提交 a4d6e1aa 编写于 作者: B bjjwwang

fix benchmark sh

上级 4029b4c8
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
......@@ -53,18 +53,39 @@ def run_http(idx, batch_size):
data = {"key": keys, "value": values}
latency_list = []
start_time = time.time()
total_num = 0
while True:
l_start = time.time()
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data))
l_end = time.time()
latency_list.append(l_end * 1000 - l_start * 1000)
total_num += 1
if time.time() - start_time > 20:
end = time.time()
return [[end - start]]
return [[end - start], latency_list, [total_num]]
def multithread_http(thread, batch_size):
multi_thread_runner = MultiThreadRunner()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http , thread, batch_size)
start = time.time()
result = multi_thread_runner.run(run_http, thread, batch_size)
end = time.time()
total_cost = end - start
avg_cost = 0
total_number = 0
for i in range(thread):
avg_cost += result[0][i]
total_number += result[2][i]
avg_cost = avg_cost / thread
print("Total cost: {}s".format(total_cost))
print("Each thread cost: {}s. ".format(avg_cost))
print("Total count: {}. ".format(total_number))
print("AVG QPS: {} samples/s".format(batch_size * total_number /
def run_rpc(thread, batch_size):
client = PipelineClient()
export FLAGS_profile_pipeline=1
alias python3="python3.7"
alias python3="python3.6"
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
#ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
sleep 3
if [ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]; then
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu $gpu_id
python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 cpu
# Create yaml,If you already have the config.yaml, ignore it.
#python3 benchmark.py yaml local_predictor 1 gpu
rm -rf profile_log_$modelname
for thread_num in 1
echo "Starting HTTP Clients..."
# Start a client in each thread, tesing the case of multiple threads.
for thread_num in 1 2 4 8 12 16
for batch_size in 1
echo "#----imagenet thread num: $thread_num batch size: $batch_size mode:http use_gpu:$use_gpu----" >>profile_log_$modelname
rm -rf PipelineServingLogs
rm -rf cpu_utilization.py
python3 resnet50_web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-compute-apps=used_memory --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=${gpu_id} --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 100 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "----${modelname} thread num: ${thread_num} batch size: ${batch_size} mode:http ----" >>profile_log_$modelname
# Start one web service, If you start the service yourself, you can ignore it here.
#python3 web_service.py >web.log 2>&1 &
#sleep 3
# --id is the serial number of the GPU card, Must be the same as the gpu id used by the server.
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_use.log 2>&1 &
nvidia-smi --id=3 --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv -lms 1000 > gpu_utilization.log 2>&1 &
echo "import psutil\ncpu_utilization=psutil.cpu_percent(1,False)\nprint('CPU_UTILIZATION:', cpu_utilization)\n" > cpu_utilization.py
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size
python3 cpu_utilization.py >>profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.profiler >>profile_log_$modelname
ps -ef | grep web_service | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
ps -ef | grep nvidia-smi | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
python3 benchmark.py dump benchmark.log benchmark.tmp
mv benchmark.tmp benchmark.log
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_MEM:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "GPU_UTIL:", max}' gpu_utilization.log >> profile_log_$modelname
cat benchmark.log >> profile_log_$modelname
python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.parse_profile --benchmark_cfg $benchmark_config_filename --benchmark_log profile_log_$modelname
#rm -rf gpu_use.log gpu_utilization.log
# Start http client
python3 benchmark.py run http $thread_num $batch_size > profile 2>&1
# Collect CPU metrics, Filter data that is zero momentarily, Record the maximum value of GPU memory and the average value of GPU utilization
python3 cpu_utilization.py >> profile_log_$modelname
grep -av '^0 %' gpu_utilization.log > gpu_utilization.log.tmp
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if(NR>1){if ($modelname > max) max=$modelname}} END {print "MAX_GPU_MEMORY:", max}' gpu_use.log >> profile_log_$modelname
awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1} END {print "GPU_UTILIZATION:", sum/NR, sum, NR }' gpu_utilization.log.tmp >> profile_log_$modelname
# Show profiles
python3 ../../../util/show_profile.py profile $thread_num >> profile_log_$modelname
tail -n 8 profile >> profile_log_$modelname
echo '' >> profile_log_$modelname
# Kill all nvidia-smi background task.
pkill nvidia-smi
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