# Encryption Model Prediction([简体中文](README_CN.md)|English)## Get Origin ModelThe example uses the model file of the fit_a_line example as a origin model```sh get_data.sh```## Encrypt Model```python encrypt.py```The key is stored in the `key` file, and the encrypted model file and server-side configuration file are stored in the `encrypt_server` directory.client-side configuration file are stored in the `encrypt_client` directory.## Start Encryption ServiceCPU Service```python -m paddle_serving_server.serve --model encrypt_server/ --port 9300 --use_encryption_model```GPU Service```python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model encrypt_server/ --port 9300 --use_encryption_model --gpu_ids 0```## Prediction```python test_client.py uci_housing_client/serving_client_conf.prototxt```