提交 10b1378d 编写于 作者: G guosheng

Refine the reader to avoid placing short next to long sentences in Transformer

上级 225a484d
......@@ -297,9 +297,14 @@ class DataReader(object):
infos = self._sample_infos
if self._sort_type == SortType.POOL:
reverse = True
for i in range(0, len(infos), self._pool_size):
# to avoid placing short next to long sentences
reverse = not reverse
infos[i:i + self._pool_size] = sorted(
infos[i:i + self._pool_size], key=lambda x: x.max_len)
infos[i:i + self._pool_size],
key=lambda x: x.max_len,
# concat batch
batches = []
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