@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ To train a classifier based on MNIST dataset, before the introduction of three b
- $Y$ is the output: the output of the classifier is number (0-9), ie $Y=\left ( y_0, y_1, \dots, y_9 \right )$, and each dimension $y_i$ represents the probability of image classification as $i$th number.
- $Label$ is the actual label of the picture: $Label=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right ) $ is also 10 dimensions, but only one dimension represents 1, and the rest is 0. For example, if the number on an image is 2, its label is $(0,0,1,0, \dot, 0)$
- $Label$ is the actual label of the picture: $Label=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right ) $ is also 10 dimensions, but only one dimension represents 1, and the rest is 0. For example, if the number on an image is 2, its label is $(0,0,1,0, \dots, 0)$
### Softmax Regression
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ The convolutional kernel is a learnable parameter in the convolution operation.
- Local connection: Each neuron is connected to only one region of the input neuron, which is called Receptive Field. In the image convolution operation, that is, the neurons are locally connected in the spatial dimension (the plane in which the above examples H and W are located), but are fully connected in depth. For the two-dimensional image itself, the local pixels are strongly related. This local connection ensures that the learned filter makes the strongest response to local input features. The idea of local connection is also inspired by the structure of visual system in biology. The neurons in the visual cortex receive information locally.
- Weight sharing: The filters used to calculate neurons in the same deep slice are shared. For example, in Figure 4, the filter for each neuron calculated by $o[:,:,0]$ is the same, both are $W_0$, which can greatly reduce the parameters. The sharing weight is meaningful to a certain extent, for example, the bottom edge feature of the image is independent of the specific location of the feature in the graph. However, it is unintentional in some cases. For example, the input picture is a face, eyes and hair are in different positions. And to learn different features in different positions, please (refer to [Stanford University Open Class](http://cs231n.Github.io/convolutional-networks/)). Note that the weights are only shared for the neurons of the same depth slice. In the convolutional layer, multiple sets of convolutional kernels are usually used to extract different features, that is, the weights of neurons with different depth slices are not shared by the features with different depth slices. In addition, bias are shared by all neurons with the same depth.
- Weight sharing: The filters used to calculate neurons in the same deep slice are shared. For example, in Figure 5, the filter for each neuron calculated by $o[:,:,0]$ is the same, both are $W_0$, which can greatly reduce the parameters. The sharing weight is meaningful to a certain extent, for example, the bottom edge feature of the image is independent of the specific location of the feature in the graph. However, it is unintentional in some cases. For example, the input picture is a face, eyes and hair are in different positions. And to learn different features in different positions, please (refer to [Stanford University Open Class](http://cs231n.Github.io/convolutional-networks/)). Note that the weights are only shared for the neurons of the same depth slice. In the convolutional layer, multiple sets of convolutional kernels are usually used to extract different features, that is, the weights of neurons with different depth slices are not shared by the features with different depth slices. In addition, bias are shared by all neurons with the same depth.
By introducing the calculation process of convolution and its features, convolution could be seen as a linear operation with shift-invariant, which is the same operation performed at each position of the image. The local connection and weight sharing of the convolutional layer greatly reduce the parameters that need to be learned, which helps with training larger convolutional neural networks.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ To train a classifier based on MNIST dataset, before the introduction of three b
- $Y$ is the output: the output of the classifier is number (0-9), ie $Y=\left ( y_0, y_1, \dots, y_9 \right )$, and each dimension $y_i$ represents the probability of image classification as $i$th number.
- $Label$ is the actual label of the picture: $Label=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right ) $ is also 10 dimensions, but only one dimension represents 1, and the rest is 0. For example, if the number on an image is 2, its label is $(0,0,1,0, \dot, 0)$
- $Label$ is the actual label of the picture: $Label=\left ( l_0, l_1, \dots, l_9 \right ) $ is also 10 dimensions, but only one dimension represents 1, and the rest is 0. For example, if the number on an image is 2, its label is $(0,0,1,0, \dots, 0)$
### Softmax Regression
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ The convolutional kernel is a learnable parameter in the convolution operation.
- Local connection: Each neuron is connected to only one region of the input neuron, which is called Receptive Field. In the image convolution operation, that is, the neurons are locally connected in the spatial dimension (the plane in which the above examples H and W are located), but are fully connected in depth. For the two-dimensional image itself, the local pixels are strongly related. This local connection ensures that the learned filter makes the strongest response to local input features. The idea of local connection is also inspired by the structure of visual system in biology. The neurons in the visual cortex receive information locally.
- Weight sharing: The filters used to calculate neurons in the same deep slice are shared. For example, in Figure 4, the filter for each neuron calculated by $o[:,:,0]$ is the same, both are $W_0$, which can greatly reduce the parameters. The sharing weight is meaningful to a certain extent, for example, the bottom edge feature of the image is independent of the specific location of the feature in the graph. However, it is unintentional in some cases. For example, the input picture is a face, eyes and hair are in different positions. And to learn different features in different positions, please (refer to [Stanford University Open Class](http://cs231n.Github.io/convolutional-networks/)). Note that the weights are only shared for the neurons of the same depth slice. In the convolutional layer, multiple sets of convolutional kernels are usually used to extract different features, that is, the weights of neurons with different depth slices are not shared by the features with different depth slices. In addition, bias are shared by all neurons with the same depth.
- Weight sharing: The filters used to calculate neurons in the same deep slice are shared. For example, in Figure 5, the filter for each neuron calculated by $o[:,:,0]$ is the same, both are $W_0$, which can greatly reduce the parameters. The sharing weight is meaningful to a certain extent, for example, the bottom edge feature of the image is independent of the specific location of the feature in the graph. However, it is unintentional in some cases. For example, the input picture is a face, eyes and hair are in different positions. And to learn different features in different positions, please (refer to [Stanford University Open Class](http://cs231n.Github.io/convolutional-networks/)). Note that the weights are only shared for the neurons of the same depth slice. In the convolutional layer, multiple sets of convolutional kernels are usually used to extract different features, that is, the weights of neurons with different depth slices are not shared by the features with different depth slices. In addition, bias are shared by all neurons with the same depth.
By introducing the calculation process of convolution and its features, convolution could be seen as a linear operation with shift-invariant, which is the same operation performed at each position of the image. The local connection and weight sharing of the convolutional layer greatly reduce the parameters that need to be learned, which helps with training larger convolutional neural networks.
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ with fluid.scope_guard(inference_scope):
[17] Szegedy, C., Ioffe, S., Vanhoucke, V. [Inception-v4, inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07261). arXiv:1602.07261 (2016).
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective]((http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5)). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[19] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., and Sun, J. [Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852). ArXiv e-prints, February 2015.
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ The traditional image classification method consists of multiple stages. The fra
[17] Szegedy, C., Ioffe, S., Vanhoucke, V. [Inception-v4, inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07261). arXiv:1602.07261 (2016).
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective]((http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5)). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[19] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., and Sun, J. [Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852). ArXiv e-prints, February 2015.
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ with fluid.scope_guard(inference_scope):
[17] Szegedy, C., Ioffe, S., Vanhoucke, V. [Inception-v4, inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07261). arXiv:1602.07261 (2016).
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective]((http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5)). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[19] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., and Sun, J. [Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852). ArXiv e-prints, February 2015.
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ The traditional image classification method consists of multiple stages. The fra
[17] Szegedy, C., Ioffe, S., Vanhoucke, V. [Inception-v4, inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07261). arXiv:1602.07261 (2016).
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective]((http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5)). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[18] Everingham, M., Eslami, S. M. A., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A. [The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11263-014-0733-5). International Journal of Computer Vision, 111(1), 98-136, 2015.
[19] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., and Sun, J. [Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01852). ArXiv e-prints, February 2015.
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ with fluid.scope_guard(inference_scope):
2. Sarwar, Badrul, et al. "[Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms.](http://files.grouplens.org/papers/www10_sarwar.pdf)" *Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web*. ACM, 2001.
3. Kautz, Henry, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah. "[Referral Web: combining social networks and collaborative filtering.](http://www.cs.cornell.edu/selman/papers/pdf/97.cacm.refweb.pdf)" Communications of the ACM 40.3 (1997): 63-65. APA
4.[Peter Brusilovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Brusilovsky) (2007). *The Adaptive Web*. p. 325.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web Recommender Systems](http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/courses/CS411/2010/Book%20-%20The%20Adaptive%20Web/HybridWebRecommenderSystems.pdf), pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web Recommender Systems](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
6. Yuan, Jianbo, et al. ["Solving Cold-Start Problem in Large-scale Recommendation Engines: A Deep Learning Approach."](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.05480v1.pdf)*arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05480* (2016).
7. Covington P, Adams J, Sargin E. [Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/45530.pdf)[C]//Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, 2016: 191-198.
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ This chapter introduced the traditional personalized recommendation system metho
2. Sarwar, Badrul, et al. "[Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms.](http://files.grouplens.org/papers/www10_sarwar.pdf)" *Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web*. ACM, 2001.
3. Kautz, Henry, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah. "[Referral Web: combining social networks and collaborative filtering.](http://www.cs.cornell.edu/selman/papers/pdf/97.cacm.refweb.pdf)" Communications of the ACM 40.3 (1997): 63-65. APA
4.[Peter Brusilovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Brusilovsky) (2007). *The Adaptive Web*. p. 325.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web recommendation systems](http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/courses/CS411/2010/Book%20-%20The%20Adaptive%20Web/HybridWebRecommenderSystems.pdf), pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web recommendation systems](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
6. Yuan, Jianbo, et al. ["Solving Cold-Start Problem in Large-scale Recommendation Engines: A Deep Learning Approach."](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.05480v1.pdf)*arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05480* (2016).
7. Covington P, Adams J, Sargin E. [Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/45530.pdf)[C]//Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on recommendation systems. ACM, 2016: 191-198.
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ with fluid.scope_guard(inference_scope):
2. Sarwar, Badrul, et al. "[Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms.](http://files.grouplens.org/papers/www10_sarwar.pdf)" *Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web*. ACM, 2001.
3. Kautz, Henry, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah. "[Referral Web: combining social networks and collaborative filtering.](http://www.cs.cornell.edu/selman/papers/pdf/97.cacm.refweb.pdf)" Communications of the ACM 40.3 (1997): 63-65. APA
4. [Peter Brusilovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Brusilovsky) (2007). *The Adaptive Web*. p. 325.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web Recommender Systems](http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/courses/CS411/2010/Book%20-%20The%20Adaptive%20Web/HybridWebRecommenderSystems.pdf), pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web Recommender Systems](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
6. Yuan, Jianbo, et al. ["Solving Cold-Start Problem in Large-scale Recommendation Engines: A Deep Learning Approach."](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.05480v1.pdf) *arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05480* (2016).
7. Covington P, Adams J, Sargin E. [Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/45530.pdf)[C]//Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, 2016: 191-198.
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ This chapter introduced the traditional personalized recommendation system metho
2. Sarwar, Badrul, et al. "[Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms.](http://files.grouplens.org/papers/www10_sarwar.pdf)" *Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web*. ACM, 2001.
3. Kautz, Henry, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah. "[Referral Web: combining social networks and collaborative filtering.](http://www.cs.cornell.edu/selman/papers/pdf/97.cacm.refweb.pdf)" Communications of the ACM 40.3 (1997): 63-65. APA
4. [Peter Brusilovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Brusilovsky) (2007). *The Adaptive Web*. p. 325.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web recommendation systems](http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~acristea/courses/CS411/2010/Book%20-%20The%20Adaptive%20Web/HybridWebRecommenderSystems.pdf), pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
5. Robin Burke , [Hybrid Web recommendation systems](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, pp. 377-408, The Adaptive Web, Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4321, May 2007, 978-3-540-72078-2.
6. Yuan, Jianbo, et al. ["Solving Cold-Start Problem in Large-scale Recommendation Engines: A Deep Learning Approach."](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.05480v1.pdf) *arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05480* (2016).
7. Covington P, Adams J, Sargin E. [Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/45530.pdf)[C]//Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on recommendation systems. ACM, 2016: 191-198.
The network input `input_dim` indicates the size of the dictionary, and `class_dim` indicates the number of categories. Here, we implement the convolution and pooling operations using the [`sequence_conv_pool`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/trainer_config_helpers/networks.py) API.
The network input `input_dim` indicates the size of the dictionary, and `class_dim` indicates the number of categories. Here, we implement the convolution and pooling operations using the [`sequence_conv_pool`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/fluid/nets.py) API.
The network input `input_dim` indicates the size of the dictionary, and `class_dim` indicates the number of categories. Here, we implement the convolution and pooling operations using the [`sequence_conv_pool`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/trainer_config_helpers/networks.py) API.
The network input `input_dim` indicates the size of the dictionary, and `class_dim` indicates the number of categories. Here, we implement the convolution and pooling operations using the [`sequence_conv_pool`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/fluid/nets.py) API.
2. Pascanu R, Gulcehre C, Cho K, et al. [How to construct deep recurrent neural networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6026)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6026, 2013.
3. Cho K, Van Merriënboer B, Gulcehre C, et al. [Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1078, 2014.
4. Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. [Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate](https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15/doppa14a/source/biblio.bib.old)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=cis_papers)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
6. 李航. 统计学习方法[J]. 清华大学出版社, 北京, 2012.
7. Marcus M P, Marcinkiewicz M A, Santorini B. [Building a large annotated corpus of English: The Penn Treebank](http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1246&context=cis_reports)[J]. Computational linguistics, 1993, 19(2): 313-330.
8. Palmer M, Gildea D, Kingsbury P. [The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles](http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/0891201053630264)[J]. Computational linguistics, 2005, 31(1): 71-106.
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ Labeling semantic roles is an important intermediate step in many natural langua
2. Pascanu R, Gulcehre C, Cho K, et al. [How to construct deep recurrent neural networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6026)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6026, 2013.
3. Cho K, Van Merriënboer B, Gulcehre C, et al. [Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1406.1078, 2014.
4. Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. [Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate](https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15/doppa14a/source/biblio.bib.old)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=cis_papers)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
6. Li Hang. Statistical Learning Method[J]. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2012.
7. Marcus MP, Marcinkiewicz MA, Santorini B. [Building a large annotated corpus of English: The Penn Treebank](http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1246&context=cis_reports)[J] Computational linguistics, 1993, 19(2): 313-330.
8. Palmer M, Gildea D, Kingsbury P. [The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles](http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/0891201053630264)[J]. Computational linguistics, 2005 , 31(1): 71-106.
2. Pascanu R, Gulcehre C, Cho K, et al. [How to construct deep recurrent neural networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6026)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6026, 2013.
3. Cho K, Van Merriënboer B, Gulcehre C, et al. [Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1078, 2014.
4. Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. [Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate](https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15/doppa14a/source/biblio.bib.old)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1162&context=cis_papers)[C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
6. 李航. 统计学习方法[J]. 清华大学出版社, 北京, 2012.
7. Marcus M P, Marcinkiewicz M A, Santorini B. [Building a large annotated corpus of English: The Penn Treebank](http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1246&context=cis_reports)[J]. Computational linguistics, 1993, 19(2): 313-330.
8. Palmer M, Gildea D, Kingsbury P. [The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles](http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/0891201053630264)[J]. Computational linguistics, 2005, 31(1): 71-106.
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ Labeling semantic roles is an important intermediate step in many natural langua
2. Pascanu R, Gulcehre C, Cho K, et al. [How to construct deep recurrent neural networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6026)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6026, 2013.
3. Cho K, Van Merriënboer B, Gulcehre C, et al. [Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1406.1078, 2014.
4. Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. [Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate](https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473)[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
5. Lafferty J, McCallum A, Pereira F. [Conditional random fields: Probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data](http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15/doppa14a/source/biblio.bib.old) [C]//Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on machine learning, ICML. 2001, 1: 282-289.
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