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# Inference Protocols

C++ Serving基于BRPC进行服务构建,支持BRPC、GRPC、RESTful请求。请求数据为protobuf格式,详见`core/general-server/proto/general_model_service.proto`。本文介绍构建请求以及解析结果的方法。

## Tensor


message Tensor {
  // VarType: INT64
  repeated int64 int64_data = 1;

  // VarType: FP32
  repeated float float_data = 2;

  // VarType: INT32
  repeated int32 int_data = 3;

  // VarType: FP64
  repeated double float64_data = 4;

  // VarType: UINT32
  repeated uint32 uint32_data = 5;

  // VarType: BOOL
  repeated bool bool_data = 6;

  // (No support)VarType: COMPLEX64, 2x represents the real part, 2x+1
  // represents the imaginary part
  repeated float complex64_data = 7;

  // (No support)VarType: COMPLEX128, 2x represents the real part, 2x+1
  // represents the imaginary part
  repeated double complex128_data = 8;

  // VarType: STRING
  repeated string data = 9;

  // Element types:
  //   0 => INT64
  //   1 => FP32
  //   2 => INT32
  //   3 => FP64
  //   4 => INT16
  //   5 => FP16
  //   6 => BF16
  //   7 => UINT8
  //   8 => INT8
  //   9 => BOOL
  //  10 => COMPLEX64
  //  11 => COMPLEX128
  //  20 => STRING
  int32 elem_type = 10;

  // Shape of the tensor, including batch dimensions.
  repeated int32 shape = 11;

  // Level of data(LOD), support variable length data, only for fetch tensor
  // currently.
  repeated int32 lod = 12;

  // Correspond to the variable 'name' in the model description prototxt.
  string name = 13;

  // Correspond to the variable 'alias_name' in the model description prototxt.
  string alias_name = 14; // get from the Model prototxt

  // VarType: FP16, INT16, INT8, BF16, UINT8
  bytes tensor_content = 15;

- elem_type:数据类型,当前支持FLOAT32, INT64, INT32, UINT8, INT8, FLOAT16


- shape:数据维度
- lod:lod信息,LoD(Level-of-Detail) Tensor是Paddle的高级特性,是对Tensor的一种扩充,用于支持更自由的数据输入。详见[LOD](../
- name/alias_name: 名称及别名,与模型配置对应

### 构建FLOAT32数据Tensor

// 原始数据
std::vector<float> float_data;
Tensor *tensor = new Tensor;
// 设置维度,可以设置多维
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < float_shape.size(); ++j) {
// 设置LOD信息
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < float_lod.size(); ++j) {
// 设置类型、名称及别名
// 拷贝数据
int total_number = float_data.size();
tensor->mutable_float_data()->Resize(total_number, 0);
memcpy(tensor->mutable_float_data()->mutable_data(), float_datadata(), total_number * sizeof(float));

### 构建INT8数据Tensor

// 原始数据
std::string string_data;
Tensor *tensor = new Tensor;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < string_shape.size(); ++j) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < string_lod.size(); ++j) {

## Request


message Request {
  repeated Tensor tensor = 1;
  repeated string fetch_var_names = 2;
  bool profile_server = 3;
  uint64 log_id = 4;

- fetch_vat_names: 需要获取的输出数据名称,在GeneralResponseOP会根据该列表进行过滤.请参考模型文件serving_client_conf.prototxt中的`fetch_var`字段下的`alias_name`
- profile_server: 调试参数,打开时会输出性能信息
- log_id: 请求ID

### 构建Request


Request req;
for (auto &name : fetch_name) {
// 添加Tensor
Tensor *tensor = req.add_tensor();



## Response


message Response {
  repeated ModelOutput outputs = 1;
  repeated int64 profile_time = 2;
  // Error code
  int32 err_no = 3;

  // Error messages
  string err_msg = 4;

message ModelOutput {
  repeated Tensor tensor = 1;
  string engine_name = 2;

- profile_time:当设置request->set_profile_server(true)时,会返回性能信息
- err_no:错误码,详见`core/predictor/common/constant.h`
- err_msg:错误信息,详见`core/predictor/common/constant.h`
- engine_name:输出节点名称

|-5000|"Paddle Serving Framework Internal Error."|
|-5001|"Paddle Serving Memory Alloc Error."|
|-5002|"Paddle Serving Array Overflow Error."|
|-5100|"Paddle Serving Op Inference Error."|

### 读取Response数据

uint32_t model_num = res.outputs_size();
for (uint32_t m_idx = 0; m_idx < model_num; ++m_idx) {
  std::string engine_name = output.engine_name();
  int idx = 0;
  // 读取tensor维度
  int shape_size = output.tensor(idx).shape_size();
  for (int i = 0; i < shape_size; ++i) {
    shape[i] = output.tensor(idx).shape(i);
  // 读取LOD信息
  int lod_size = output.tensor(idx).lod_size();
  if (lod_size > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lod_size; ++i) {
      lod[i] = output.tensor(idx).lod(i);
  // 读取float数据
  int size = output.tensor(idx).float_data_size();
  float_data = std::vector<float>(
      output.tensor(idx).float_data().begin() + size);
  // 读取int8数据
  string_data = output.tensor(idx).tensor_content();