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"Further, each module in the QAOA circuit can be decomposed into a series of operations acting on single qubits and two qubits. In particular, the first has the decomposition of $U_c(\\gamma)=\\prod_{(i, j)}e^{-i \\gamma Z_iZ_j }$ while there is $U_x(\\beta)=\\prod_{i}e^{-i \\beta X_i}$ for the second. This is illustrated in the following figure.\n",
"Further, each module in the QAOA circuit can be decomposed into a series of operations acting on single qubits and two qubits. In particular, the first has the decomposition of $U_c(\\gamma)=\\prod_{(i, j)}e^{-i \\gamma Z_i\\otimes Z_j }$ while there is $U_x(\\beta)=\\prod_{i}e^{-i \\beta X_i}$ for the second. This is illustrated in the following figure.\n",
"我们现在已经完成了量子神经网络的训练,得到的基态能量的估计值大致为-1.136 Ha (注: Ha为[哈特里能量](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%93%88%E7%89%B9%E9%87%8C%E8%83%BD%E9%87%8F/13777793?fr=aladdin),是原子单位制中的能量单位),我们将通过与理论值的对比来测试效果。\n",