未验证 提交 7f4ee1c8 编写于 作者: Y yangguohao 提交者: GitHub

Update circuit.py

上级 06120cc8
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from paddle import imag, real, reshape, kron, matmul, trace
from paddle_quantum.utils import partial_trace, dagger, pauli_str_to_matrix
from paddle_quantum import shadow
from paddle_quantum.intrinsic import *
from paddle_quantum.state import density_op
from paddle_quantum.state import density_op,vec
__all__ = [
......@@ -67,8 +67,22 @@ class UAnsatz:
assert new_n>=self.n,'扩展后量子比特数要大于原量子比特数'
diff = new_n-self.n
dim = 2**diff
if self.__state is not None:
if self.__run_mode=='density_matrix':
shape = (dim,dim)
_state = paddle.to_tensor(density_op(diff))
elif self.__run_mode=='state_vector':
shape = (dim,)
_state = paddle.to_tensor(vec(0,diff))
_state= paddle.reshape(_state,shape)
_state = kron(self.__state,_state)
self.__state = _state
self.n = new_n
def __add__(self, cir):
r"""重载加法 ‘+’ 运算符,用于拼接两个维度相同的电路
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