unusual work of <unk> br on a scale of 1 to 10 id give it about an <unk> the only reason i shy away from 9 is that it is a mood piece if you are in the mood for a really artistic very romantic film then its a 10 i definitely think its a mustsee but none of us can be in that mood all the time so overall <unk>
negative 0.0300 0.9700 i love scifi and am willing to put up with a lot scifi <unk> are usually <unk> <unk> and <unk> i tried to like this i really did but it is to good tv scifi as <unk> 5 is to star trek the original silly <unk> cheap cardboard sets stilted dialogues cg that doesnt match the background and painfully onedimensional characters cannot be overcome with a scifi setting im sure there are those of you out there who think <unk> 5 is good scifi tv its not its clichéd and <unk> while us viewers might like emotion and character development scifi is a genre that does not take itself seriously <unk> star trek it may treat important issues yet not as a serious philosophy its really difficult to care about the characters here as they are not simply <unk> just missing a <unk> of life their actions and reactions are wooden and predictable often painful to watch the makers of earth know its rubbish as they have to always say gene <unk> earth otherwise people would not continue watching <unk> <unk> must be turning in their <unk> as this dull cheap poorly edited watching it without <unk> breaks really brings this home <unk> <unk> of a show <unk> into space spoiler so kill off a main character and then bring him back as another actor <unk> <unk> all over again
"No Free Lunch (NFL)" 是机器学习任务基本原则之一:没有任何一种模型是天生优于其他模型的。模型的设计和选择建立在了解不同模型特性的基础之上,但同时也是一个多次实验评估的过程。在本例中,我们继续向大家介绍几种最常用的文本分类模型,它们的能力和复杂程度不同,帮助大家对比学习这些模型学习效果之间的差异,针对不同的场景选择使用。
该 DNN 模型默认对输入的语料进行二分类(`class_dim=2`),embedding(词向量)维度默认为28(`emd_dim=28`),两个隐层均使用Tanh激活函数(`act=paddle.activation.Tanh()`)。需要注意的是,该模型的输入数据为整数序列,而不是原始的单词序列。事实上,为了处理方便,我们一般会事先将单词根据词频顺序进行 id 化,即将词语转化成在字典中的序号。
positive 0.9275 0.0725 previous reviewer <unk><unk> gave a much better <unk> of the films plot details than i could what i recall mostly is that it was just so beautiful in every sense emotionally visually <unk> just <unk> br if you like movies that are wonderful to look at and also have emotional content to which that beauty is relevant i think you will be glad to have seen this extraordinary and unusual work of <unk> br on a scale of 1 to 10 id give it about an <unk> the only reason i shy away from 9 is that it is a mood piece if you are in the mood for a really artistic very romantic film then its a 10 i definitely think its a mustsee but none of us can be in that mood all the time so overall <unk>
negative 0.0300 0.9700 i love scifi and am willing to put up with a lot scifi <unk> are usually <unk><unk> and <unk> i tried to like this i really did but it is to good tv scifi as <unk> 5 is to star trek the original silly <unk> cheap cardboard sets stilted dialogues cg that doesnt match the background and painfully onedimensional characters cannot be overcome with a scifi setting im sure there are those of you out there who think <unk> 5 is good scifi tv its not its clichéd and <unk> while us viewers might like emotion and character development scifi is a genre that does not take itself seriously <unk> star trek it may treat important issues yet not as a serious philosophy its really difficult to care about the characters here as they are not simply <unk> just missing a <unk> of life their actions and reactions are wooden and predictable often painful to watch the makers of earth know its rubbish as they have to always say gene <unk> earth otherwise people would not continue watching <unk><unk> must be turning in their <unk> as this dull cheap poorly edited watching it without <unk> breaks really brings this home <unk><unk> of a show <unk> into space spoiler so kill off a main character and then bring him back as another actor <unk><unk> all over again