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import os
import sys
import cPickle
import random
import numpy as np
import math

import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import functools

import pdb


BUF_SIZE = 1024

calculate temporal intersection over union
def calculate_IoU(i0, i1):
    union = (min(i0[0], i1[0]), max(i0[1], i1[1]))
    inter = (max(i0[0], i1[0]), min(i0[1], i1[1]))
    iou = 1.0*(inter[1]-inter[0])/(union[1]-union[0])
    return iou

calculate the non Intersection part over Length ratia, make sure the input IoU is larger than 0
def calculate_nIoL(base, sliding_clip):
    inter = (max(base[0], sliding_clip[0]), min(base[1], sliding_clip[1]))
    inter_l = inter[1]-inter[0]
    length = sliding_clip[1]-sliding_clip[0]
    nIoL = 1.0*(length-inter_l)/length
    return nIoL

def get_context_window(sliding_clip_path, clip_name, win_length, context_size, feats_dimen):
    # compute left (pre) and right (post) context features based on read_unit_level_feats().
    movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
    start = int(clip_name.split("_")[1])
    end = int(clip_name.split("_")[2].split(".")[0])
    clip_length = context_size
    left_context_feats = np.zeros([win_length, feats_dimen], dtype=np.float32)
    right_context_feats = np.zeros([win_length, feats_dimen], dtype=np.float32)
    last_left_feat = np.load(sliding_clip_path+clip_name)
    last_right_feat = np.load(sliding_clip_path+clip_name)
    for k in range(win_length):
        left_context_start = start - clip_length * (k + 1)
        left_context_end = start - clip_length * k
        right_context_start = end + clip_length * k
        right_context_end = end + clip_length * (k + 1)
        left_context_name = movie_name + "_" + str(left_context_start) + "_" + str(left_context_end) + ".npy"
        right_context_name = movie_name + "_" + str(right_context_start) + "_" + str(right_context_end) + ".npy"
        if os.path.exists(sliding_clip_path+left_context_name):
            left_context_feat = np.load(sliding_clip_path+left_context_name)
            last_left_feat = left_context_feat
            left_context_feat = last_left_feat
        if os.path.exists(sliding_clip_path+right_context_name):
            right_context_feat = np.load(sliding_clip_path+right_context_name)
            last_right_feat = right_context_feat
            right_context_feat = last_right_feat
        left_context_feats[k] = left_context_feat
        right_context_feats[k] = right_context_feat
    return np.mean(left_context_feats, axis=0), np.mean(right_context_feats, axis=0)

def process_data(sample, is_train):
    clip_sentence_pair, sliding_clip_path, context_num, context_size, feats_dimen , sent_vec_dim = sample

    if is_train:
        offset = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float32)

        clip_name = clip_sentence_pair[0]
        feat_path = sliding_clip_path+clip_sentence_pair[2]
        featmap = np.load(feat_path)
        left_context_feat, right_context_feat = get_context_window(sliding_clip_path, clip_sentence_pair[2], context_num, context_size, feats_dimen)
        image = np.hstack((left_context_feat, featmap, right_context_feat))
        sentence = clip_sentence_pair[1][:sent_vec_dim]
        p_offset = clip_sentence_pair[3]
        l_offset = clip_sentence_pair[4]
        offset[0] = p_offset
        offset[1] = l_offset

        return image, sentence, offset

def make_train_reader(cfg, clip_sentence_pairs_iou, shuffle=False, is_train=True):
    sliding_clip_path = cfg.TRAIN.sliding_clip_path
    context_num = cfg.TRAIN.context_num
    context_size = cfg.TRAIN.context_size
    feats_dimen = cfg.TRAIN.feats_dimen
    sent_vec_dim = cfg.TRAIN.sent_vec_dim

    def reader():
        if shuffle:
        for clip_sentence_pair in clip_sentence_pairs_iou:
            yield [clip_sentence_pair, sliding_clip_path, context_num, context_size, feats_dimen, sent_vec_dim]
    mapper = functools.partial(

    return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper, reader, THREAD, BUF_SIZE)

def train(cfg):
    ## TALL
    feats_dimen = cfg.TRAIN.feats_dimen
    context_num = cfg.TRAIN.context_num
    context_size = cfg.TRAIN.context_size
    visual_feature_dim = cfg.TRAIN.visual_feature_dim
    sent_vec_dim = cfg.TRAIN.sent_vec_dim
    sliding_clip_path = cfg.TRAIN.sliding_clip_path
    cs = cPickle.load(open(cfg.TRAIN.train_clip_sentvec))
    movie_length_info = cPickle.load(open(cfg.TRAIN.movie_length_info))
    clip_sentence_pairs = []
    for l in cs:
        clip_name = l[0]
        sent_vecs = l[1]
        for sent_vec in sent_vecs:
            clip_sentence_pairs.append((clip_name, sent_vec)) #10146
    print "TRAIN: " + str(len(clip_sentence_pairs))+" clip-sentence pairs are readed"

    movie_names_set = set()
    movie_clip_names = {}
    # read groundtruth sentence-clip pairs
    for k in range(len(clip_sentence_pairs)):
        clip_name = clip_sentence_pairs[k][0]
        movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
        if not movie_name in movie_names_set:
            movie_clip_names[movie_name] = []
    movie_names = list(movie_names_set)
    num_samples = len(clip_sentence_pairs)
    print "TRAIN: " + str(len(movie_names))+" movies."

    # read sliding windows, and match them with the groundtruths to make training samples
    sliding_clips_tmp = os.listdir(sliding_clip_path) #161396
    clip_sentence_pairs_iou = []

    #count = 0
    for clip_name in sliding_clips_tmp:
        if clip_name.split(".")[2]=="npy":
            movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
            for clip_sentence in clip_sentence_pairs:
                original_clip_name = clip_sentence[0]
                original_movie_name = original_clip_name.split("_")[0]
                if original_movie_name==movie_name:
                    start = int(clip_name.split("_")[1])
                    end = int(clip_name.split("_")[2].split(".")[0])
                    o_start = int(original_clip_name.split("_")[1])
                    o_end = int(original_clip_name.split("_")[2].split(".")[0])
                    iou = calculate_IoU((start, end), (o_start, o_end))
                    if iou>0.5:
                        nIoL=calculate_nIoL((o_start, o_end), (start, end))
                        if nIoL<0.15:
                            movie_length = movie_length_info[movie_name.split(".")[0]]
                            start_offset = o_start-start
                            end_offset = o_end-end
                            clip_sentence_pairs_iou.append((clip_sentence[0], clip_sentence[1], clip_name, start_offset, end_offset))
    #                        count += 1
    #    if count > 200:
    #        break
    num_samples_iou = len(clip_sentence_pairs_iou)
    print "TRAIN: " + str(len(clip_sentence_pairs_iou))+" iou clip-sentence pairs are readed"
    return make_train_reader(cfg, clip_sentence_pairs_iou, shuffle=True, is_train=True)

class TACoS_Test_dataset():
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.context_num = cfg.TEST.context_num 
        self.visual_feature_dim = cfg.TEST.visual_feature_dim
        self.feats_dimen = cfg.TEST.feats_dimen
        self.context_size = cfg.TEST.context_size
        self.semantic_size = cfg.TEST.semantic_size
        self.sliding_clip_path = cfg.TEST.sliding_clip_path
        self.sent_vec_dim = cfg.TEST.sent_vec_dim
        self.cs = cPickle.load(open(cfg.TEST.test_clip_sentvec))
        self.clip_sentence_pairs = []
        for l in self.cs:
            clip_name = l[0]
            sent_vecs = l[1]
            for sent_vec in sent_vecs:
                self.clip_sentence_pairs.append((clip_name, sent_vec))
        print "TEST: " + str(len(self.clip_sentence_pairs)) + " pairs are readed"
        movie_names_set = set()
        self.movie_clip_names = {}
        for k in range(len(self.clip_sentence_pairs)):
            clip_name = self.clip_sentence_pairs[k][0]
            movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
            if not movie_name in movie_names_set:
                self.movie_clip_names[movie_name] = []
        self.movie_names = list(movie_names_set)
        print "TEST: " + str(len(self.movie_names)) + " movies."

        self.clip_num_per_movie_max = 0
        for movie_name in self.movie_clip_names:
            if len(self.movie_clip_names[movie_name])>self.clip_num_per_movie_max: self.clip_num_per_movie_max = len(self.movie_clip_names[movie_name])
        print "TEST: " + "Max number of clips in a movie is "+str(self.clip_num_per_movie_max)

        sliding_clips_tmp = os.listdir(self.sliding_clip_path) # 62741
        self.sliding_clip_names = []
        for clip_name in sliding_clips_tmp:
            if clip_name.split(".")[2]=="npy":
                movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
                if movie_name in self.movie_clip_names:
        self.num_samples = len(self.clip_sentence_pairs)
        print "TEST: " + "sliding clips number: "+str(len(self.sliding_clip_names))

    def get_test_context_window(self, clip_name, win_length):
        # compute left (pre) and right (post) context features based on read_unit_level_feats().
        movie_name = clip_name.split("_")[0]
        start = int(clip_name.split("_")[1])
        end = int(clip_name.split("_")[2].split(".")[0])
        clip_length = self.context_size #128
        left_context_feats = np.zeros([win_length, self.feats_dimen], dtype=np.float32) #(1,4096)
        right_context_feats = np.zeros([win_length, self.feats_dimen], dtype=np.float32)#(1,4096)
        last_left_feat = np.load(self.sliding_clip_path+clip_name)
        last_right_feat = np.load(self.sliding_clip_path+clip_name)
        for k in range(win_length):
            left_context_start = start - clip_length * (k + 1)
            left_context_end = start - clip_length * k
            right_context_start = end + clip_length * k
            right_context_end = end + clip_length * (k + 1)
            left_context_name = movie_name + "_" + str(left_context_start) + "_" + str(left_context_end) + ".npy"
            right_context_name = movie_name + "_" + str(right_context_start) + "_" + str(right_context_end) + ".npy"
            if os.path.exists(self.sliding_clip_path+left_context_name):
                left_context_feat = np.load(self.sliding_clip_path+left_context_name)
                last_left_feat = left_context_feat
                left_context_feat = last_left_feat
            if os.path.exists(self.sliding_clip_path+right_context_name):
                right_context_feat = np.load(self.sliding_clip_path+right_context_name)
                last_right_feat = right_context_feat
                right_context_feat = last_right_feat
            left_context_feats[k] = left_context_feat
            right_context_feats[k] = right_context_feat
        return np.mean(left_context_feats, axis=0), np.mean(right_context_feats, axis=0)

    def load_movie_slidingclip(self, movie_name, sample_num):
        # load unit level feats and sentence vector
        movie_clip_sentences = []
        movie_clip_featmap = []
        clip_set = set()
        for k in range(len(self.clip_sentence_pairs)):
            if movie_name in self.clip_sentence_pairs[k][0]:
                movie_clip_sentences.append((self.clip_sentence_pairs[k][0], self.clip_sentence_pairs[k][1][:self.semantic_size]))
        for k in range(len(self.sliding_clip_names)):
            if movie_name in self.sliding_clip_names[k]:
                # print str(k)+"/"+str(len(self.movie_clip_names[movie_name]))
                visual_feature_path = self.sliding_clip_path+self.sliding_clip_names[k]+".npy"
                left_context_feat,right_context_feat = self.get_test_context_window(self.sliding_clip_names[k]+".npy",1)
                feature_data = np.load(visual_feature_path)
                comb_feat = np.hstack((left_context_feat,feature_data,right_context_feat))
                movie_clip_featmap.append((self.sliding_clip_names[k], comb_feat))
        return movie_clip_featmap, movie_clip_sentences