未验证 提交 8232a30b 编写于 作者: W whs 提交者: GitHub

Fix pruning grouped conv2d (#842) (#843)

上级 524ac561
......@@ -119,8 +119,10 @@ class Pruner():
# update groups of conv2d
if pruned_axis == 1:
for op in param.outputs():
if op.type() in ["conv2d", "depthwise_conv2d"
] and op.attr("groups") > 1:
if op.type() in [
"conv2d", "conv2d_grad", "depthwise_conv2d",
] and op.attr("groups") > 1:
_groups = op.attr("groups")
_filter_num = param.shape()[1]
new_groups = int(
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