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# 数据分析


## 统计分析

python tools/


* 图像数量

64 samples in file dataset/remote_sensing_seg/train.txt
* 图像最大和最小的尺寸

例如统计出训练集中最大的高宽和最小的高宽分别是(1000, 1000)和(1000, 1000):
Minimal image height: 1000 Minimal image width: 1000.
Maximal image height: 1000 Maximal image width: 1000.
* 图像通道数量


Image channel is 10.
* 图像各通道的最小值和最大值


Minimal image value: [7.172e+03 6.561e+03 5.777e+03 5.103e+03 4.291e+03 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 4.232e+03 6.934e+03 7.199e+03]
Maximal image value: [65535. 65535. 65535. 65535. 65535. 65535. 65535. 56534. 65535. 63215.]

* 图像各通道的像素值分布


Image pixel distribution of each channel is saved with 'distribute.png' in the dataset/remote_sensing_seg

* 图像各通道归一化后的均值和方差


Image mean value: [0.23417574 0.22283101 0.2119595  0.2119887  0.27910388 0.21294892 0.17294037 0.10158925 0.43623915 0.41019192]
Image standard deviation: [0.06831269 0.07243951 0.07284761 0.07875261 0.08120818 0.0609302 0.05110716 0.00696064 0.03849307 0.03205579]

* 标注图中各类别的数量及比重


Label pixel information is shown in a format of (label_id, the number of label_id, the ratio of label_id):
(0, 13302870, 0.20785734374999995)
(1, 4577005, 0.07151570312500002)
(2, 3955012, 0.0617970625)
(3, 2814243, 0.04397254687499999)
(4, 39350870, 0.6148573437500001)


## 2 确定像素值截断范围





截断范围最小值: clip_min_value = [7172,  6561,  5777, 5103, 4291, 4000, 4000, 4232, 6934, 7199]
截断范围最大值: clip_max_value = [50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 50000, 40000, 30000, 18000, 40000, 36000]

## 3 确定像素值截断范围


python tools/


Channel 0, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.00054778125
Channel 1, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.0011129375
Channel 2, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.000843703125
Channel 3, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.00127125
Channel 4, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.001330140625
Channel 5, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 8.1375e-05
Channel 6, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.0007348125
Channel 7, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 6.5625e-07
Channel 8, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.000185921875
Channel 9, the ratio of pixels to be clipped = 0.000139671875

Image mean value: [0.15163569 0.15142828 0.15574491 0.1716084  0.2799778  0.27652043 0.28195933 0.07853807 0.56333154 0.5477584 ]
Image standard deviation: [0.09301891 0.09818967 0.09831126 0.1057784  0.10842132 0.11062996 0.12791838 0.02637859 0.0675052  0.06168227]
(normalized by (clip_max_value - clip_min_value), arranged in 0-10 channel order)