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# C++ Serving A/B Test
# C++ Serving ABTest
ABTest 是一种功能测试方案,一般是为同一个产品目标制定多种方案,让一部分用户使用 A 方案,另一部分用户使用 B 或 C 方案,根据测试效果,如点击率、转化率等来评价方案的优劣。
模型服务化部署框架中,ABTest 属于一个重要的基础功能,为模型迭代升级提供实验环境。Paddle Serving 的 PYTHON SDK 中实现 ABTest 功能,为用户提供简单易用功能测试环境。
## 功能设计
Paddle Serving 的 ABTest 功能是基于 PYTHON SDK 和 多个服务端构成。每个服务端加载不同模型,在客户端上注册多个服务端地址和访问比例,最终确定访问。
<div align=center>
<img src='images/6-5_Cpp_ABTest_CN_1.png' height = "400" align="middle"/>
## 使用案例
[imdb](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Serving/tree/develop/examples/C%2B%2B/imdb) 示例为例,介绍 ABTest 的使用,部署有5个步骤:
1. 安装 Paddle Serving Wheels
2. 下载多个模型并保存模型参数
3. 启动 A,B,C 3个服务
4. 客户端注册 A,B,C 服务端地址
5. 启动客户端并验证结果
**一.安装 Paddle Serving Wheels**
使用 ABTest 功能的前提是使用 PYTHON SDK,因此需要安装 `paddle_serving_client` 的 wheel 包。安装方法如下:
pip3 install paddle-serving-client==0.8.3 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
本示例已提供了一键下载脚本 `sh get_data.sh`,下载 `bow``cnn``lstm` 3种不同方式训练的模型。
sh get_data.sh
├── imdb_bow_client_conf
│   ├── serving_client_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_client_conf.stream.prototxt
├── imdb_bow_model
│   ├── embedding_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_0.b_0
│   ├── fc_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_1.b_0
│   ├── fc_1.w_0
│   ├── fc_2.b_0
│   ├── fc_2.w_0
│   ├── fluid_time_file
│   ├── __model__
│   ├── serving_server_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_server_conf.stream.prototxt
├── imdb_cnn_client_conf
│   ├── serving_client_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_client_conf.stream.prototxt
├── imdb_cnn_model
│   ├── embedding_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_0.b_0
│   ├── fc_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_1.b_0
│   ├── fc_1.w_0
│   ├── fluid_time_file
│   ├── __model__
│   ├── sequence_conv_0.b_0
│   ├── sequence_conv_0.w_0
│   ├── serving_server_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_server_conf.stream.prototxt
├── imdb_lstm_client_conf
│   ├── serving_client_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_client_conf.stream.prototxt
├── imdb_lstm_model
│   ├── embedding_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_0.b_0
│   ├── fc_0.w_0
│   ├── fc_1.b_0
│   ├── fc_1.w_0
│   ├── fc_2.b_0
│   ├── fc_2.w_0
│   ├── lstm_0.b_0
│   ├── lstm_0.w_0
│   ├── __model__
│   ├── serving_server_conf.prototxt
│   └── serving_server_conf.stream.prototxt
虽然3个模型的网络结构不同,但是 `feed var``fetch_var` 都是相同的便于做 ABTest。
feed_var {
name: "words"
alias_name: "words"
is_lod_tensor: true
feed_type: 0
shape: -1
fetch_var {
name: "fc_2.tmp_2"
alias_name: "prediction"
is_lod_tensor: false
fetch_type: 1
shape: 2
**三.启动 A,B,C 3个服务**
后台启动 `bow``cnn``lstm` 模型服务:
## 启动 bow 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_bow_model/ --port 9297 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
## 启动 cnn 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_cnn_model/ --port 9298 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
## 启动 lstm 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_lstm_model/ --port 9299 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
**四.客户端注册 A,B,C 服务端地址**
使用 `paddle_serving_client``Client::add_variant(self, tag, cluster, variant_weight)` 接口注册服务标签、服务地址和权重。框架会将所有权重求和后计算每个服务的比例。本示例中,bow 服务的权重是10,cnn 服务的权重是30, lstm的权重是60,每次请求分别请求到3个服务的比例是10%、30%和60%。
from paddle_serving_client import Client
from paddle_serving_app.reader.imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
import numpy as np
client = Client()
client.add_variant("bow", [""], 10)
client.add_variant("cnn", [""], 30)
client.add_variant("lstm", [""], 60)
如要在结果中打印请求到了哪个服务,在 `client.predict(feed, fetch, batch, need_variant_tag, logid)` 中设置 `need_variant_tag=True`
head test_data/part-0 | python3.7 abtest_client.py imdb_cnn_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
运行结果如下,10次请求中,bow 服务2次,cnn 服务3次,lstm 服务5次,与设置的比例基本相近。
I0506 04:02:46.720135 44567 naming_service_thread.cpp:202] brpc::policy::ListNamingService(""): added 1
I0506 04:02:46.722630 44567 naming_service_thread.cpp:202] brpc::policy::ListNamingService(""): added 1
I0506 04:02:46.723577 44567 naming_service_thread.cpp:202] brpc::policy::ListNamingService(""): added 1
I0506 04:02:46.814075 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=9.889ms,server_cost=6.283ms.
server_tag=lstm prediction=[0.500398 0.49960205]
I0506 04:02:46.826339 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=10.261ms,server_cost=9.503ms.
server_tag=lstm prediction=[0.5007235 0.49927652]
I0506 04:02:46.828992 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=1.667ms,server_cost=0.741ms.
server_tag=bow prediction=[0.25859657 0.74140346]
I0506 04:02:46.843299 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=13.402ms,server_cost=12.827ms.
server_tag=lstm prediction=[0.50039905 0.4996009 ]
I0506 04:02:46.850219 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=5.129ms,server_cost=4.332ms.
server_tag=cnn prediction=[0.6369219 0.36307803]
I0506 04:02:46.854203 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=2.804ms,server_cost=0.782ms.
server_tag=bow prediction=[0.15088597 0.849114 ]
I0506 04:02:46.858268 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=3.292ms,server_cost=2.677ms.
server_tag=cnn prediction=[0.4608788 0.5391212]
I0506 04:02:46.869217 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=10.13ms,server_cost=9.556ms.
server_tag=lstm prediction=[0.5000269 0.49997318]
I0506 04:02:46.883790 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=13.312ms,server_cost=12.822ms.
server_tag=lstm prediction=[0.50083774 0.49916226]
I0506 04:02:46.887256 44567 general_model.cpp:490] [client]logid=0,client_cost=2.432ms,server_cost=1.812ms.
server_tag=cnn prediction=[0.47895813 0.52104187]
## IMDB评论情绪预测服务
## IMDB 评论情绪预测 ABTest 服务
......@@ -11,16 +11,24 @@ sh get_data.sh
### 启动预测服务(支持BRPC-Client/GRPC-Client/Http-Client)
## 启动 bow 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_bow_model/ --port 9297 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
## 启动 cnn 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_cnn_model/ --port 9298 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
## 启动 lstm 模型服务
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_lstm_model/ --port 9299 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
python3 -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model imdb_cnn_model/ --port 9292
### BRPC-Client预测
### ABTest 预测
head test_data/part-0 | python3 test_client.py imdb_cnn_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
head test_data/part-0 | python3 abtest_client.py imdb_cnn_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
### BRPC-Client预测
### http预测
head test_data/part-0 | python3 test_http_client.py imdb_cnn_client_conf/serving_client_conf.prototxt imdb.vocab
......@@ -11,35 +11,35 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=doc-string-missing
from paddle_serving_client import Client
from paddle_serving_app.reader.imdb_reader import IMDBDataset
import sys
import numpy as np
client = Client()
client.add_variant("bow", [""], 10)
client.add_variant("lstm", [""], 90)
client.add_variant("bow", [""], 10)
client.add_variant("cnn", [""], 30)
client.add_variant("lstm", [""], 60)
print('please wait for about 10s')
with open('processed.data') as f:
cnt = {"bow": {'acc': 0, 'total': 0}, "lstm": {'acc': 0, 'total': 0}}
for line in f:
word_ids, label = line.split(';')
word_ids = [int(x) for x in word_ids.split(',')]
word_len = len(word_ids)
feed = {
"words": np.array(word_ids).reshape(word_len, 1),
"words.lod": [0, word_len]
fetch = ["acc", "cost", "prediction"]
[fetch_map, tag] = client.predict(
feed=feed, fetch=fetch, need_variant_tag=True, batch=True)
if (float(fetch_map["prediction"][0][1]) - 0.5) * (float(label[0]) - 0.5
) > 0:
cnt[tag]['acc'] += 1
cnt[tag]['total'] += 1
# you can define any english sentence or dataset here
# This example reuses imdb reader in training, you
# can define your own data preprocessing easily.
imdb_dataset = IMDBDataset()
for tag, data in cnt.items():
print('[{}](total: {}) acc: {}'.format(tag, data[
'total'], float(data['acc']) / float(data['total'])))
for line in sys.stdin:
word_ids, label = imdb_dataset.get_words_and_label(line)
word_len = len(word_ids)
feed = {
"words": np.array(word_ids).reshape(word_len, 1),
"words.lod": [0, word_len]
fetch = ["prediction"]
fetch_map = client.predict(
feed=feed, fetch=fetch, batch=True, need_variant_tag=True)
print("server_tag={} prediction={} ".format(fetch_map[1], fetch_map[0][
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ we recommend use Proto data format in HTTP-body, set True(which is default)
if you want use JSON data format in HTTP-body, set False
# you can define any english sentence or dataset here
# This example reuses imdb reader in training, you
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