• J
    增加基于硬件耗时搜索功能及模型硬件耗时评估工具 (#3039) · e8f8acd4
    Jiancheng Li 提交于
    * minor fix
    * add getting ops from program
    * add obtaining op params from paddle program
    * add code reusage of light_nas_space
    * add comments to get_ops_from_program
    * add comments to get_ops_from_program
    * fixed bugs
    * add get_all_ops
    * add get_op_latency
    * add platform parameter for get_op_latency
    * add get_all_ops
    * add get ops from shortcut and se
    * bug fixed
    * fixed bugs
    * add refined code
    * bugs fixed
    * useless test codes and op files removed
    * modifying 7 to length of searched bottlenecks
    * bugs fixed
    * add softmax op in get_ops_from_program
    * remove resize ops in get_ops_from_program
    * add get_op_latency from paddle-mobile and modify getting fc op params
    * add fc op params
    * add batch norm in light_nas_space
    * bugs fixed
    * update light_nas_space: add get_model_latency
    * bug fixed
    * bug fixed
    * bug fixed
    * update get_latency_lookup_table
    * add bias of fc layer in get_all_ops
    * add docs for light-nas with latency
    * update doc for light-nas
    * add first part of method descriptions for light-nas based on android and ios
    * add descriptions for lightnas basd on android and ios in demo and usage and modify get_latency_lookup_table
    * fix errors in usage.md
    * fix errors among the contents of android system in usage.md
    * fix errors among the contents of ios system in usage.md
    * add descriptions in demo.md about lightnas based on android and ios
    * add auxillary methods for generating bin files and .a files for op latency test
    * add links for latency estimation tools
    * minor fix in usage.md
    * minor errors fixed in usage.md
    * update LightNAS usage
    * update docs
    * update get_latency_lookup_table.
    * add information for get latency lookup table
    * add current searched models and their corresponding accuracies for android and ios systems
    * bugs in fc_op_prams are fixed in get_ops_from_program.py test=develop
    * update docs
    * update docs
    * update docs
    * update PaddleSlim results
    * add more lr_strategy
    * update docs
    * update PaddleSlim results
    * update docs
    * minor update
    * minor update
    * modify get_latency_lookup_table.py to make it compatible for python2 and python3; modify usage.md to update the information of PaddleMobile to Paddle-Lite
    * minor update to be compatible for py3
    * modify get_latency_lookup_table.py to make it compatible for python2 and python3
    * convert float number in get_all_ops to int number in order to make it compatible for both python2 and python3
    * remove print in get_latency_lookup_table.py
    * update docs
    * fixed bugs in get_all_ops
    * fix merge conflicts
    * fix merge conflicts
get_latency_lookup_table.py 2.8 KB