未验证 提交 82fe4535 编写于 作者: T TeslaZhao 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

上级 b11c0a60
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ The first step is to call the model save interface to generate a model parameter
- [Analyze and optimize performance](doc/Python_Pipeline/Performance_Tuning_EN.md)
- [Benchmark(Chinese)](doc/Python_Pipeline/Benchmark_CN.md)
- Client SDK
- [Python SDK(Chinese)](doc/C++_Serving/Introduction_CN.md#42-多语言多协议Client))
- [Python SDK(Chinese)](doc/C++_Serving/Introduction_CN.md#42-多语言多协议Client)
- [JAVA SDK](doc/Java_SDK_EN.md)
- [C++ SDK(Chinese)](doc/C++_Serving/Introduction_CN.md#42-多语言多协议Client)
- [Large-scale sparse parameter server](doc/Cube_Local_EN.md)
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