提交 a2b81e23 编写于 作者: S superjom

Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:VisualDL/VisualDL into feature/pre-commit-backend-autostyle

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
project(VisualDL) project(VisualDL)
include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
include_directories(thirdparty/local/include) include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/local/include)
link_directories(thirdparty/local/lib) include_directories(/usr/include/python2.7)
set(PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD -std=c++11)
set(SOURCE_FILES add_subdirectory(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/pybind11-2.2.1)
visualdl/backend/storage/storage.cc visualdl/backend/storage/storage.h
visualdl/backend/storage/storage.pb.h link_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/local/lib)
) add_library(storage
add_library(storage visualdl/backend/storage/storage.cc ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/visualdl/backend/storage/storage.pb.cc)
visualdl/backend/storage/storage.pb.cc) add_library(c_api ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/visualdl/backend/logic/c_api.cc)
add_executable(VisualDL ${SOURCE_FILES}) add_library(sdk ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/visualdl/backend/logic/sdk.cc)
\ No newline at end of file add_library(im ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/visualdl/backend/logic/im.cc)
target_link_libraries(core PRIVATE pybind11::module im storage sdk protobuf glog)
target_link_libraries(vl_test storage im gtest glog protobuf gflags)
# This file is used by clang-format to autoformat paddle source code
# The clang-format is part of llvm toolchain.
# It need to install llvm and clang to format source code style.
# The basic usage is,
# clang-format -i -style=file PATH/TO/SOURCE/CODE
# The -style=file implicit use ".clang-format" file located in one of
# parent directory.
# The -i means inplace change.
# The document of clang-format is
# http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
# http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Google
IndentWidth: 2
TabWidth: 2
ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
AccessModifierOffset: -2 # The private/protected/public has no indent in class
Standard: Cpp11
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
BinPackParameters: false
BinPackArguments: false
#include <ctime>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/im.h"
namespace visualdl {
* @num_samples: number of instances to sample
* @size: counter of the records.
* @returns: id of the instance to replace, if drop this instance, return -1.
int ReserviorSample(int num_samples, int num_records) {
if (num_records <= num_samples) {
return num_records;
float prob = static_cast<float>(std::rand()) / RAND_MAX;
float receive_prob = static_cast<float>(num_samples) / num_records;
if (prob < receive_prob) {
int offset2replace = std::rand() % num_samples;
return offset2replace;
return -1;
void InformationMaintainer::SetPersistDest(const std::string &path) {
<< "duplicate set storage's path";
storage::Tablet *InformationMaintainer::AddTablet(const std::string &tag,
int num_samples) {
auto *tablet = storage_.Find(tag);
if (!tablet) {
tablet = storage_.Add(tag, num_samples);
return tablet;
void InformationMaintainer::AddRecord(const std::string &tag,
const storage::Record &data) {
auto *tablet = storage_.Find(tag);
auto num_records = tablet->num_records();
const auto num_samples = tablet->num_samples();
const auto offset = ReserviorSample(num_samples, num_records + 1);
if (offset < 0)
storage::Record *record;
if (offset >= num_records) {
record = storage_.NewRecord(tag);
} else {
record = storage_.GetRecord(tag, offset);
*record = data;
tablet->set_num_records(num_records + 1);
void InformationMaintainer::PersistToDisk() {
CHECK(!storage_.data().dir().empty()) << "path of storage should be set";
} // namespace visualdl
#include <string>
#include "visualdl/backend/storage/storage.h"
namespace visualdl {
* Maintain the Storage singleton in memory, pre-compute some the statical
* information to help visualizaton.
class InformationMaintainer final {
InformationMaintainer() {}
static InformationMaintainer &Global() {
static InformationMaintainer *x = new InformationMaintainer();
return *x;
* Set the disk path to store the Storage object.
void SetPersistDest(const std::string &path);
storage::Tablet *AddTablet(const std::string &tag, int num_samples);
* @tag: tag of the target Tablet.
* @type: type of target Tablet.
* @data: storage Record.
* NOTE pass in the serialized protobuf message will trigger copying, but
* simpler to support different Tablet data formats.
void AddRecord(const std::string &tag, const storage::Record &record);
* Save the Storage Protobuf to disk.
void PersistToDisk();
Storage &storage() { return storage_; }
Storage storage_;
} // namespace visualdl
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/im.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace visualdl {
class ImTester : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {}
InformationMaintainer &im = InformationMaintainer::Global();
TEST_F(ImTester, AddTablet) { im.AddTablet("tag0", 20); }
TEST_F(ImTester, AddRecord) {
storage::Record rcd;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
rcd.mutable_data()->add_i32s(i * 20 + j);
im.AddRecord("tag0", rcd);
ASSERT_EQ(im.storage().Find("tag0")->records_size(), 20UL);
} // namespace visualdl
#include <ctype.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/sdk.h"
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace vs = visualdl;
PYBIND11_MODULE(core, m) {
m.doc() = "visualdl python core API";
py::class_<vs::TabletHelper>(m, "Tablet")
// interfaces for components
"add a scalar int32 record",
"add a scalar int64 record",
.def("add_scalar_float", &vs::TabletHelper::AddScalarRecord<float>)
.def("add_scalar_double", &vs::TabletHelper::AddScalarRecord<double>)
// other member setter and getter
.def("record_buffer", &vs::TabletHelper::record_buffer)
.def("records_size", &vs::TabletHelper::records_size)
.def("buffer", &vs::TabletHelper::buffer)
.def("human_readable_buffer", &vs::TabletHelper::human_readable_buffer)
(void (vs::TabletHelper::*)(const std::string&)) &
py::class_<vs::StorageHelper>(m, "Storage")
.def("timestamp", &vs::StorageHelper::timestamp)
.def("dir", &vs::StorageHelper::dir)
.def("set_dir", &vs::StorageHelper::SetDir)
.def("tablets_size", &vs::StorageHelper::tablets_size)
.def("buffer", &vs::StorageHelper::buffer)
.def("human_readable_buffer", &vs::StorageHelper::human_readable_buffer)
(void (vs::StorageHelper::*)(const std::string&)) &
py::class_<vs::ImHelper>(m, "Im")
.def("storage", &vs::ImHelper::storage)
.def("tablet", &vs::ImHelper::tablet)
.def("add_tablet", &vs::ImHelper::AddTablet);
m.def("im", &vs::get_im, "global information-maintainer object.");
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/sdk.h"
namespace visualdl {
#define IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(method__, ctype__, dtype__, opr__) \
template <> void Entry<ctype__>::method__(ctype__ v) { \
entry->set_dtype(storage::DataType::dtype__); \
entry->opr__(v); \
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Set, int32_t, kInt32, set_i32);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Set, int64_t, kInt64, set_i64);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Set, bool, kBool, set_b);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Set, float, kFloat, set_f);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Set, double, kDouble, set_d);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Add, int32_t, kInt32s, add_i32s);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Add, int64_t, kInt64s, add_i64s);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Add, bool, kBools, add_bs);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Add, float, kFloats, add_fs);
IMPL_ENTRY_SET_OR_ADD(Add, double, kDoubles, add_ds);
std::string StorageHelper::human_readable_buffer() const {
std::string buffer;
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*data_, &buffer);
return buffer;
std::string TabletHelper::human_readable_buffer() const {
std::string buffer;
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*data_, &buffer);
return buffer;
} // namespace visualdl
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/im.h"
#include <map>
namespace visualdl {
class TabletHelper {
// method for each components
template <typename T>
void AddScalarRecord(int id, T value);
// basic member getter and setter
std::string record_buffer(int idx) const { return data_->records(idx).SerializeAsString(); }
size_t records_size() const { return data_->records_size(); }
std::string buffer() const { return data_->SerializeAsString(); }
std::string human_readable_buffer() const;
void SetBuffer(const storage::Tablet &t) { *data_ = t; }
void SetBuffer(const std::string &b) { data_->ParseFromString(b); }
// constructor that enable concurrency.
TabletHelper(storage::Tablet *t) : data_(t) {}
// data updater that resuage of one instance.
TabletHelper &operator()(storage::Tablet *t) { data_ = t; return *this; }
storage::Tablet *data_;
class StorageHelper {
StorageHelper(storage::Storage *s) : data_(s) {}
StorageHelper &operator()(storage::Storage *s) {
data_ = s;
return *this;
void SetBuffer(const storage::Storage &buffer) { *data_ = buffer; }
void SetBuffer(const std::string &buffer) { data_->ParseFromString(buffer); }
void SetDir(const std::string &dir) { data_->set_dir(dir); }
int64_t timestamp() const { return data_->timestamp(); }
std::string dir() const { return data_->dir(); }
int tablets_size() const { return data_->tablets_size(); }
std::string buffer() const { return data_->SerializeAsString(); }
std::string human_readable_buffer() const;
storage::Storage *data_;
class ImHelper {
ImHelper() {}
StorageHelper storage() {
return StorageHelper(
TabletHelper tablet(const std::string &tag) {
return TabletHelper(InformationMaintainer::Global().storage().Find(tag));
TabletHelper AddTablet(const std::string &tag, int num_samples) {
return TabletHelper(
InformationMaintainer::Global().AddTablet(tag, num_samples));
static ImHelper& get_im() {
static ImHelper im;
return im;
} // namespace visualdl
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/sdk.hpp"
#include "visualdl/backend/logic/im.h"
namespace visualdl {
* Utility helper for storage::Entry.
template <typename T> struct Entry {
// use pointer to avoid copy
storage::Entry *entry{nullptr};
Entry(storage::Entry *entry) : entry(entry) {}
* Set a single value.
void Set(T v);
* Add a value to repeated message field.
void Add(T v);
template <typename T>
void TabletHelper::AddScalarRecord(int id, T value) {
auto* record = data_->add_records();
Entry<T> entry_helper(record->mutable_data());
} // namespace visualdl
...@@ -5,18 +5,38 @@ ...@@ -5,18 +5,38 @@
namespace visualdl { namespace visualdl {
storage::Tablet *Storage::Add(const std::string &tag) { storage::Tablet *Storage::Add(const std::string &tag, int num_samples) {
return &proto_.mutable_tablets()->at(tag); auto *tablet = &(*proto_.mutable_tablets())[tag];
return tablet;
} }
const storage::Tablet *Storage::Find(const std::string &tag) const { storage::Tablet *Storage::Find(const std::string &tag) {
auto it = proto_.tablets().find(tag); auto it = proto_.mutable_tablets()->find(tag);
if (it != proto_.tablets().end()) { if (it != proto_.tablets().end()) {
return &it->second; return &it->second;
} }
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
storage::Record *Storage::NewRecord(const std::string &tag) {
auto *tablet = Find(tag);
CHECK(tablet) << "Tablet" << tag << " should be create first";
auto *record = tablet->mutable_records()->Add();
// increase num_records
int num_records = tablet->num_records();
tablet->set_num_records(num_records + 1);
return record;
storage::Record *Storage::GetRecord(const std::string &tag, int offset) {
auto *tablet = Find(tag);
CHECK(tablet) << "Tablet" << tag << " should be create first";
auto num_records = tablet->num_records();
CHECK_LT(offset, num_records) << "invalid offset";
return tablet->mutable_records()->Mutable(offset);
void Storage::Save(const std::string &path) const { void Storage::Save(const std::string &path) const {
std::ofstream file(path, file.binary | file.out); std::ofstream file(path, file.binary | file.out);
CHECK(file.is_open()) << "can't open path " << path; CHECK(file.is_open()) << "can't open path " << path;
...@@ -34,12 +54,10 @@ void Storage::Load(const std::string &path) { ...@@ -34,12 +54,10 @@ void Storage::Load(const std::string &path) {
DeSerialize(buffer); DeSerialize(buffer);
} }
std::string Storage::Serialize() const { std::string Storage::Serialize() const { return proto_.SerializeAsString(); }
return proto_.SerializeAsString();
void Storage::DeSerialize(const std::string &data) { void Storage::DeSerialize(const std::string &data) {
proto_.ParseFromString(data); proto_.ParseFromString(data);
} }
} // namespace visualdl } // namespace visualdl
...@@ -9,24 +9,33 @@ ...@@ -9,24 +9,33 @@
namespace visualdl { namespace visualdl {
class Storage final { class Storage final {
public: public:
/* Storage() {
* There should be only one Storage instance in memory. // set time stamp
*/ time_t time0;
Storage &Global() { time(&time0);
static Storage *instance = new Storage(); proto_.set_timestamp(time0);
return *instance;
} }
/* /*
* Add a new tablet named `tag`, the newly added instance will be returned. * Add a new tablet named `tag`, the newly added instance will be returned.
*/ */
storage::Tablet *Add(const std::string &tag); storage::Tablet *Add(const std::string &tag, int num_samples);
/* /*
* Search the tablet named `tag`, if not exist, return nullptr. * Search the tablet named `tag`, if not exist, return nullptr.
*/ */
const storage::Tablet *Find(const std::string &tag) const; storage::Tablet *Find(const std::string &tag);
* Append a new record to the tail of tablet.
storage::Record *NewRecord(const std::string &tag);
* Get a record at `offset`, if the offset is not valid, yield a failed CHECK.
storage::Record *GetRecord(const std::string &tag, int offset);
/* /*
* Serialize this object to string and save it to a file. * Serialize this object to string and save it to a file.
...@@ -38,7 +47,11 @@ class Storage final { ...@@ -38,7 +47,11 @@ class Storage final {
*/ */
void Load(const std::string &path); void Load(const std::string &path);
protected: storage::Storage *mutable_data() { return &proto_; }
const storage::Storage &data() { return proto_; }
/* /*
* Serialize the Storage instance to string. * Serialize the Storage instance to string.
*/ */
...@@ -49,17 +62,10 @@ class Storage final { ...@@ -49,17 +62,10 @@ class Storage final {
*/ */
void DeSerialize(const std::string &data); void DeSerialize(const std::string &data);
Storage() { private:
// set time stamp
time_t time0;
storage::Storage proto_; storage::Storage proto_;
}; };
} // namespace visualdl } // namespace visualdl
...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ enum DataType { ...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ enum DataType {
kStrings = 9; kStrings = 9;
kInt32s = 10; kInt32s = 10;
kBools = 11; kBools = 11;
kUnknown = 12;
} }
// A data array, which type is `type`. // A data array, which type is `type`.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
\ No newline at end of file
import sys
import unittest
import core
im = core.im()
class StorageTester(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.storage = im.storage()
def test_size(self):
self.assertEqual(self.storage.tablets_size(), 0)
im.add_tablet("tag0", 100)
self.assertEqual(self.storage.tablets_size(), 1)
for i in range(1, 11):
im.add_tablet("tag%d" % i, 100)
self.assertEqual(self.storage.tablets_size(), 11)
def test_timestamp(self):
print self.storage.timestamp()
def test_dir(self):
dir = "./1.txt"
self.assertEqual(dir, self.storage.dir())
def test_human_readable_buffer(self):
print self.storage.human_readable_buffer()
class TabletTester(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tablet = im.add_tablet("tag101", 20)
def test_add_scalar(self):
self.tablet.add_scalar_float(1, 0.3)
self.assertEqual(self.tablet.records_size(), 1)
def test_human_readable_buffer(self):
print self.tablet.human_readable_buffer()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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