• F
    update to 1.6 APIs and fix bugs with tensorboard. (#3663) · e47730a0
    Feiyu Chan 提交于
    * ini commit for deepvoice, add tensorboard to requirements
    * fix urls for code we adapted from
    * fix makedirs for python2, fix README
    * fix open with encoding for python2 compatability
    * fix python2's str(), use encode for unicode, and str() for int
    * fix python2 encoding issue, add model architecture and project structure for README
    * add model structure, add explanation for hyperparameter priority order.
    * fix repitiio n in README_cn, and reorder that in README
    * README update; fix integer division issues for python2 compatability
    * fix data type for input data, specifier the int type as np.int64 to be platform agnostic
    * fix README for preprocess.py, use io.open instead of open for python2 compatability.
    * update commanline options, use new save/load API
    * fix IO conflict bug for data parallel training
    * only construct summary writer in process 0 to further avoid conflict
deepvoice3.py 58.6 KB