未验证 提交 b5d917eb 编写于 作者: L Li Fuchen 提交者: GitHub

fix bugs in Readme.md of 04 and 07 (#831)

上级 1b2433ee
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ First, load packages:
from __future__ import print_function
import paddle as paddle
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import six
import numpy
......@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ import math
Then, define the parameters:
EMBED_SIZE = 32 # embedding dimensions
EMBED_SIZE = 32 # embedding dimensions
HIDDEN_SIZE = 256 # hidden layer size
N = 5 # ngram size, here fixed 5
BATCH_SIZE = 100 # batch size
PASS_NUM = 100 # Training rounds
N = 5 # ngram size, here fixed 5
BATCH_SIZE = 100 # batch size
PASS_NUM = 100 # Training rounds
use_cuda = False # Set to True if trained with GPU
use_cuda = False # Set to True if trained with GPU
word_dict = paddle.dataset.imikolov.build_dict()
dict_size = len(word_dict)
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ def train(if_use_cuda, params_dirname, is_sparse=True):
accumulated = [
x[0] + x[1][0] for x in zip(accumulated, avg_cost_np)
count += 1
count += 1
return [x / count for x in accumulated]
def train_loop():
......@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ def infer(use_cuda, params_dirname=None):
#Get the inference program using fluid.io.load_inference_model,
#feed variable name by feed_target_names and fetch fetch_targets from scope
[inferencer, feed_target_names,
fetch_targets] = fluid.io.load_inference_model(params_dirname, exe)
fetch_targets] = fluid.io.load_inference_model(params_dirname, exe)
# Set the input and use 4 LoDTensor to represent 4 words. Each word here is an id,
# Used to query the embedding table to get the corresponding word vector, so its shape size is [1].
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ First, load packages:
from __future__ import print_function
import paddle as paddle
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import six
import numpy
......@@ -256,13 +256,13 @@ import math
Then, define the parameters:
EMBED_SIZE = 32 # embedding dimensions
EMBED_SIZE = 32 # embedding dimensions
HIDDEN_SIZE = 256 # hidden layer size
N = 5 # ngram size, here fixed 5
BATCH_SIZE = 100 # batch size
PASS_NUM = 100 # Training rounds
N = 5 # ngram size, here fixed 5
BATCH_SIZE = 100 # batch size
PASS_NUM = 100 # Training rounds
use_cuda = False # Set to True if trained with GPU
use_cuda = False # Set to True if trained with GPU
word_dict = paddle.dataset.imikolov.build_dict()
dict_size = len(word_dict)
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ def train(if_use_cuda, params_dirname, is_sparse=True):
accumulated = [
x[0] + x[1][0] for x in zip(accumulated, avg_cost_np)
count += 1
count += 1
return [x / count for x in accumulated]
def train_loop():
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ def infer(use_cuda, params_dirname=None):
#Get the inference program using fluid.io.load_inference_model,
#feed variable name by feed_target_names and fetch fetch_targets from scope
[inferencer, feed_target_names,
fetch_targets] = fluid.io.load_inference_model(params_dirname, exe)
fetch_targets] = fluid.io.load_inference_model(params_dirname, exe)
# Set the input and use 4 LoDTensor to represent 4 words. Each word here is an id,
# Used to query the embedding table to get the corresponding word vector, so its shape size is [1].
......@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ print('pred_dict_len: ', pred_dict_len)
mark_dict_len = 2 # The dimension of the context area flag, which is a 0-1 2 value feature, so the dimension is 2
Word_dim = 32 # Word vector dimension
Mark_dim = 5 # The predicate context area is mapped to a real vector by the vocabulary, which is the adjacent dimension
Hidden_dim = 512 # LSTM Hidden Layer Vector Dimensions : 512 / 4
Depth = 8 # depth of stack LSTM
Mix_hidden_lr = 1e-3 # Basic learning rate of fundamental_chain_crf layer
word_dim = 32 # Word vector dimension
mark_dim = 5 # The predicate context area is mapped to a real vector by the vocabulary, which is the adjacent dimension
hidden_dim = 512 # LSTM Hidden Layer Vector Dimensions : 512 / 4
depth = 8 # depth of stack LSTM
mix_hidden_lr = 1e-3 # Basic learning rate of fundamental_chain_crf layer
IS_SPARSE = True # Whether to update embedding in sparse way
PASS_NUM = 10 # Training epoches
BATCH_SIZE = 10 # Batch size
Embeddding_name = 'emb'
embedding_name = 'emb'
It should be specially noted that the parameter `hidden_dim = 512` actually specifies the dimension of the LSTM hidden layer's vector is 128. For this, please refer to the description of `dynamic_lstm` in the official PaddlePaddle API documentation.
......@@ -250,17 +250,17 @@ print('pred_dict_len: ', pred_dict_len)
mark_dict_len = 2 # The dimension of the context area flag, which is a 0-1 2 value feature, so the dimension is 2
Word_dim = 32 # Word vector dimension
Mark_dim = 5 # The predicate context area is mapped to a real vector by the vocabulary, which is the adjacent dimension
Hidden_dim = 512 # LSTM Hidden Layer Vector Dimensions : 512 / 4
Depth = 8 # depth of stack LSTM
Mix_hidden_lr = 1e-3 # Basic learning rate of fundamental_chain_crf layer
word_dim = 32 # Word vector dimension
mark_dim = 5 # The predicate context area is mapped to a real vector by the vocabulary, which is the adjacent dimension
hidden_dim = 512 # LSTM Hidden Layer Vector Dimensions : 512 / 4
depth = 8 # depth of stack LSTM
mix_hidden_lr = 1e-3 # Basic learning rate of fundamental_chain_crf layer
IS_SPARSE = True # Whether to update embedding in sparse way
PASS_NUM = 10 # Training epoches
BATCH_SIZE = 10 # Batch size
Embeddding_name = 'emb'
embedding_name = 'emb'
It should be specially noted that the parameter `hidden_dim = 512` actually specifies the dimension of the LSTM hidden layer's vector is 128. For this, please refer to the description of `dynamic_lstm` in the official PaddlePaddle API documentation.
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