未验证 提交 e85bf384 编写于 作者: Z Zhang Jun 提交者: GitHub

Merge branch 'develop' into xpu-fix

......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ In order to meet the needs of users in different scenarios, Paddle Serving's pro
| LOW | HIGH | LOW | HIGH |C++ Serving | High-performance,recall and ranking services of large-scale online recommendation systems|
| HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | HIGH |Python Pipeline Serving| High-throughput, high-efficiency, asynchronous mode, fitting for single operator multi-model combination scenarios|
| HIGH | LOW | HIGH| LOW |Python webserver| High-throughput,Low-traffic services or projects that require rapid iteration, model effect verification|
| HIGH | LOW | HIGH| LOW |Python webservice| High-throughput,Low-traffic services or projects that require rapid iteration, model effect verification|
Performance index description:
1. Response time (ms): Average response time of a single request, calculate the response time of 50, 90, 95, 99 quantiles, the lower the better.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Paddle Serving takes into account a series of issues such as different operating
Cross-platform is not dependent on the operating system, nor on the hardware environment. Applications developed under one operating system can still run under another operating system. Therefore, the design should consider not only the development language and the cross-platform components, but also the interpretation differences of the compilers on different systems.
Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container, and then publish it to any popular Linux machine or Windows machine. We have packaged a variety of Docker images for the Paddle Serving framework. Refer to the image list《[Docker Images](DOCKER_IMAGES.md)》, Select mirrors according to user's usage. We provide Docker usage documentation《[How to run PaddleServing in Docker](RUN_IN_DOCKER.md)》.Currently, the Python webserver mode can be deployed and run on the native Linux and Windows dual systems.《[Paddle Serving for Windows Users](WINDOWS_TUTORIAL.md)
Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container, and then publish it to any popular Linux machine or Windows machine. We have packaged a variety of Docker images for the Paddle Serving framework. Refer to the image list《[Docker Images](DOCKER_IMAGES.md)》, Select mirrors according to user's usage. We provide Docker usage documentation《[How to run PaddleServing in Docker](RUN_IN_DOCKER.md)》.Currently, the Python webservice mode can be deployed and run on the native Linux and Windows dual systems.《[Paddle Serving for Windows Users](WINDOWS_TUTORIAL.md)
> Support multiple development languages client ​​SDKs
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ The underlying communication of Paddle Serving is implemented with C++ as well a
## 4. Python Webserver Design
## 4. Python Webservice Design
### 4.1 Network Communication Mechanism
There are many open source frameworks for web services. Paddle Serving currently integrates the Flask framework, but this part is not visible to users. In the future, a better-performing web framework may be provided as the underlying HTTP service integration engine.
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Paddle Serving提供很多大规模场景需要的部署功能:1)模型管
| 低 | 高 | 低 | 高 |C++ Serving | 高性能场景,大型在线推荐系统召回、排序服务|
| 高 | 高 | 较高 |高|Python Pipeline Serving| 兼顾吞吐和效率,单算子多模型组合场景,异步模式|
| 高 | 低 | 高| 低 |Python webserver| 高迭代效率场景,小型服务或需要快速迭代,模型效果验证|
| 高 | 低 | 高| 低 |Python webservice| 高迭代效率场景,小型服务或需要快速迭代,模型效果验证|
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Paddle Serving从做顶层设计时考虑到不同团队在工业级场景中会
> 跨平台运行
Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的Linux机器或Windows机器上。我们将Paddle Serving框架打包了多种Docker镜像,镜像列表参考《[Docker镜像](DOCKER_IMAGES_CN.md)》,根据用户的使用场景选择镜像。为方便用户使用Docker,我们提供了帮助文档《[如何在Docker中运行PaddleServing](RUN_IN_DOCKER_CN.md)》。目前,Python webserver模式可在原生系统Linux和Windows双系统上部署运行。《[Windows平台使用Paddle Serving指导](WINDOWS_TUTORIAL_CN.md)
Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的Linux机器或Windows机器上。我们将Paddle Serving框架打包了多种Docker镜像,镜像列表参考《[Docker镜像](DOCKER_IMAGES_CN.md)》,根据用户的使用场景选择镜像。为方便用户使用Docker,我们提供了帮助文档《[如何在Docker中运行PaddleServing](RUN_IN_DOCKER_CN.md)》。目前,Python webservice模式可在原生系统Linux和Windows双系统上部署运行。《[Windows平台使用Paddle Serving指导](WINDOWS_TUTORIAL_CN.md)
> 支持多种开发语言SDK
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Paddle Serving采用对称加密算法对模型进行加密,在服务加载模
由于Paddle Serving底层采用基于C++的通信组件,并且核心框架也是基于C/C++编写,当用户想要在服务端定义复杂的前处理与后处理逻辑时,一种办法是修改Paddle Serving底层框架,重新编译源码。另一种方式可以通过在服务端嵌入轻量级的Web服务,通过在Web服务中实现更复杂的预处理逻辑,从而搭建一套逻辑完整的服务。当访问量超过了Web服务能够接受的范围,开发者有足够的理由开发一些高性能的C++预处理逻辑,并嵌入到Serving的原生服务库中。Web服务和RPC服务的关系以及他们的组合方式可以参考下文`用户类型`中的说明。
## 4. Python webserver设计与使用
## 4. Python webservice设计与使用
### 4.1 网络框架
Web服务有很多开源的框架,Paddle Serving当前集成了Flask框架,但这部分对用户不可见,在未来可能会提供性能更好的Web框架作为底层HTTP服务集成引擎。
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