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# Paddle Serving Using Baidu Kunlun Chips

Paddle serving supports deployment using Baidu Kunlun chips. At present, the pilot support is deployed on the ARM server with Baidu Kunlun chips
 (such as Phytium FT-2000+/64). We will improve
 the deployment capability on various heterogeneous hardware servers in the future. 

# Compilation and installation
Refer to [compile]( document to setup the compilation environment。
## Compilatiton
* Compile the Serving Server
cd Serving
mkdir -p server-build-arm && cd server-build-arm

cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.7m/ \
    -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib64/ \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
    -DSERVER=ON ..
make -j10
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You can run `make install` to produce the target in `./output` directory. Add `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./output` to specify the output path to CMake command shown above. Please specify `-DWITH_MKL=ON` on Intel CPU platform with AVX2 support.  
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* Compile the Serving Client
mkdir -p client-build-arm && cd client-build-arm

cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.7m/ \
    -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib64/ \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
    -DCLIENT=ON ..

make -j10
* Compile the App
cd Serving 
mkdir -p app-build-arm && cd app-build-arm

cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.7m/ \
    -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib64/ \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
    -DAPP=ON ..

make -j10
## Install the wheel package
After the compilations stages above, the whl package will be generated in ```python/dist/``` under the specific temporary directories.
For example, after the Server Compiation step,the whl package will be produced under the server-build-arm/python/dist directory, and you can run ```pip install -u python/dist/*.whl``` to install the package。

# Request parameters description
In order to deploy serving
 service on the arm server with Baidu Kunlun xpu chips and use the acceleration capability of Paddle-Lite,please specify the following parameters during deployment。
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| param    | param description                | about                                                              |
| :------- | :------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| use_lite | using Paddle-Lite Engine         | use the inference capability of Paddle-Lite                        |
| use_xpu  | using Baidu Kunlun for inference | need to be used with the use_lite option                           |
| ir_optim | open the graph optimization      | refer to[Paddle-Lite]( |
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# Deplyment examples
## Download the model
wget --no-check-certificate
tar -xzf uci_housing.tar.gz
## Start RPC service
There are mainly three deployment methods:
* deploy on the ARM server with Baidu xpu using the acceleration capability of Paddle-Lite and xpu;
* deploy on the ARM server standalone with Paddle-Lite;
* deploy on the ARM server standalone without Paddle-Lite。
The first two deployment methods are recommended。

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Start the rpc service, deploying on ARM server with Baidu Kunlun chips,and accelerate with Paddle-Lite and Baidu Kunlun xpu.
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python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model uci_housing_model --thread 6 --port 9292 --use_lite --use_xpu --ir_optim
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Start the rpc service, deploying on ARM server,and accelerate with Paddle-Lite.
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python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model uci_housing_model --thread 6 --port 9292 --use_lite --ir_optim
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Start the rpc service, deploying on ARM server.
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python3 -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model uci_housing_model --thread 6 --port 9292
from paddle_serving_client import Client
import numpy as np
client = Client()
data = [0.0137, -0.1136, 0.2553, -0.0692, 0.0582, -0.0727,
        -0.1583, -0.0584, 0.6283, 0.4919, 0.1856, 0.0795, -0.0332]
fetch_map = client.predict(feed={"x": np.array(data).reshape(1,13,1)}, fetch=["price"])
Some examples are provided below, and other models can be modifed with reference to these examples。
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| sample name | sample links                                                |
| :---------- | :---------------------------------------------------------- |
| fit_a_line  | [fit_a_line_xpu](../python/examples/xpu/fit_a_line_xpu)     |
| resnet      | [resnet_v2_50_xpu](../python/examples/xpu/resnet_v2_50_xpu) |