@@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ Arguments are the same as `inference_model_to_serving` API.
| `serving_server` | str | `"serving_server"` | The path of model files and configuration files for server. |
| `serving_client` | str | `"serving_client"` | The path of configuration files for client. |
| `model_filename` | str | None | The name of file to load the inference program. If it is None, the default filename `__model__` will be used. |
| `paras_filename` | str | None | The name of file to load all parameters. It is only used for the case that all parameters were saved in a single binary file. If parameters were saved in separate files, set it as None. |
| `params_filename` | str | None | The name of file to load all parameters. It is only used for the case that all parameters were saved in a single binary file. If parameters were saved in separate files, set it as None. |