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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import random
import paddle
import numpy as np

from PIL import Image

from utils.cityscapes import CityScapes

__all__ = ['cityscapes_train', 'cityscapes_val', 'cityscapes_train_val', 'cityscapes_test']

#  globals
data_mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(3, 1, 1)
data_std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape(3, 1, 1)

def mapper_train(sample):
    image_path, label_path, city = sample
    image =, mode='r').convert('RGB')
    label =, mode='r')

    image, label = city.sync_transform(image, label)
    image_array = np.array(image)  # HWC
    label_array = np.array(label)  # HW

    image_array = image_array.transpose((2, 0, 1))  # CHW
    image_array = image_array / 255.0
    image_array = (image_array - data_mean) / data_std
    image_array = image_array.astype('float32')
    label_array = label_array.astype('int64')
    return image_array, label_array

def mapper_val(sample):
    image_path, label_path, city = sample
    image =, mode='r').convert('RGB')
    label =, mode='r')

    image, label = city.sync_val_transform(image, label)
    image_array = np.array(image)  # HWC
    label_array = np.array(label)  # HW

    image_array = image_array.transpose((2, 0, 1))  # CHW
    image_array = image_array / 255.0
    image_array = (image_array - data_mean) / data_std
    image_array = image_array.astype('float32')
    label_array = label_array.astype('int64')
    return image_array, label_array

def mapper_test(sample):
    image_path, label_path = sample  # label is path
    image =, mode='r').convert('RGB')
    image_array = image
    return image_array, label_path  # image is a picture, label is path

# root, base_size, crop_size; gpu_num必须设置,否则syncBN会出现某些卡没有数据的情况
def cityscapes_train(data_root='./dataset', base_size=1024, crop_size=768, scale=True, xmap=True, batch_size=1, gpu_num=1):
    city = CityScapes(root=data_root, split='train', base_size=base_size, crop_size=crop_size, scale=scale)
    image_path, label_path = city.get_path_pairs()

    def reader():
        if len(image_path) % (batch_size * gpu_num) != 0:
            length = (len(image_path) // (batch_size * gpu_num)) * (batch_size * gpu_num)
            length = len(image_path)
        for i in range(length):
            if i == 0:
                cc = list(zip(image_path, label_path))
                image_path[:], label_path[:] = zip(*cc)
            yield image_path[i], label_path[i], city
    if xmap:
        return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper_train, reader, 4, 32)
        return paddle.reader.map_readers(mapper_train, reader)

def cityscapes_val(data_root='./dataset', base_size=1024, crop_size=768, scale=True, xmap=True):
    city = CityScapes(root=data_root, split='val', base_size=base_size, crop_size=crop_size, scale=scale)
    image_path, label_path = city.get_path_pairs()

    def reader():
        for i in range(len(image_path)):
            yield image_path[i], label_path[i], city

    if xmap:
        return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper_val, reader, 4, 32)
        return paddle.reader.map_readers(mapper_val, reader)

def cityscapes_train_val(data_root='./dataset', base_size=1024, crop_size=768, scale=True, xmap=True, batch_size=1, gpu_num=1):
    city = CityScapes(root=data_root, split='train_val', base_size=base_size, crop_size=crop_size, scale=scale)
    image_path, label_path = city.get_path_pairs()

    def reader():
        if len(image_path) % (batch_size * gpu_num) != 0:
            length = (len(image_path) // (batch_size * gpu_num)) * (batch_size * gpu_num)
            length = len(image_path)
        for i in range(length):
            if i == 0:
                cc = list(zip(image_path, label_path))
                image_path[:], label_path[:] = zip(*cc)
            yield image_path[i], label_path[i], city

    if xmap:
        return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper_train, reader, 4, 32)
        return paddle.reader.map_readers(mapper_train, reader)

def cityscapes_test(split='test', base_size=2048, crop_size=1024, scale=True, xmap=True):
    # 实际未使用base_size, crop_size, scale
    city = CityScapes(split=split, base_size=base_size, crop_size=crop_size, scale=scale)
    image_path, label_path = city.get_path_pairs()

    def reader():
        for i in range(len(image_path)):
            yield image_path[i], label_path[i]
    if xmap:
        return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper_test, reader, 4, 32)
        return paddle.reader.map_readers(mapper_test, reader)