Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Jun2318171614121098762127May262524232120191817161312111097524Apr2322212019181512876131Mar292421181610721Feb191816828Jan18171076431Dec2827222076230Nov252319171513121127Oct251927Sep2624171597631Aug241712119528Jul272621201615141310752130Jun292524232221111097427May26252420191817141329Apr28272625231916146226Mar241110425Feb242322189865432129Jan282726252218131211108765425Dec222119181716151411109832126Nov24211918171693229Oct2827212028Sep21181716151110987331Aug2524191514107654331Jul282722171614139732130Jun28271918171512119543228May272625212019181715141312987629Apr26232221201917161514139832130Mar27Add more classification demo for ACT (#1188)Fix config and wrapper of dataloader (#1192)Add demo of ACT for ernie3.0 (#1184)update auto compress classication readme (#1191)Refine config API in ACT (#1178)Add dkd dist loss (#1189)optimization train config (#1187)add tensorflow mobilenetv1 model for auto compress (#1183)Add demo of ACT for some segmentation models (#1186)support voc dataset in act (#1185)[MKLDNN] Develop fake data demo (#943)fix find op itself in transformer prune (#1181)Fix issues when hardware is gpu or gpu in ACT (#1180)Make ACT support inputs with implicit dimensions (#1175)Change min paddle version required by quantizaiton to 2.3.0 (#1176)fix typo (#1174)update shortcut (#1173)Update filter_pruning.md (#1165)release/2.0.0release/2.0.0fix ac import ptq_hpo (#1170)fix_demo (#1167)fix docs typo (#1169)Fix temp filename in windows (#1166)optimization yaml (#1157)replace eval dataloader with train dataloader if eval_dataloader is None (#1163)speedup eval in demo (#1159)support train_iter in act (#1161)del setup python_version check (#1162)support skip_tensor_list in PTQ (#1160)fix act logger (#1158)Skip auto tuning when shape of model's input is variable (#1155)Fix nan error in quant_post_hpo (#1153)fix latency_table multiprocess (#1151)add YOLOv5s ACT demo (#1143)fix act typo (#1149)support fuse Conv and BN before QAT (#1146)Refine temp directory of ACT (#1145)[auto-compression] solve prediction problems and fix docs. (#1142)[Eager]Support final_state_layer_norm for SuperLayerNorm (#1128)[auto-compression-asp] support fleet training and asp+distillation in auto compression (#1139)Add lr scheduler for auto_compress (#1127)
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