提交 6a5c2208 编写于 作者: C chenfeiyu

add README for examples/clarinet

上级 424c16a6
# Clarinet
Paddle implementation of clarinet in dynamic graph, a convolutional network based vocoder. The implementation is based on the paper [ClariNet: Parallel Wave Generation in End-to-End Text-to-Speech](arxiv.org/abs/1807.07281).
## Dataset
We experiment with the LJSpeech dataset. Download and unzip [LJSpeech](https://keithito.com/LJ-Speech-Dataset/).
wget https://data.keithito.com/data/speech/LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2
tar xjvf LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2
## Project Structure
├── data.py data_processing
├── configs/ (example) configuration file
├── synthesis.py script to synthesize waveform from mel_spectrogram
├── train.py script to train a model
└── utils.py utility functions
## Train
Train the model using train.py, follow the usage displayed by `python train.py --help`.
usage: train.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--device DEVICE] [--output OUTPUT]
[--data DATA] [--resume RESUME] [--conditioner CONDITIONER]
[--teacher TEACHER]
train a clarinet model with LJspeech and a trained wavenet model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG path of the config file.
--device DEVICE device to use.
--output OUTPUT path to save student.
--data DATA path of LJspeech dataset.
--resume RESUME checkpoint to load from.
--conditioner CONDITIONER
conditioner checkpoint to use.
--teacher TEACHER teacher checkpoint to use.
1. `--config` is the configuration file to use. The provided configurations can be used directly. And you can change some values in the configuration file and train the model with a different config.
2. `--data` is the path of the LJSpeech dataset, the extracted folder from the downloaded archive (the folder which contains metadata.txt).
3. `--resume` is the path of the checkpoint. If it is provided, the model would load the checkpoint before trainig.
4. `--output` is the directory to save results, all result are saved in this directory. The structure of the output directory is shown below.
├── checkpoints # checkpoint
├── states # audio files generated at validation
└── log # tensorboard log
5. `--device` is the device (gpu id) to use for training. `-1` means CPU.
6. `--conditioner` is the path of the checkpoint to load for the `conditioner` part of clarinet. if you do not specify `--resume`, then this must be provided.
7. `--teacher` is the path of the checkpoint to load for the `teacher` part of clarinet. if you do not specify `--resume`, then this must be provided.
Before you start training a clarinet model, you should have trained a wavenet model with single gaussian as output distribution. Make sure the config for teacher matches that for the trained model.
example script:
python train.py --config=./configs/clarinet_ljspeech.yaml --data=./LJSpeech-1.1/ --output=experiment --device=0 --conditioner=wavenet_checkpoint/conditioner --conditioner=wavenet_checkpoint/teacher
You can monitor training log via tensorboard, using the script below.
cd experiment/log
tensorboard --logdir=.
## Synthesis
usage: synthesis.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--device DEVICE] [--data DATA]
checkpoint output
train a clarinet model with LJspeech and a trained wavenet model.
positional arguments:
checkpoint checkpoint to load from.
output path to save student.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG path of the config file.
--device DEVICE device to use.
--data DATA path of LJspeech dataset.
1. `--config` is the configuration file to use. You should use the same configuration with which you train you model.
2. `--data` is the path of the LJspeech dataset. A dataset is not needed for synthesis, but since the input is mel spectrogram, we need to get mel spectrogram from audio files.
3. `checkpoint` is the checkpoint to load.
4. `output_path` is the directory to save results. The output path contains the generated audio files (`*.wav`).
5. `--device` is the device (gpu id) to use for training. `-1` means CPU.
example script:
python synthesis.py --config=./configs/wavenet_single_gaussian.yaml --data=./LJSpeech-1.1/ --device=0 experiment/checkpoints/step_500000 generated
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ train:
anneal_interval: 200000
gradient_max_norm: 100.0
checkpoint_interval: 10
eval_interval: 10
checkpoint_interval: 1000
eval_interval: 1000
max_iterations: 2000000
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