未验证 提交 0f9ad827 编写于 作者: R ruri 提交者: GitHub

remove image_shape, refine code (#3951)

refine code
上级 2c4dbca7
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
### 安装说明
在当前目录下运行样例代码需要python 2.7及以上版本,PadddlePaddle Fluid v1.6或以上的版本。如果你的运行环境中的PaddlePaddle低于此版本,请根据 [安装文档](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.6/beginners_guide/install/index_cn.html) 中的说明来更新PaddlePaddle。
在当前目录下运行样例代码需要python 2.7及以上版本,PadddlePaddle Fluid v1.6或以上的版本。如果你的运行环境中的PaddlePaddle低于此版本,请根据 [安装文档](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/install/quick) 中的说明来更新PaddlePaddle。
#### 环境依赖
python >= 2.7,CUDA >= 8.0,CUDNN >= 7.0
python >= 2.7
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m paddle.distributed.launch train.py \
* **model**: 模型名称, 默认值: "ResNet50"
* **total_images**: 图片数,ImageNet2012,默认值: 1281167
* **class_dim**: 类别数,默认值: 1000
* **image_shape**: 图片大小,默认值: "3,224,224"
* **image_shape**: 图片大小,默认值: 3 224 224
* **num_epochs**: 训练回合数,默认值: 120
* **batch_size**: batch size大小(所有设备),默认值: 8
* **test_batch_size**: 测试batch大小,默认值:16
......@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m paddle.distributed.launch train.py \
* **lower_ratio**: 数据随机裁剪处理时的lower ratio值,默认值:3./4.
* **upper_ratio**: 数据随机裁剪处理时的upper ratio值,默认值:4./3.
* **resize_short_size**: 指定数据处理时改变图像大小的短边值,默认值: 256
* **crop_size**: 指定裁剪的大小,默认值:224
* **use_mixup**: 是否对数据进行mixup处理,默认值: False
* **mixup_alpha**: 指定mixup处理时的alpha值,默认值: 0.2
* **use_aa**: 是否对数据进行auto augment处理. 默认值: False.
......@@ -298,20 +297,120 @@ PaddlePaddle/Models ImageClassification 支持自定义数据
表格中列出了在models目录下目前支持的图像分类模型,并且给出了已完成训练的模型在ImageNet-2012验证集合上的top-1和top-5精度,以及Paddle Fluid和Paddle TensorRT基于动态链接库的预测时间(测试GPU型号为NVIDIA® Tesla® P4)。
- 注意
- 1:ResNet50_vd_v2是ResNet50_vd蒸馏版本。
- 2:除EfficientNet外,InceptionV4和Xception采用的输入图像的分辨率为299x299,DarkNet53为256x256,Fix_ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl为320x320,其余模型使用的分辨率均为224x224。在预测时,DarkNet53与Fix_ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl系列网络resize_short_size与输入的图像分辨率的宽或高相同,InceptionV4和Xception网络resize_short_size为320,其余网络resize_short_size均为256。
- 3: EfficientNetB0~B7的分辨率大小分别为224x224,240x240,260x260,300x300,380x380,456x456,528x528,600x600,预测时的resize_short_size在其分辨率的长或高的基础上加32,如EfficientNetB1的resize_short_size为272,在该系列模型训练和预测的过程中,图片resize参数interpolation的值设置为2(cubic插值方式),该模型在训练过程中使用了指数滑动平均策略,具体请参考[指数滑动平均](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/1.5/api_cn/optimizer_cn.html#exponentialmovingaverage)
- 4:调用动态链接库预测时需要将训练模型转换为二进制模型。
python infer.py \
--model=model_name \
--pretrained_model=${path_to_pretrain_model} \
#### 注意事项
- 5: ResNeXt101_wsl系列的预训练模型转自pytorch模型,详情见[ResNeXt wsl](https://pytorch.org/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_resnext/)
- 特殊参数配置
<td><b>参数 resize_short_size</b>
<td>Inception, Xception
<td> DarkNet53
<td rowspan="8"> EfficientNet: <br/><br/>
具体请参考<a href="https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/1.5/api_cn/optimizer_cn.html#exponentialmovingaverage">指数滑动平均</a>
<td>B0: 224
<td>B1: 240
<td>B2: 260
<td>B3: 300
<td>B4: 380
<td>B5: 456
<td>B6: 528
<td>B7: 600
- 调用动态链接库预测时需要将训练模型转换为二进制模型。
python infer.py \
--model=model_name \
--pretrained_model=${path_to_pretrain_model} \
- ResNeXt101_wsl系列的预训练模型转自pytorch模型,详情见[ResNeXt wsl](https://pytorch.org/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_resnext/)
### AlexNet
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ We also recommend users to take a look at the  [IPython Notebook demo](https:/
### Installation
Running samples in this directory requires Python 2.7 and later, CUDA 8.0 and later, CUDNN 7.0 and later, python package: numpy and opencv-python, PaddelPaddle Fluid v1.6 and later, the latest release version is recommended, If the PaddlePaddle on your device is lower than v1.6, please follow the instructions in [installation document](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.6/beginners_guide/install/index_cn.html) and make an update.
Running samples in this directory requires Python 2.7 and later, CUDA 8.0 and later, CUDNN 7.0 and later, python package: numpy and opencv-python, PaddelPaddle Fluid v1.6 and later, the latest release version is recommended, If the PaddlePaddle on your device is lower than v1.6, please follow the instructions in [installation document](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/install/quick) and make an update.
### Data preparation
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Solver and hyperparameters:
* **model**: name model to use. Default: "ResNet50".
* **total_images**: total number of images in the training set. Default: 1281167.
* **class_dim**: the class number of the classification task. Default: 1000.
* **image_shape**: input size of the network. Default: "3,224,224".
* **image_shape**: input size of the network. Default: 3 224 224 .
* **num_epochs**: the number of epochs. Default: 120.
* **batch_size**: the batch size of all devices. Default: 8.
* **test_batch_size**: the test batch size, Default: 16
......@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ Reader and preprocess:
* **lower_ratio**: the lower ratio in ramdom crop. Default:3./4. .
* **upper_ration**: the upper ratio in ramdom crop. Default:4./3. .
* **resize_short_size**: the resize_short_size. Default: 256.
* **crop_size**: the crop size, Default: 224.
* **use_mixup**: whether to use mixup data processing or not. Default:False.
* **mixup_alpha**: the mixup_alpha parameter. Default: 0.2.
* **use_aa**: whether to use auto augment data processing or not. Default:False.
......@@ -290,18 +289,118 @@ with GCC 5.4 and up.
The image classification models currently supported by PaddlePaddle are listed in the table. It shows the top-1/top-5 accuracy on the ImageNet-2012 validation set of these models, the inference time of Paddle Fluid and Paddle TensorRT based on dynamic link library(test GPU model: Tesla P4).
Pretrained models can be downloaded by clicking related model names.
- Note
- 1: ResNet50_vd_v2 is the distilled version of ResNet50_vd.
- 2: In addition to EfficientNet, the image resolution feeded in InceptionV4 and Xception net is ```299x299```, Fix_ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl is ```320x320```, DarkNet is ```256x256```, others are ```224x224```.In test time, the resize_short_size of the DarkNet53 and Fix_ResNeXt101_32x48d_wsl series networks is the same as the width or height of the input image resolution, the InceptionV4 and Xception network resize_short_size is 320, and the other networks resize_short_size are 256.
- 3: The resolutions of EfficientNetB0~B7 are ```224x224```,```240x240```,```260x260```,```300x300```,```380x380```,```456x456```,```528x528```,```600x600``` respectively, the resize_short_size in the inference phase is increased by 32 on the basis of the length or height of the resolution, for example, the resize_short_size of EfficientNetB1 is 272.In the process of training and inference phase of these series of models, the value of the resize parameter interpolation is set to 2 (cubic interpolation mode). Besides, the model uses ExponentialMovingAverage during the training process, this trick please refer to [ExponentialMovingAverage](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/en/1.5/api/optimizer.html#exponentialmovingaverage).
- 4: It's necessary to convert the train model to a binary model when appling dynamic link library to infer, One can do it by running following command:
python infer.py\
--model=model_name \
--pretrained_model=${path_to_pretrained_model} \
- 5: The pretrained model of the ResNeXt101_wsl series network is converted from the pytorch model. Please refer to [RESNEXT WSL](https://pytorch.org/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_resnext/) for details.
#### Note
- Some special settings
<td><b>Parameter: resize_short_size</b>
<td>Inception, Xception
<td> DarkNet53
<td rowspan="8"> EfficientNet: <br/><br/>
In the inference phase, the resize_short_size increases 32 compared to the resolution <br/>
and using the 2nd interpolation(cubic interpolation mode). <br/>
The ExponentialMovingAverage method is also applied during the training process <br/>
Please refer to <a href="https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/1.5/api_cn/optimizer_cn.html#exponentialmovingaverage">ExponentialMovingAverage</a>
<td>B0: 224
<td>B1: 240
<td>B2: 260
<td>B3: 300
<td>B4: 380
<td>B5: 456
<td>B6: 528
<td>B7: 600
<td>Other models
- It's necessary to convert the train model to a binary model when appling dynamic link library to infer, One can do it by running following command:
python infer.py\
--model=model_name \
--pretrained_model=${path_to_pretrained_model} \
- The pretrained model of the ResNeXt101_wsl series network is converted from the pytorch model. Please refer to [RESNEXT WSL](https://pytorch.org/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_resnext/) for details.
### AlexNet
|Model | Top-1 | Top-5 | Paddle Fluid inference time(ms) | Paddle TensorRT inference time(ms) |
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ add_arg('data_dir', str, "./data/ILSVRC2012/", "The ImageNet datset")
add_arg('batch_size', int, 256, "Minibatch size.")
add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether to use GPU or not.")
add_arg('class_dim', int, 1000, "Class number.")
add_arg('image_shape', str, "3,224,224", "Input image size")
parser.add_argument("--pretrained_model", default=None, required=True, type=str, help="The path to load pretrained model")
add_arg('model', str, "ResNet50", "Set the network to use.")
add_arg('resize_short_size', int, 256, "Set resize short size")
......@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ add_arg('reader_thread', int, 8, "The number of multi thr
add_arg('reader_buf_size', int, 2048, "The buf size of multi thread reader")
parser.add_argument('--image_mean', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], help="The mean of input image data")
parser.add_argument('--image_std', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], help="The std of input image data")
add_arg('crop_size', int, 224, "The value of crop size")
parser.add_argument('--image_shape', nargs="+", type=int, default=[3,224,224], help=" The shape of image")
add_arg('interpolation', int, None, "The interpolation mode")
add_arg('padding_type', str, "SAME", "Padding type of convolution")
add_arg('use_se', bool, True, "Whether to use Squeeze-and-Excitation module for EfficientNet.")
......@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ add_arg('use_se', bool, True, "Whether to use Squeeze-
def eval(args):
image_shape = [int(m) for m in args.image_shape.split(",")]
image_shape = args.image_shape
model_list = [m for m in dir(models) if "__" not in m]
assert args.model in model_list, "{} is not in lists: {}".format(args.model,
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser)
add_arg('data_dir', str, "./data/ILSVRC2012/", "The ImageNet data")
add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether to use GPU or not.")
add_arg('class_dim', int, 1000, "Class number.")
add_arg('image_shape', str, "3,224,224", "Input image size")
parser.add_argument("--pretrained_model", default=None, required=True, type=str, help="The path to load pretrained model")
add_arg('model', str, "ResNet50", "Set the network to use.")
add_arg('save_inference', bool, False, "Whether to save inference model or not")
......@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ add_arg('reader_thread', int, 1, "The number of multi thr
add_arg('reader_buf_size', int, 2048, "The buf size of multi thread reader")
parser.add_argument('--image_mean', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], help="The mean of input image data")
parser.add_argument('--image_std', nargs='+', type=float, default=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], help="The std of input image data")
add_arg('crop_size', int, 224, "The value of crop size")
parser.add_argument('--image_shape', nargs='+', type=int, default=[3, 224, 224], help="the shape of image")
add_arg('topk', int, 1, "topk")
add_arg('label_path', str, "./utils/tools/readable_label.txt", "readable label filepath")
add_arg('interpolation', int, None, "The interpolation mode")
......@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ add_arg('use_se', bool, True, "Whether to use Squeeze-
def infer(args):
image_shape = [int(m) for m in args.image_shape.split(",")]
image_shape = args.image_shape
model_list = [m for m in dir(models) if "__" not in m]
assert args.model in model_list, "{} is not in lists: {}".format(args.model,
......@@ -195,12 +195,13 @@ def create_mixup_reader(settings, rd):
return mixup_reader
def process_image(sample, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
""" process_image """
mean = settings.image_mean
std = settings.image_std
crop_size = settings.crop_size
crop_size = settings.image_shape[1]
img_path = sample[0]
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
......@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ def process_image(sample, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
if rotate:
img = rotate_image(img)
if crop_size > 0:
img = random_crop(img, crop_size, settings, interpolation=settings.interpolation)
img = random_crop(
img, crop_size, settings, interpolation=settings.interpolation)
if color_jitter:
img = distort_color(img)
if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 1:
......@@ -217,7 +219,8 @@ def process_image(sample, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
if crop_size > 0:
target_size = settings.resize_short_size
img = resize_short(img, target_size, interpolation=settings.interpolation)
img = resize_short(
img, target_size, interpolation=settings.interpolation)
img = crop_image(img, target_size=crop_size, center=True)
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
......@@ -239,6 +242,7 @@ def process_image(sample, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
elif mode == 'test':
return (img, )
def process_batch_data(input_data, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
batch_data = []
for sample in input_data:
......@@ -249,6 +253,7 @@ def process_batch_data(input_data, settings, mode, color_jitter, rotate):
print("File not exist : %s" % sample[0])
return batch_data
class ImageNetReader:
def __init__(self, seed=None):
self.shuffle_seed = seed
......@@ -257,7 +262,8 @@ class ImageNetReader:
assert isinstance(seed, int), "shuffle seed must be int"
self.shuffle_seed = seed
def _reader_creator(self, settings,
def _reader_creator(self,
......@@ -268,7 +274,13 @@ class ImageNetReader:
if mode == 'test':
batch_size = 1
batch_size = settings.batch_size / paddle.fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
if settings.use_gpu:
batch_size = settings.batch_size // paddle.fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count(
batch_size = settings.batch_size // int(
os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', 1))
def reader():
def read_file_list():
with open(file_list) as flist:
......@@ -280,7 +292,8 @@ class ImageNetReader:
if num_trainers > 1 and mode == "train":
assert self.shuffle_seed is not None, "multiprocess train, shuffle seed must be set!"
elif shuffle:
......@@ -303,7 +316,8 @@ class ImageNetReader:
"If num_trainers > 1, the shuffle_seed must be set, because " \
"the order of batch data generated by reader " \
"must be the same in the respective processes."
data_reader = paddle.fluid.contrib.reader.distributed_batch_reader(data_reader)
data_reader = paddle.fluid.contrib.reader.distributed_batch_reader(
mapper = functools.partial(
......@@ -319,7 +333,6 @@ class ImageNetReader:
def train(self, settings):
"""Create a reader for trainning
......@@ -351,11 +364,11 @@ class ImageNetReader:
reader = create_mixup_reader(settings, reader)
reader = fluid.io.batch(
batch_size=int(settings.batch_size / paddle.fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()),
batch_size=int(settings.batch_size /
return reader
def val(self, settings):
"""Create a reader for eval
......@@ -372,8 +385,11 @@ class ImageNetReader:
return self._reader_creator(
settings, file_list, 'val', shuffle=False, data_dir=settings.data_dir)
def test(self, settings):
"""Create a reader for testing
......@@ -389,4 +405,8 @@ class ImageNetReader:
file_list), "{} doesn't exist, please check data list path".format(
return self._reader_creator(
settings, file_list, 'test', shuffle=False, data_dir=settings.data_dir)
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=AlexNet \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DPN107 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DPN131 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DPN68 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DPN92 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DPN98 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=DarkNet53 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,256,256 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 256 256 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DenseNet121 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DenseNet161 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DenseNet169 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DenseNet201 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=DenseNet264 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ python -u train.py \
--model=EfficientNet \
--batch_size=512 \
--test_batch_size=128 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--resize_short_size=256 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=exponential_decay_warmup \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=GoogLeNet \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.01 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=InceptionV4 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.045 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV1 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV1_x0_25 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV1_x0_5 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV1_x0_75 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2 \
--batch_size=500 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2_x0_25 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2_x0_5 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2_x0_75 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2_x1_5 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=MobileNetV2_x2_0 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt101_32x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt101_64x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt101_vd_32x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt101_vd_64x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt152_32x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt152_64x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt152_vd_64x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt50_32x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ResNeXt50_vd_64x4d \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet101 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet101_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet152 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet152_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet18 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet18_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet200_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet34 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet34_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet50 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python -m paddle.distributed.launch train.py \
--model=ResNet50 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=piecewise_decay \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet50_vc \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ResNet50_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=SENet154_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=SE_ResNeXt101_32x4d \
--batch_size=400 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.1 \
......@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=SE_ResNeXt50_32x4d \
--batch_size=400 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.1 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=SE_ResNet50_vd \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2 \
--batch_size=1024 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--lr=0.5 \
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_swish \
--batch_size=1024 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--lr=0.5 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_x0_25 \
--batch_size=1024 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_x0_33 \
--batch_size=1024 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_x0_5 \
--batch_size=1024 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--num_epochs=240 \
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_x1_5 \
--batch_size=512 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
python train.py \
--model=ShuffleNetV2_x2_0 \
--batch_size=512 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay_warmup \
--num_epochs=240 \
......@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=SqueezeNet1_0 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--class_dim=1000 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.02 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=SqueezeNet1_1 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--class_dim=1000 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.02 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=VGG11 \
--batch_size=512 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--class_dim=1000 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=90 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=VGG13 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.01 \
--num_epochs=90 \
......@@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=VGG16 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--model_save_dir=output/ \
--lr=0.01 \
--num_epochs=90 \
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.98
python train.py \
--model=VGG19 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3,224,224 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.01 \
--num_epochs=150 \
python train.py \
--model=Xception41 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.045 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=Xception41_deeplab \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.045 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=Xception65 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=Xception65_deeplab \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.045 \
--num_epochs=120 \
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
python train.py \
--model=Xception71 \
--batch_size=256 \
--total_images=1281167 \
--image_shape=3,299,299 \
--class_dim=1000 \
--image_shape=3 299 299 \
--lr_strategy=cosine_decay \
--lr=0.1 \
--num_epochs=200 \
......@@ -17,25 +17,10 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
def set_paddle_flags(flags):
for key, value in flags.items():
if os.environ.get(key, None) is None:
os.environ[key] = str(value)
# NOTE(paddle-dev): All of these flags should be
# set before `import paddle`. Otherwise, it would
# not take any effect.
'FLAGS_eager_delete_tensor_gb': 0, # enable gc
'FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use': 0.98
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
from paddle.fluid import profiler
......@@ -48,8 +33,8 @@ from build_model import create_model
def build_program(is_train, main_prog, startup_prog, args):
"""build program, and add grad op in program accroding to different mode
is_train: mode: train or test
is_train: indicate train mode or test mode
main_prog: main program
startup_prog: strartup program
args: arguments
......@@ -59,11 +44,10 @@ def build_program(is_train, main_prog, startup_prog, args):
test mode: [Loss, data_loader]
if args.model.startswith('EfficientNet'):
is_test = False if is_train else True
override_params = {"drop_connect_rate": args.drop_connect_rate}
padding_type = args.padding_type
use_se = args.use_se
model = models.__dict__[args.model](is_test=is_test,
model = models.__dict__[args.model](is_test=not is_train,
......@@ -94,6 +78,7 @@ def build_program(is_train, main_prog, startup_prog, args):
return loss_out
def validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list, pass_id,
test_batch_time_record = []
......@@ -108,8 +93,7 @@ def validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list, pass_id,
test_batch_elapse = t2 - t1
test_batch_metrics_avg = np.mean(
np.array(test_batch_metrics), axis=1)
test_batch_metrics_avg = np.mean(np.array(test_batch_metrics), axis=1)
print_info(pass_id, test_batch_id, args.print_step,
......@@ -196,7 +180,8 @@ def train(args):
train_fetch_vars[0], exe)
for pass_id in range(args.num_epochs):
if num_trainers > 1 and not args.use_dali:
imagenet_reader.set_shuffle_seed(pass_id + (args.random_seed if args.random_seed else 0))
imagenet_reader.set_shuffle_seed(pass_id + (
args.random_seed if args.random_seed else 0))
train_batch_id = 0
train_batch_time_record = []
train_batch_metrics_record = []
......@@ -230,10 +215,12 @@ def train(args):
if args.use_ema:
print('ExponentialMovingAverage validate start...')
with ema.apply(exe):
validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list, pass_id, train_batch_metrics_record)
validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list,
pass_id, train_batch_metrics_record)
print('ExponentialMovingAverage validate over!')
validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list, pass_id, train_batch_metrics_record)
validate(args, test_iter, exe, test_prog, test_fetch_list, pass_id,
#For now, save model per epoch.
if pass_id % args.save_step == 0:
save_model(args, exe, train_prog, pass_id)
......@@ -241,6 +228,7 @@ def train(args):
if args.use_dali:
def main():
args = parse_args()
if int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID", 0)) == 0:
......@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ def parse_args():
add_arg('model', str, "ResNet50", "The name of network.")
add_arg('total_images', int, 1281167, "The number of total training images.")
parser.add_argument('--image_shape', nargs='+', type=int, default=[3, 224, 224], help="The shape of image")
add_arg('num_epochs', int, 120, "The number of total epochs.")
add_arg('class_dim', int, 1000, "The number of total classes.")
add_arg('image_shape', str, "3,224,224", "The size of Input image, order: [channels, height, weidth] ")
add_arg('batch_size', int, 8, "Minibatch size on a device.")
add_arg('test_batch_size', int, 16, "Test batch size on a deveice.")
add_arg('lr', float, 0.1, "The learning rate.")
......@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ def parse_args():
add_arg('lower_ratio', float, 3./4., "The value of lower_ratio in ramdom_crop")
add_arg('upper_ratio', float, 4./3., "The value of upper_ratio in ramdom_crop")
add_arg('resize_short_size', int, 256, "The value of resize_short_size")
add_arg('crop_size', int, 224, "The value of crop size")
add_arg('use_mixup', bool, False, "Whether to use mixup")
add_arg('mixup_alpha', float, 0.2, "The value of mixup_alpha")
add_arg('reader_thread', int, 8, "The number of multi thread reader")
......@@ -142,12 +141,14 @@ def parse_args():
add_arg('ema_decay', float, 0.9999, "The value of ema decay rate")
add_arg('padding_type', str, "SAME", "Padding type of convolution")
add_arg('use_se', bool, True, "Whether to use Squeeze-and-Excitation module for EfficientNet.")
# yapf: enable
#NOTE: args for profiler
add_arg('is_profiler', int, 0, "the profiler switch.(used for benchmark)")
add_arg('profiler_path', str, './', "the profiler output file path.(used for benchmark)")
add_arg('max_iter', int, 0, "the max train batch num.(used for benchmark)")
add_arg('validate', int, 1, "whether validate.(used for benchmark)")
# yapf: enable
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
......@@ -306,8 +307,7 @@ def create_data_loader(is_train, args):
data_loader and the input data of net,
image_shape = [int(m) for m in args.image_shape.split(",")]
image_shape = args.image_shape
feed_image = fluid.data(
shape=[None] + image_shape,
......@@ -387,7 +387,6 @@ def print_info(pass_id, batch_id, print_step, metrics, time_info, info_mode):
elif info_mode == "epoch":
## TODO add time elapse
#if isinstance(metrics,np.ndarray):
if len(metrics) == 5:
train_loss, _, test_loss, test_acc1, test_acc5 = metrics
......@@ -416,11 +415,12 @@ def best_strategy_compiled(args, program, loss, exe):
return program
build_strategy = fluid.compiler.BuildStrategy()
#Feature will be supported in Fluid v1.6
#build_strategy.enable_inplace = True
exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
exec_strategy.num_threads = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
if args.use_gpu:
exec_strategy.num_threads = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
exec_strategy.num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 10
num_trainers = int(os.environ.get('PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM', 1))
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