0]],f"The length of current_mask must be equal to the size of dimension to be pruned on. But get: len(current_mask): {len(current_mask)}; var_shape: {var_shape}; dims: {dims}; var name: {_name}; len(mask): {len(mask)}"
0]],"The length of current_mask must be equal to the size of dimension to be pruned on. But get: len(current_mask): {}; var_shape: {}; dims: {}; var name: {}; len(mask): {}".format(len(current_mask),var_shape,dims,_name,len(mask))
f"Cann't found relative variables of {_param} because {_param} is not in target program or model. Please make sure {_param} is in your program if you are using static API of PaddlePaddle. And make sure your model in correctly mode and contains {_param} if you are using dynamic API of PaddlePaddle."
"Cann't found relative variables of {} because {} is not in target program or model. Please make sure {} is in your program if you are using static API of PaddlePaddle. And make sure your model in correctly mode and contains {} if you are using dynamic API of PaddlePaddle.".format(_param,_param,_param,_param)