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# 如何使用C++定义模型组合
1. 启动两个Serving服务(例如Serving-det, Serving-rec),在您的Client中,读入数据——det前处理——调用Serving-det预测——det后处理——rec前处理——调用Serving-rec预测——rec后处理——输出结果。
- 优点:无须改动Paddle Serving代码
- 缺点:需要两次请求服务,请求数据量越大,效率稍差。
2. 通过修改代码,自定义模型预测行为(自定义OP),自定义服务处理的流程(自定义DAG),将多个模型的组合处理过程(上述的det前处理——调用Serving-det预测——det后处理——rec前处理——调用Serving-rec预测——rec后处理)集成在一个Serving服务中。此时,在您的Client中,读入数据——调用集成后的Serving——输出结果。
- 优点:只需要一次请求服务,效率高。
- 缺点:需要改动代码,且需要重新编译。
1. 自定义OP
2. 自定义DAG
3. 编译
4. 服务启动与调用
# 1. 自定义OP
OP是Paddle Serving服务端的处理流程(即DAG图)的基本组成,参考[从0开始自定义OP](./OP_CN.md),该文档只是讲述了如何自定义一个调用预测的OP节点,您可以在此基础上加上前处理,后处理。
首先获取前置OP的输出,作为本OP的输入,并可以根据自己的需求,通过修改TensorVector* in指向的内存的数据,进行数据的前处理。
``` c++
const GeneralBlob *input_blob = get_depend_argument<GeneralBlob>(pre_name());
const TensorVector *in = &input_blob->tensor_vector;
``` c++
GeneralBlob *output_blob = mutable_data<GeneralBlob>();
TensorVector *out = &output_blob->tensor_vector;
int batch_size = input_blob->GetBatchSize();
``` c++
if (InferManager::instance().infer(engine_name().c_str(), in, out, batch_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed do infer in fluid model: " << engine_name().c_str();
return -1;
在此之后,模型预测的输出已经写入与OP绑定的TensorVector* out指针变量所指向的内存空间,此时`可以通过修改TensorVector* out指向的内存的数据,进行数据的后处理`,下一个后置OP获取该OP的输出。
最后如果您使用Python API的方式启动Server端,在服务器端为Paddle Serving定义C++运算符后,最后一步是在Python API中为Paddle Serving服务器API添加注册, `python/paddle_serving_server/dag.py`文件里有关于API注册的代码如下
``` python
self.op_dict = {
"general_infer": "GeneralInferOp",
"general_reader": "GeneralReaderOp",
"general_response": "GeneralResponseOp",
"general_text_reader": "GeneralTextReaderOp",
"general_text_response": "GeneralTextResponseOp",
"general_single_kv": "GeneralSingleKVOp",
"general_dist_kv_infer": "GeneralDistKVInferOp",
"general_dist_kv": "GeneralDistKVOp",
"general_copy": "GeneralCopyOp",
``` python
default_engine_types = [
# 2. 自定义DAG
例如,对于OCR模型来说,实际是串联det和rec两个模型,我们可以使用一个`自定义的"general_detection"`和`"general_infer"(注意,此处名字必须与上述Python API中严格对应)`构建DAG图,代码(`python/paddle_serving_server/serve.py`)原理如下图所示。
``` python
import paddle_serving_server as serving
from paddle_serving_server import OpMaker
from paddle_serving_server import OpSeqMaker
op_maker = serving.OpMaker()
read_op = op_maker.create('general_reader')
general_detection_op = op_maker.create('general_detection')
general_infer_op = op_maker.create('general_infer')
general_response_op = op_maker.create('general_response')
op_seq_maker = serving.OpSeqMaker()
# 3. 编译
此时,需要您重新编译生成serving,并通过`export SERVING_BIN`设置环境变量来指定使用您编译生成的serving二进制文件,并通过`pip3 install`的方式安装相关python包,细节请参考[如何编译Serving](../Compile_CN.md)
# 4. 服务启动与调用
## 4.1 Server端启动
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ocr_det_model --port 9293#det模型
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ocr_rec_model --port 9294#rec模型
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model ocr_det_model ocr_rec_model --port 9295#多模型串联
## 4.2 Client端调用
python3 ocr_cpp_client.py ocr_det_client ocr_rec_client
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
### 简单的串联结构
PaddleServing在框架中具有一些预定义的计算节点。 一种非常常用的计算图是简单的reader-infer-response模式,可以涵盖大多数单一模型推理方案。 示例图和相应的DAG定义代码如下。
PaddleServing在框架中具有一些预定义的计算节点。 一种非常常用的计算图是简单的reader-infer-response模式,可以涵盖大多数单一模型推理方案。 示例图和通过`Python API 启动Server`相应的DAG定义代码如下(`python/paddle_serving_server/serve.py`)。
<img src='../images/simple_dag.png' width = "260" height = "370" align="middle"/>
......@@ -37,6 +38,9 @@ op_seq_maker.add_op(general_infer_op)
如果使用`C++命令行 + 配置文件的方式启动Server`只需修改配置文件即可。
由于该代码在大多数情况下都会被使用,并且用户不必更改代码,因此PaddleServing会发布一个易于使用的启动命令来启动服务。 示例如下:
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ int GeneralInferOp::inference() {
int64_t start = timeline.TimeStampUS();
if (InferManager::instance().infer(GENERAL_MODEL_NAME, in, out, batch_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed do infer in fluid model: " << GENERAL_MODEL_NAME;
if (InferManager::instance().infer(engine_name().c_str(), in, out, batch_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed do infer in fluid model: " << engine_name().c_str();
return -1;
......@@ -127,14 +127,15 @@ int GeneralInferOp::inference() {
`input_blob``output_blob` 都有很多的 `paddle::PaddleTensor`, 且Paddle预测库会被 `InferManager::instance().infer(GENERAL_MODEL_NAME, in, out, batch_size)`调用。此函数中的其他大多数代码都与性能分析有关,将来我们也可能会删除多余的代码。
`input_blob``output_blob` 都有很多的 `paddle::PaddleTensor`, 且Paddle预测库会被 `InferManager::instance().infer(engine_name().c_str(), in, out, batch_size)`调用。此函数中的其他大多数代码都与性能分析有关,将来我们也可能会删除多余的代码。
## 定义 Python API
在服务器端为Paddle Serving定义C++运算符后,最后一步是在Python API中为Paddle Serving服务器API添加注册, `python/paddle_serving_server/__init__.py`文件里有关于API注册的代码如下
在服务器端为Paddle Serving定义C++运算符后,最后一步是在Python API中为Paddle Serving服务器API添加注册, `python/paddle_serving_server/dag.py`文件里有关于API注册的代码如下
``` python
self.op_dict = {
......@@ -147,3 +148,13 @@ self.op_dict = {
"general_dist_kv": "GeneralDistKVOp"
``` python
default_engine_types = [
......@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ int GeneralInferOp::inference() {
int64_t start = timeline.TimeStampUS();
if (InferManager::instance().infer(GENERAL_MODEL_NAME, in, out, batch_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed do infer in fluid model: " << GENERAL_MODEL_NAME;
if (InferManager::instance().infer(engine_name().c_str(), in, out, batch_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed do infer in fluid model: " << engine_name().c_str();
return -1;
......@@ -126,15 +126,16 @@ int GeneralInferOp::inference() {
`input_blob` and `output_blob` both have multiple `paddle::PaddleTensor`, and the Paddle Inference library can be called through `InferManager::instance().infer(GENERAL_MODEL_NAME, in, out, batch_size)`. Most of the other code in this function is about profiling, we may remove redudant code in the future as well.
`input_blob` and `output_blob` both have multiple `paddle::PaddleTensor`, and the Paddle Inference library can be called through `InferManager::instance().infer(engine_name().c_str(), in, out, batch_size)`. Most of the other code in this function is about profiling, we may remove redudant code in the future as well.
Basically, the above code can implement a new operator. If you want to visit dictionary resource, you can reference `core/predictor/framework/resource.cpp` to add global visible resources. The initialization of resources is executed at the runtime of starting server.
## Define Python API
After you have defined a C++ operator on server side for Paddle Serving, the last step is to add a registration in Python API for PaddleServing server API, `python/paddle_serving_server/__init__.py` in the repo has the code piece.
After you have defined a C++ operator on server side for Paddle Serving, the last step is to add a registration in Python API for PaddleServing server API, `python/paddle_serving_server/dag.py` in the repo has the code piece.
``` c++
``` python
self.op_dict = {
"general_infer": "GeneralInferOp",
"general_reader": "GeneralReaderOp",
......@@ -145,3 +146,15 @@ self.op_dict = {
"general_dist_kv": "GeneralDistKVOp"
In `python/paddle_serving_server/server.py` file, only the class name of the C++ OP class that needs to load the model and execute prediction is added.
For example, `general_reader`, need to be added in the 👆 code, but not in the 👇 code. Because it only does some simple data processing without loading the model and call prediction.
``` python
default_engine_types = [
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