| CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR | cuda installation path, usually /usr/local/cuda | Required for all environments | No
| CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR | cuda installation path, usually /usr/local/cuda | Required for all environments | No (/usr/local/cuda) |
(/usr/local/cuda) |
| CUDNN_LIBRARY | The directory where libcudnn.so.* is located, usually /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ | Required for all environments | No (/usr/local/cuda/lib64/) |
| CUDNN_LIBRARY | The directory where libcudnn.so.* is located, usually /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ | Required for all environments | No (/usr/local/cuda/lib64/) |
| CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY | The directory where libcudart.so.* is located, usually /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ | Required for all environments | No (/usr/local/cuda/lib64/) |
| CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY | The directory where libcudart.so.* is located, usually /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ | Required for all environments | No (/usr/local/cuda/lib64/) |
| TENSORRT_ROOT | The upper level directory of the directory where libnvinfer.so.* is located, depends on the TensorRT installation directory | Cuda 9.0/10.0 does not need, other needs | No (/usr) |
| TENSORRT_ROOT | The upper level directory of the directory where libnvinfer.so.* is located, depends on the TensorRT installation directory | Cuda 9.0/10.0 does not need, other needs | No (/usr) |