Paddle Serving helps deep learning developers deploy an online inference service without much effort. **The goal of this project**: once you have trained a deep neural nets with [Paddle](, you already have a model inference service. A demo of serving is as follows:
We consider deep learning inference online deployment to be a user-facing application in the future. **The goal of this project**: When you have trained a deep neural net with [Paddle](, you can put the model online without much effort. A demo of serving is as follows:
<h2align="center">Key Features</h2>
<h2align="center">Some Key Features</h2>
- Integrate with Paddle training pipeline seemlessly, most paddle models can be deployed **with one line command**.
- Integrate with Paddle training pipeline seemlessly, most paddle models can be deployed **with one line command**.
-**Industrial serving features** supported, such as models management, online loading, online A/B testing etc.
-**Industrial serving features** supported, such as models management, online loading, online A/B testing etc.