未验证 提交 5ce3d2b3 编写于 作者: J Jeff Wang 提交者: GitHub

Add the Chinese and English "Contribute Code" documentations. (#220)

* Add the Chinese and English "Contribute Code" documentations.

* Provide some more detail messages in the documentations
上级 95503911
# 如何贡献代码
我们真诚地感谢您的贡献,欢迎通过 GitHub 的 fork 和 pull request 流程来提交代码。
## 教程
VisualDL 目前使用[Git流分支模型](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/)进行开发,测试,发行和维护,以下教程将指导您提交代码。
1. Fork
跳转到[VisualDL](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL) GitHub首页,然后单击 [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) 按钮,生成自己目录下的仓库,比如 <https://github.com/USERNAME/VisualDL>。
1. 克隆(Clone)
将远程仓库 clone 到本地:
git clone https://github.com/your-github-account/VisualDL
cd VisualDL
1. 创建本地分支
所有的 feature 和 bug fix 的开发工作都应该在一个新的分支上完成,一般从 `develop` 分支上创建新分支。
使用 `git checkout -b` 创建并切换到新分支。
git checkout -b my-cool-stuff
1. commit
在进行你的第一次之前,请先安装必要的工具,像是flake8, yapf 与 [pre-commit](http://pre-commit.com/) 工具。
VisualDL 开发人员使用 pre-commit, flake8, yapf 工具来管理 Git 预提交钩子。 它可以帮助我们格式化源代码(C++,Python),在提交(commit)前自动检查一些基本事宜。
不满足钩子的 PR 不能被提交到 VisualDL,首先安装并在当前目录运行它:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install
VisualDL 使用 `clang-format` 来调整 C/C++ 源代码格式,请确保 [clang-format 3.8](http://releases.llvm.org/download.html) 版本在 3.8 以上。
请下载且安装在 path上. 例如 `/usr/local/bin`
Git 每次提交代码,都需要写提交说明,这可以让其他人知道这次提交做了哪些改变,这可以通过`git commit` 完成。
git commit
yapf.................................................(no files to check)Skipped
Check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
Check for broken symlinks................................................Passed
Fix End of Files.........................................................Passed
Trim Trailing Whitespace.................................................Passed
Detect Private Key.......................................................Passed
Check for broken symlinks................................................Passed
Check for added large files..............................................Passed
clang-format.........................................(no files to check)Skipped
python-format-checker................................(no files to check)Skipped
[my-cool-stuff c703c041] add test file
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 233
1. 构建和测试
Users can build VisualDL natively on Linux and Mac OS X.
1. 保持本地仓库最新
在准备发起 Pull Request 之前,需要同步原仓库(<https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL>)最新的代码。
git remote add upstream https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL
git pull upstream develop
1. Push 到远程仓库
将本地的修改推送到 GitHub 上,也就是 https://github.com/USERNAME/VisualDL。
# 推送到远程仓库 origin 的 my-cool-stuff 分支上
git push origin my-cool-stuff
1. 建立 Issue 并完成 Pull Request
建立一个 Issue 描述问题,并记录它的编号。
切换到所建分支,然后点击 `New pull request`。选择目标分支:
<img width="295" alt="screen shot 2017-04-26 at 9 09 28 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11692045/25436054/a6d98c66-2ac4-11e7-9cb1-18dd13150230.png">
在 PR 的描述说明中,填写 `fix #Issue编号` 可以在这个 PR 被 merge 后,自动关闭对应的 Issue,具体请见 <https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/>。
接下来等待 review,如果有需要修改的地方,参照上述步骤更新 origin 中的对应分支即可。
1. 删除远程分支
在 PR 被 merge 进主仓库后,我们可以在 PR 的页面删除远程仓库的分支。
<img width="775" alt="screen shot 2017-04-26 at 9 18 24 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11692045/25436457/e4cdd472-2ac5-11e7-9272-badc76c4a23e.png">
也可以使用 `git push origin :分支名` 删除远程分支,如:
git push origin :my-cool-stuff
1. 删除本地分支
# 切换到 develop 分支
git checkout develop
# 删除 my-cool-stuff 分支
git branch -d my-cool-stuff
## 提交代码的一些约定
1. 请保证Travis-CI 中单元测试能顺利通过。如果没过,说明提交的代码存在问题,评审人一般不做评审。
2. 提交PUll Request前:
- 请注意commit的数量:
- 原因:如果仅仅修改一个文件但提交了十几个commit,每个commit只做了少量的修改,这会给评审人带来很大困扰。评审人需要逐一查看每个commit才能知道做了哪些修改,且不排除commit之间的修改存在相互覆盖的情况。
- 建议:每次提交时,保持尽量少的commit,可以通过`git commit --amend`补充上次的commit。对已经Push到远程仓库的多个commit,可以参考[squash commits after push](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5667884/how-to-squash-commits-in-git-after-they-have-been-pushed)
- 请注意每个commit的名称:应能反映当前commit的内容,不能太随意。
3. 如果解决了某个Issue的问题,请在该PUll Request的**第一个**评论框中加上:`fix #issue_number`,这样当该PUll Request被合并后,会自动关闭对应的Issue。关键词包括:close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved,请选择合适的词汇。详细可参考[Closing issues via commit messages](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages)
1. 评审人的每个意见都必须回复(这是开源社区的基本礼貌,别人帮了忙,应该说谢谢):
- 对评审意见同意且按其修改完的,给个简单的`Done`即可;
- 对评审意见不同意的,请给出您自己的反驳理由。
2. 如果评审意见比较多:
- 请给出总体的修改情况。
- 请采用[start a review](https://help.github.com/articles/reviewing-proposed-changes-in-a-pull-request/)进行回复,而非直接回复的方式。原因是每个回复都会发送一封邮件,会造成邮件灾难。
# Contribute Code
VisualDL is an open source project initiated by PaddlePaddle and ECharts.
Our goal is to break through the deep learning black box and help the developers to see the training trend by providing visualization.
We sincerely appreciate your contribution. This document explains our workflow and work style.
## Workflow
VisualDL uses this [Git branching model](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/). The following steps guide usual contributions.
1. Fork
To maintain the main repo and avoid dangling branches, please file Pull Requests from your fork. To make a fork, just head over to the GitHub page and click the ["Fork" button](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/).
1. Clone
To make a copy of your fork to your local computers, please run
git clone https://github.com/your-github-account/VisualDL
cd VisualDL
1. Create the local feature branch
For daily works like adding a new feature or fixing a bug, please open your feature branch before coding:
git checkout -b my-cool-stuff
1. Commit
Before issuing your first `git commit` command, please install [`pre-commit`](http://pre-commit.com/) and other requirements by running the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install
Our pre-commit configuration requires [clang-format 3.8](http://releases.llvm.org/download.html) for auto-formating C/C++ code, yapf for auto-formating Python and flake8 for style checking Python.
Please make sure clang-format version 3.8 is available in your path. For example, under ```/usr/local/bin```
Once installed, `pre-commit` checks the style of code and documentation in every commit. We will see something like the following when you run `git commit`:
git commit
yapf.................................................(no files to check)Skipped
Check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
Check for broken symlinks................................................Passed
Fix End of Files.........................................................Passed
Trim Trailing Whitespace.................................................Passed
Detect Private Key.......................................................Passed
Check for broken symlinks................................................Passed
Check for added large files..............................................Passed
clang-format.........................................(no files to check)Skipped
python-format-checker................................(no files to check)Skipped
[my-cool-stuff c703c041] add test file
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 233
1. Build and test
Users can build VisualDL natively on Linux and Mac OS X.
1. Keep pulling
An experienced Git user pulls from the official repo often -- daily or even hourly, so they notice conflicts with others work early, and it's easier to resolve smaller conflicts.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL
git pull upstream develop
1. Push and file a pull request
You can "push" your local work into your forked repo:
git push origin my-cool-stuff
The push allows you to create a pull request, requesting owners of this [official repo](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL) to pull your change into the official one.
To create a pull request, please follow [these steps](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/).
If your change is for fixing an issue, please write ["Fixes <issue-URL>"](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/) in the description section of your pull request. Github would close the issue when the owners merge your pull request.
Please remember to specify some reviewers for your pull request. If you don't know who are the right ones, please follow Github's recommendation.
1. Delete local and remote branches
To keep your local workspace and your fork clean, you might want to remove merged branches:
git checkout develop
git branch -d my-cool-stuff
### Code Review
- Please feel free to ping your reviewers by sending them the URL of your pull request via IM or email. Please do this after your pull request passes the CI.
- Please answer reviewers' every comment. If you are to follow the comment, please write "Done"; please give a reason otherwise.
- If you don't want your reviewers to get overwhelmed by email notifications, you might reply their comments by [in a batch](https://help.github.com/articles/reviewing-proposed-changes-in-a-pull-request/).
- Reduce the unnecessary commits. Some developers commit often. It is recommended to append a sequence of small changes into one commit by running `git commit --amend` instead of `git commit`.
## Coding Standard
### Code Style
Our C/C++ code follows the [Google style guide](http://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
Our Python code follows the [PEP8 style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
Please install pre-commit, which automatically reformat the changes to C/C++ and Python code whenever we run `git commit`. To check the whole codebase, we can run the command `pre-commit run -a`.
### Unit Tests
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