提交 b59584be 编写于 作者: C channingss

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上级 43cf70b5
......@@ -980,39 +980,3 @@ class ONNXOpMapper(OpMapper):
# def NonMaxSuppression(self, node):
# boxes = self.graph.get_node(node.layer.input[0], copy=True)
# scores = self.graph.get_node(node.layer.input[1], copy=True)
# max_output_boxes_per_class = self.graph.get_node(node.layer.input[2], copy=True)
# iou_threshold = self.graph.get_node(node.layer.input[3], copy=True)
# score_threshold = self.graph.get_node(node.layer.input[4], copy=True)
# self.omit_nodes.append(max_output_boxes_per_class)
# self.omit_nodes.append(iou_threshold)
# self.omit_nodes.append(score_threshold)
# iou_threshold_val = iou_threshold.weight
# center_point_box = node.get_attr('center_point_box', 0)
# score_threshold_val = score_threshold.weight
# attr = {
# 'num_filters': num_out_channels,
# 'output_size': output_size or None,
# 'filter_size': kernel_shape,
# 'padding': paddings,
# 'stride': strides,
# 'dilation': dilations,
# 'groups': num_groups,
# 'param_attr': string(val_w.layer_name),
# 'bias_attr': string(val_b.layer_name),
# 'name': string(node.layer_name),
# }
# node.fluid_code.add_layer('multiclass_nms',
# inputs= boxes.layer_name ',' + scores.layer_name,
# output=node,
# param_attr=attr)
# pass
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