That is, for a dataset of size $n$, MSE is the average value of the the prediction sqaure errors.
### Training
### Training Process
After setting up our model, there are several major steps to go through to train it:
1. Initialize the parameters including the weights $\vec{\omega}$ and the bias $b$. For example, we can set their mean values as $0$s, and their standard deviations as $1$s.
@@ -90,22 +90,6 @@ After setting up our model, there are several major steps to go through to train
4. Repeat steps 2~3, until the loss is below a predefined threshold or the maximum number of epochs is reached.
## Dataset
### Python Dataset Modules
Our program starts with importing necessary packages:
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import numpy
We encapsulated the [UCI Housing Data Set]( in our Python module `uci_housing`. This module can
1. download the dataset to `~/.cache/paddle/dataset/uci_housing/`, if you haven't yet, and
2. [preprocess](#preprocessing) the dataset.
### An Introduction of the Dataset
The UCI housing dataset has 506 instances. Each instance describes the attributes of a house in surburban Boston. The attributes are explained below:
@@ -155,8 +139,26 @@ We split the dataset in two, one for adjusting the model parameters, namely, for
When training complex models, we usually have one more split: the validation set. Complex models usually have [Hyperparameters]( that need to be set before the training process, such as the number of layers in the network. Because hyperparameters are not part of the model parameters, they cannot be trained using the same loss function. Thus we will try several sets of hyperparameters to train several models and cross-validate them on the validation set to pick the best one; finally, the selected trained model is tested on the test set. Because our model is relatively simple, we will omit this validation process.
## Datafeeder Configuration
We first define data feeders for test and train. The feeder reads a `BATCH_SIZE` of data each time and feed them to the training/testing process. If the user wants some randomness on the data order, she can define both a `BATCH_SIZE` and a `buf_size`. That way the datafeeder will yield the first `BATCH_SIZE` data out of a shuffle of the first `buf_size` data.
## Training
`fit_a_line/` demonstrates the training using [PaddlePaddle](
### Datafeeder Configuration
Our program starts with importing necessary packages:
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import numpy
We encapsulated the [UCI Housing Data Set]( in our Python module `uci_housing`. This module can
1. download the dataset to `~/.cache/paddle/dataset/uci_housing/`, if you haven't yet, and
2. [preprocess](#preprocessing) the dataset.
We define data feeders for test and train. The feeder reads a `BATCH_SIZE` of data each time and feed them to the training/testing process. If the user wants some randomness on the data order, she can define both a `BATCH_SIZE` and a `buf_size`. That way the datafeeder will yield the first `BATCH_SIZE` data out of a shuffle of the first `buf_size` data.
@@ -172,10 +174,6 @@ test_reader = paddle.batch(
## Training
`fit_a_line/` demonstrates the training using [PaddlePaddle](
### Train Program Configuration
`train_program` sets up the network structure of this current training model. For linear regression, it is simply a fully connected layer from the input to the output. More complex structures like CNN and RNN will be introduced in later chapters. The `train_program` must return an avg_loss as its first returned parameter because it is needed in backpropagation.
- Concatenate n-1 word embedding vectors into a single feature vector.
Unlike from the previous PaddlePaddle v2, in the new API (Fluid), we do not need to calculate word embedding ourselves. PaddlePaddle provides a built-in method `fluid.layers.embedding` and we can use it directly to build our N-gram neural network model.
- We define our N-gram neural network structure as below. This structure will be used both in `train` and in `infer`
- Hidden feature vector will go through another fully conected layer, turn into a $|V|$ dimensional vector. At the same time softmax will be applied to get the probability of each word being generated.
Next, we will begin the training process. `paddle.dataset.imikolov.train()` and `paddle.dataset.imikolov.test()` is our training set and test set. Both of the function will return a **reader**: In PaddlePaddle, reader is a python function which returns a Python iterator which output a single data instance at a time.
- Now we will begin the training process. It is relatively simple compared to the previous version. `paddle.dataset.imikolov.train()` and `paddle.dataset.imikolov.test()` are our training and test set. Both of the functions will return a **reader**: In PaddlePaddle, reader is a python function which returns a Python iterator which output a single data instance at a time.
`paddle.batch` takes reader as input, outputs a **batched reader**: In PaddlePaddle, a reader outputs a single data instance at a time but batched reader outputs a minibatch of data instances.
`event_handler` can be passed into `trainer.train` so that we can do some tasks after each step or epoch. These tasks include recording current metrics or terminate current training process.
After the model is trained, we can load the saved model parameters and use it for other models. We can also use the parameters in various applications.
After the model is trained, we can load the saved model parameters and do some inference.
### Viewing Word Vector
### Predicting the next word
Parameters trained by PaddlePaddle can be viewed by `parameters.get()`. For example, we can check the word vector for word `apple`.
We can use our trained model to predict the next word given its previous N-gram. For example
When we spent 30 mins in training, the output is like below, which means the next word for `among a group of` is `unknown`. After several hours training, it gives a meaningful prediction as `workers`.
Cosine similarity is one way of quantifying the similarity between two vectors. The range of result is $[-1, 1]$. The bigger the value, the similar two vectors are:
This chapter introduces word embeddings, the relationship between language model and word embedding, and how to train neural networks to learn word embedding.
In information retrieval, the relevance between the query and document keyword can be computed through the cosine similarity of their word embeddings. In grammar analysis and semantic analysis, a previously trained word embedding can initialize models for better performance. In document classification, clustering the word embedding can group synonyms in the documents. We hope that readers can use word embedding models in their work after reading this chapter.
In grammar analysis and semantic analysis, a previously trained word embedding can initialize models for better performance. We hope that readers can use word embedding models in their work after reading this chapter.
- Concatenate n-1 word embedding vectors into a single feature vector.
Unlike from the previous PaddlePaddle v2, in the new API (Fluid), we do not need to calculate word embedding ourselves. PaddlePaddle provides a built-in method `fluid.layers.embedding` and we can use it directly to build our N-gram neural network model.
- We define our N-gram neural network structure as below. This structure will be used both in `train` and in `infer`
- Hidden feature vector will go through another fully conected layer, turn into a $|V|$ dimensional vector. At the same time softmax will be applied to get the probability of each word being generated.
Next, we will begin the training process. `paddle.dataset.imikolov.train()` and `paddle.dataset.imikolov.test()` is our training set and test set. Both of the function will return a **reader**: In PaddlePaddle, reader is a python function which returns a Python iterator which output a single data instance at a time.
- Now we will begin the training process. It is relatively simple compared to the previous version. `paddle.dataset.imikolov.train()` and `paddle.dataset.imikolov.test()` are our training and test set. Both of the functions will return a **reader**: In PaddlePaddle, reader is a python function which returns a Python iterator which output a single data instance at a time.
`paddle.batch` takes reader as input, outputs a **batched reader**: In PaddlePaddle, a reader outputs a single data instance at a time but batched reader outputs a minibatch of data instances.
`event_handler` can be passed into `trainer.train` so that we can do some tasks after each step or epoch. These tasks include recording current metrics or terminate current training process.
After the model is trained, we can load the saved model parameters and use it for other models. We can also use the parameters in various applications.
Word vectors (`embeddings`) that we get is a numpy array. We can modify this array and set it back to `parameters`.
The main entrance of the program is fairly simple:
def modify_embedding(emb):
# Add your modification here.
parameters.set("_proj", embeddings)
### Calculating Cosine Similarity
def main(use_cuda, is_sparse):
if use_cuda and not fluid.core.is_compiled_with_cuda():
Cosine similarity is one way of quantifying the similarity between two vectors. The range of result is $[-1, 1]$. The bigger the value, the similar two vectors are:
This chapter introduces word embeddings, the relationship between language model and word embedding, and how to train neural networks to learn word embedding.
In information retrieval, the relevance between the query and document keyword can be computed through the cosine similarity of their word embeddings. In grammar analysis and semantic analysis, a previously trained word embedding can initialize models for better performance. In document classification, clustering the word embedding can group synonyms in the documents. We hope that readers can use word embedding models in their work after reading this chapter.
In grammar analysis and semantic analysis, a previously trained word embedding can initialize models for better performance. We hope that readers can use word embedding models in their work after reading this chapter.