#!/bin/bash gpu_id=0 # start ernie service # usage: sh start.sh port gpu_id cd ernie_server nohup sh start.sh 5118 $gpu_id > ernie.log 2>&1 & cd .. # start xlnet service cd xlnet_server nohup sh start.sh 5119 $gpu_id > xlnet.log 2>&1 & cd .. # start bert service
cd bert_server
nohup sh start.sh 5120 $gpu_id > bert.log 2>&1 &
cd ..
sleep 3 # start main server # usage: python main_server.py --model_name # the model_name specifies the model to be used in the ensemble. nohup python main_server.py --ernie --xlnet > main_server.log 2>&1 &