提交 b96c6019 编写于 作者: B barrierye

fix profiler bug

上级 fd3ea999
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ elif sys.version_info.major == 3:
raise Exception("Error Python version")
import time
import threading
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ class TimeProfiler(object):
self._print_head = 'PROFILE\tpid:{}\t'.format(self._pid)
self._time_record = Queue.Queue()
self._enable = False
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def enable(self, enable):
self._enable = enable
......@@ -40,26 +42,29 @@ class TimeProfiler(object):
def record(self, name_with_tag):
if self._enable is False:
timestamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000000))
name_with_tag = name_with_tag.split("_")
tag = name_with_tag[-1]
name = '_'.join(name_with_tag[:-1])
self._time_record.put((name, tag, int(round(time.time() * 1000000))))
with self._lock:
self._time_record.put((name, tag, timestamp))
def print_profile(self):
if self._enable is False:
print_str = self._print_head
tmp = {}
while not self._time_record.empty():
name, tag, timestamp = self._time_record.get()
if name in tmp:
ptag, ptimestamp = tmp.pop(name)
print_str += "{}_{}:{} ".format(name, ptag, ptimestamp)
print_str += "{}_{}:{} ".format(name, tag, timestamp)
tmp[name] = (tag, timestamp)
print_str = "\n{}\n".format(print_str)
for name, item in tmp.items():
tag, timestamp = item
self._time_record.put((name, tag, timestamp))
with self._lock:
while not self._time_record.empty():
name, tag, timestamp = self._time_record.get()
if name in tmp:
ptag, ptimestamp = tmp.pop(name)
print_str += "{}_{}:{} ".format(name, ptag, ptimestamp)
print_str += "{}_{}:{} ".format(name, tag, timestamp)
tmp[name] = (tag, timestamp)
print_str = "\n{}\n".format(print_str)
for name, item in tmp.items():
tag, timestamp = item
self._time_record.put((name, tag, timestamp))
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