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# Paddle Serving Design
## 1. Background
......@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ Models that can be predicted using the Paddle Inference Library, models saved du
### 3.4 Server Inferface
![Server Interface](../server_interface.png)
![Server Interface](server_interface.png)
### 3.5 Client Interface
<img src='../client_inferface.png' width = "600" height = "200">
<img src='client_inferface.png' width = "600" height = "200">
### 3.6 Client io used during Training
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def save_model(server_model_folder,
## 4. Paddle Serving Underlying Framework
![Paddle-Serging Overall Architecture](../framework.png)
![Paddle-Serging Overall Architecture](framework.png)
**Model Management Framework**: Connects model files of multiple machine learning platforms and provides a unified inference interface
**Business Scheduling Framework**: Abstracts the calculation logic of various different inference models, provides a general DAG scheduling framework, and connects different operators through DAG diagrams to complete a prediction service together. This abstract model allows users to conveniently implement their own calculation logic, and at the same time facilitates operator sharing. (Users build their own forecasting services. A large part of their work is to build DAGs and provide operators.)
......@@ -102,31 +102,31 @@ class FluidFamilyCore {
With reference to the abstract idea of model calculation of the TensorFlow framework, the business logic is abstracted into a DAG diagram, driven by configuration, generating a workflow, and skipping C ++ code compilation. Each specific step of the service corresponds to a specific OP. The OP can configure the upstream OP that it depends on. Unified message passing between OPs is achieved by the thread-level bus and channel mechanisms. For example, the service process of a simple prediction service can be abstracted into 3 steps including reading request data-> calling the prediction interface-> writing back the prediction result, and correspondingly implemented to 3 OP: ReaderOp-> ClassifyOp-> WriteOp
![Infer Service](../predict-service.png)
![Infer Service](predict-service.png)
Regarding the dependencies between OPs, and the establishment of workflows through OPs, you can refer to [从零开始写一个预测服务](CREATING.md) (simplified Chinese Version)
Server instance perspective
![Server instance perspective](../server-side.png)
![Server instance perspective](server-side.png)
#### 4.2.2 Paddle Serving Multi-Service Mechanism
![Paddle Serving multi-service](../multi-service.png)
![Paddle Serving multi-service](multi-service.png)
Paddle Serving instances can load multiple models at the same time, and each model uses a Service (and its configured workflow) to undertake services. You can refer to [service configuration file in Demo example](../../tools/cpp_examples/demo-serving/conf/service.prototxt) to learn how to configure multiple services for the serving instance
Paddle Serving instances can load multiple models at the same time, and each model uses a Service (and its configured workflow) to undertake services. You can refer to [service configuration file in Demo example](../tools/cpp_examples/demo-serving/conf/service.prototxt) to learn how to configure multiple services for the serving instance
#### 4.2.3 Hierarchical relationship of business scheduling
From the client's perspective, a Paddle Serving service can be divided into three levels: Service, Endpoint, and Variant from top to bottom.
![Call hierarchy relationship](../multi-variants.png)
![Call hierarchy relationship](multi-variants.png)
One Service corresponds to one inference model, and there is one endpoint under the model. Different versions of the model are implemented through multiple variant concepts under endpoint:
The same model prediction service can configure multiple variants, and each variant has its own downstream IP list. The client code can configure relative weights for each variant to achieve the relationship of adjusting the traffic ratio (refer to the description of variant_weight_list in [Client Configuration](../CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md) section 3.2).
The same model prediction service can configure multiple variants, and each variant has its own downstream IP list. The client code can configure relative weights for each variant to achieve the relationship of adjusting the traffic ratio (refer to the description of variant_weight_list in [Client Configuration](CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md) section 3.2).
![Client-side proxy function](../client-side-proxy.png)
![Client-side proxy function](client-side-proxy.png)
## 5. User Interface
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ No matter how the communication protocol changes, the framework only needs to en
### 5.1 Data Compression Method
Baidu-rpc has built-in data compression methods such as snappy, gzip, zlib, which can be configured in the configuration file (refer to [Client Configuration](../CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md) Section 3.1 for an introduction to compress_type)
Baidu-rpc has built-in data compression methods such as snappy, gzip, zlib, which can be configured in the configuration file (refer to [Client Configuration](CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md) Section 3.1 for an introduction to compress_type)
### 5.2 C ++ SDK API Interface
# Paddle Serving设计方案
## 1. 项目背景
......@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ PaddlePaddle是百度开源的机器学习框架,广泛支持各种深度学
### 3.4 Server Inferface
![Server Interface](../server_interface.png)
![Server Interface](server_interface.png)
### 3.5 Client Interface
<img src='../client_inferface.png' width = "600" height = "200">
<img src='client_inferface.png' width = "600" height = "200">
### 3.6 训练过程中使用的Client io
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def save_model(server_model_folder,
## 4. Paddle Serving底层框架
......@@ -104,31 +104,31 @@ class FluidFamilyCore {
参考TF框架的模型计算的抽象思想,将业务逻辑抽象成DAG图,由配置驱动,生成workflow,跳过C++代码编译。业务的每个具体步骤,对应一个具体的OP,OP可配置自己依赖的上游OP。OP之间消息传递统一由线程级Bus和channel机制实现。例如,一个简单的预测服务的服务过程,可以抽象成读请求数据->调用预测接口->写回预测结果等3个步骤,相应的实现到3个OP: ReaderOp->ClassifyOp->WriteOp
#### 4.2.2 Paddle Serving的多服务机制
![Paddle Serving的多服务机制](../multi-service.png)
![Paddle Serving的多服务机制](multi-service.png)
Paddle Serving实例可以同时加载多个模型,每个模型用一个Service(以及其所配置的workflow)承接服务。可以参考[Demo例子中的service配置文件](../..//tools/cpp_examples/demo-serving/conf/service.prototxt)了解如何为serving实例配置多个service
Paddle Serving实例可以同时加载多个模型,每个模型用一个Service(以及其所配置的workflow)承接服务。可以参考[Demo例子中的service配置文件](../tools/cpp_examples/demo-serving/conf/service.prototxt)了解如何为serving实例配置多个service
#### 4.2.3 业务调度层级关系
从客户端看,一个Paddle Serving service从顶向下可分为Service, Endpoint, Variant等3个层级
## 5. 用户接口
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Paddle Serving实例可以同时加载多个模型,每个模型用一个Servic
### 5.1 数据压缩方法
Baidu-rpc内置了snappy, gzip, zlib等数据压缩方法,可在配置文件中配置(参考[客户端配置](../CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md)第3.1节关于compress_type的介绍)
Baidu-rpc内置了snappy, gzip, zlib等数据压缩方法,可在配置文件中配置(参考[客户端配置](CLIENT_CONFIGURE.md)第3.1节关于compress_type的介绍)
### 5.2 C++ SDK API接口
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
Paddle Serving已经提供了一个基于ResNet的模型预测服务,按照INSTALL.md中所述步骤,编译Paddle Serving,然后按GETTING_STARTED.md所述步骤启动client端和server端即可看到预测服务运行效果。
## 2. Serving端
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ service ImageClassifyService {
#### 2.2.2 示例配置
以下配置文件将ReaderOP, ClassifyOP和WriteJsonOP串联成一个workflow (关于OP/workflow等概念,可参考[设计文档](DESIGN.md))
以下配置文件将ReaderOP, ClassifyOP和WriteJsonOP串联成一个workflow (关于OP/workflow等概念,可参考[设计文档](C++DESIGN_CN.md))
- 配置文件示例:
......@@ -392,4 +392,4 @@ predictors {
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Docker is an open source application container engine that allows developers to
Paddle Serving provides 4 development language client SDKs, including Python, C++, Java, and Golang. Golang SDK is under construction, We hope that interested open source developers can help submit PR.
+ Python, Refer to the client example under python/examples or 4.2 web service example.
+ C++, Refer to《[从零开始写一个预测服务](deprecated/CREATING.md)
+ C++, Refer to《[从零开始写一个预测服务](CREATING.md)
+ Java, Refer to《[Paddle Serving Client Java SDK](JAVA_SDK.md)
+ Golang, Refer to《[How to use Go Client of Paddle Serving](deprecated/IMDB_GO_CLIENT.md)
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的
Paddle Serving提供了4种开发语言SDK,包括Python、C++、Java、Golang。Golang SDK在建设中,有兴趣的开源开发者可以提交PR。
+ Python,参考python/examples下client示例 或 4.2 web服务示例
+ C++,参考《[从零开始写一个预测服务](deprecated/CREATING.md)
+ C++,参考《[从零开始写一个预测服务](CREATING.md)
+ Java,参考《[Paddle Serving Client Java SDK](JAVA_SDK_CN.md)
+ Golang,参考《[如何在Paddle Serving使用Go Client](deprecated/IMDB_GO_CLIENT_CN.md)
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