Inplace broadcast the origin_config according to the same search space. Such as: same_search_space = [['conv1_weight', 'conv3_weight']], param2key = {'conv1_weight': 'conv1.conv', 'conv3_weight': 'conv3.weight'}, origin_config= {'conv1.weight': {'channel': 10}, 'conv2.weight': {'channel': 20}}, the result after this function is origin_config={'conv1.weight': {'channel': 10}, 'conv2.weight': {'channel': 20}, 'conv3.weight': {'channel': 10}}
same_search_space(list<list>): broadcast according this list, each list in same_search_space means the channel must be consistent.
param2key(dict): the name of layers corresponds to the name of parameter.
origin_config(dict): the search space which can be searched.