未验证 提交 088467ad 编写于 作者: Q Qiao Longfei 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21 from Superjom/feature/add_storage

feature/add storage
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
visualdl/backend/storage/storage.cc visualdl/backend/storage/storage.h
add_library(storage visualdl/backend/storage/storage.cc
add_executable(VisualDL ${SOURCE_FILES})
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#include <fstream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "visualdl/backend/storage/storage.h"
namespace visualdl {
storage::Tablet *Storage::Add(const std::string &tag) {
return &proto_.mutable_tablets()->at(tag);
const storage::Tablet *Storage::Find(const std::string &tag) const {
auto it = proto_.tablets().find(tag);
if (it != proto_.tablets().end()) {
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
void Storage::Save(const std::string &path) const {
std::ofstream file(path, file.binary | file.out);
CHECK(file.is_open()) << "can't open path " << path;
auto str = Serialize();
file.write(str.c_str(), str.size());
void Storage::Load(const std::string &path) {
std::ifstream file(path, file.binary);
CHECK(file.is_open()) << "can't open path " << path;
size_t size = file.tellg();
std::string buffer(size, ' ');
file.read(&buffer[0], size);
std::string Storage::Serialize() const {
return proto_.SerializeAsString();
void Storage::DeSerialize(const std::string &data) {
} // namespace visualdl
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include "visualdl/backend/storage/storage.pb.h"
namespace visualdl {
class Storage final {
* There should be only one Storage instance in memory.
Storage &Global() {
static Storage *instance = new Storage();
return *instance;
* Add a new tablet named `tag`, the newly added instance will be returned.
storage::Tablet *Add(const std::string &tag);
* Search the tablet named `tag`, if not exist, return nullptr.
const storage::Tablet *Find(const std::string &tag) const;
* Serialize this object to string and save it to a file.
void Save(const std::string &path) const;
* Load the Protobuf message from a file.
void Load(const std::string &path);
* Serialize the Storage instance to string.
std::string Serialize() const;
* De-serialize from a string and update this Storage instance.
void DeSerialize(const std::string &data);
Storage() {
// set time stamp
time_t time0;
storage::Storage proto_;
} // namespace visualdl
syntax = "proto3";
package storage;
enum DataType {
// single entry
kInt32 = 0;
kInt64 = 1;
kFloat = 2;
kDouble = 3;
kString = 4;
kBool = 5;
// entrys
kInt64s = 6;
kFloats = 7;
kDoubles = 8;
kStrings = 9;
kInt32s = 10;
kBools = 11;
// A data array, which type is `type`.
message Entry {
// if all the entries in a record share the same data type, ignore this field
// and store type to `dtype` in `Record`.
DataType dtype = 1;
// single element
int32 i32 = 2;
int64 i64 = 3;
string s = 4;
float f = 5;
double d = 6;
bool b = 7;
// array
repeated int64 i64s = 8;
repeated float fs = 9;
repeated double ds = 10;
repeated int32 i32s = 11;
repeated bool bs = 12;
message Record {
Entry data = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
// store the count of writing operations to the tablet.
int64 id = 3;
DataType dtype = 4;
// shape or some other meta infomation for this record, if all the records
// share the same meta, just store one copy of meta in `Storage`, or create
// a unique copy for each `Record`.
Entry meta = 5;
A Tablet stores the records of a component which type is `component` and indidates as `tag`.
The records will be saved in a file which name contains `tag`. During the running period,
`num_records` will be accumulated, and `num_samples` indicates the size of sample set the
reservoir sampling algorithm will collect.
message Tablet {
// the kinds of the components that supported
enum Type {
kScalar = 0;
kHistogram = 1;
kGraph = 2;
// type of the component, different component should have different storage format.
Type component = 1;
// records the total count of records, each Write operation should increate this value.
int64 num_records = 2;
// indicate the number of instances to sample, this should be a constant value.
int32 num_samples = 3;
repeated Record records = 4;
// store a meta infomation if all the records share.
Entry meta = 5;
// the unique identification for this `Tablet`.
string tag = 6;
The Storage stores all the records.
message Storage {
// tags to Tablet, should be thread safe if fix the keys after initialization.
map<string, Tablet> tablets = 1;
string dir = 2;
int64 timestamp = 3;
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