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.. py:function:: paddleslim.dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program, data_name_map, place, scope=fluid.global_scope(), name_prefix='teacher_')

`源代码 <>`_

merge将teacher_program融合到student_program中。在融合的program中,可以为其中合适的teacher特征图和student特征图添加蒸馏损失函数,从而达到用teacher模型的暗知识(Dark Knowledge)指导student模型学习的目的。


- **teacher_program** (Program)-定义了teacher模型的 `paddle program <>`_
- **student_program** (Program)-定义了student模型的 `paddle program <>`_
- **data_name_map** (dict)-teacher输入接口名与student输入接口名的映射,其中dict的 *key* 为teacher的输入名,*value* 为student的输入名
- **place** (fluid.CPUPlace()|fluid.CUDAPlace(N))-该参数表示程序运行在何种设备上,这里的N为GPU对应的ID
- **scope** (Scope)-该参数表示程序使用的变量作用域,如果不指定将使用默认的全局作用域。默认值: `fluid.global_scope() <>`_
- **name_prefix** (str)-merge操作将统一为teacher的 `Variables <>`_ 添加的名称前缀name_prefix。默认值:'teacher_'

**返回:** 无

.. note::

    *data_name_map* 是 **teacher_var name到student_var name的映射** ,如果写反可能无法正确进行merge


.. code-block:: python

   import paddle.fluid as fluid
   import paddleslim.dist as dist
   student_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       x ='x', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1)
   teacher_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(teacher_program):
       y ='y', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(y, 32, 1)
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 32, 3, padding=1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1)
   data_name_map = {'y':'x'}
   USE_GPU = False
   place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if USE_GPU else fluid.CPUPlace()
   dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program,
                             data_name_map, place)


.. py:function:: paddleslim.dist.fsp_loss(teacher_var1_name, teacher_var2_name, student_var1_name, student_var2_name, program=fluid.default_main_program())

`源代码 <>`_

fsp_loss为program内的teacher var和student var添加fsp loss,出自论文 `A Gift from Knowledge Distillation: Fast Optimization, Network Minimization and Transfer Learning <>`_


- **teacher_var1_name** (str): teacher_var1的名称. 对应的variable是一个形为`[batch_size, x_channel, height, width]`的4-D特征图Tensor,数据类型为float32或float64
- **teacher_var2_name** (str): teacher_var2的名称. 对应的variable是一个形为`[batch_size, y_channel, height, width]`的4-D特征图Tensor,数据类型为float32或float64。只有y_channel可以与teacher_var1的x_channel不同,其他维度必须与teacher_var1相同
- **student_var1_name** (str): student_var1的名称. 对应的variable需与teacher_var1尺寸保持一致,是一个形为`[batch_size, x_channel, height, width]`的4-D特征图Tensor,数据类型为float32或float64
- **student_var2_name** (str): student_var2的名称. 对应的variable需与teacher_var2尺寸保持一致,是一个形为`[batch_size, y_channel, height, width]`的4-D特征图Tensor,数据类型为float32或float64。只有y_channel可以与student_var1的x_channel不同,其他维度必须与student_var1相同
- **program** (Program): 用于蒸馏训练的fluid program。默认值: `fluid.default_main_program() <>`_

**返回:** 由teacher_var1, teacher_var2, student_var1, student_var2组合得到的fsp_loss


.. code-block:: python
   import paddle.fluid as fluid
   import paddleslim.dist as dist
   student_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       x ='x', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 1, name='s1')
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='s2')
   teacher_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(teacher_program):
       y ='y', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(y, 32, 1, name='t1')
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 32, 3, padding=1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='t2')
   data_name_map = {'y':'x'}
   USE_GPU = False
   place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if USE_GPU else fluid.CPUPlace()
   dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program, data_name_map, place)
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       distillation_loss = dist.fsp_loss('teacher_t1.tmp_1', 'teacher_t2.tmp_1',
                                         's1.tmp_1', 's2.tmp_1', student_program)


.. py:function:: paddleslim.dist.l2_loss(teacher_var_name, student_var_name, program=fluid.default_main_program())[[源代码]](

: l2_loss为program内的teacher var和student var添加l2 loss


- **teacher_var_name** (str): teacher_var的名称.
- **student_var_name** (str): student_var的名称.
- **program** (Program): 用于蒸馏训练的fluid program。默认值: `fluid.default_main_program() <>`_

**返回:** 由teacher_var, student_var组合得到的l2_loss


.. code-block:: python
   import paddle.fluid as fluid
   import paddleslim.dist as dist
   student_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       x ='x', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 1, name='s1')
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='s2')
   teacher_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(teacher_program):
       y ='y', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(y, 32, 1, name='t1')
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 32, 3, padding=1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='t2')
   data_name_map = {'y':'x'}
   USE_GPU = False
   place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if USE_GPU else fluid.CPUPlace()
   dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program, data_name_map, place)
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       distillation_loss = dist.l2_loss('teacher_t2.tmp_1', 's2.tmp_1',


.. py:function:: paddleslim.dist.soft_label_loss(teacher_var_name, student_var_name, program=fluid.default_main_program(), teacher_temperature=1., student_temperature=1.)[[源代码]](

soft_label_loss为program内的teacher var和student var添加soft label loss,出自论文 `Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network <>`_


- **teacher_var_name** (str): teacher_var的名称.
- **student_var_name** (str): student_var的名称.
- **program** (Program): 用于蒸馏训练的fluid program。默认值: `fluid.default_main_program() <>`_
- **teacher_temperature** (float): 对teacher_var进行soft操作的温度值,温度值越大得到的特征图越平滑
- **student_temperature** (float): 对student_var进行soft操作的温度值,温度值越大得到的特征图越平滑

**返回:** 由teacher_var, student_var组合得到的soft_label_loss


.. code-block:: python
   import paddle.fluid as fluid
   import paddleslim.dist as dist
   student_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       x ='x', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 1, name='s1')
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='s2')
   teacher_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(teacher_program):
       y ='y', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(y, 32, 1, name='t1')
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 32, 3, padding=1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='t2')
   data_name_map = {'y':'x'}
   USE_GPU = False
   place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if USE_GPU else fluid.CPUPlace()
   dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program, data_name_map, place)
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       distillation_loss = dist.soft_label_loss('teacher_t2.tmp_1',
                                                's2.tmp_1', student_program, 1., 1.)


.. py:function:: paddleslim.dist.loss(loss_func, program=fluid.default_main_program(), **kwargs) [[源代码]](

: loss函数支持对任意多对teacher_var和student_var使用自定义损失函数


- **loss_func**( python function): 自定义的损失函数,输入为teacher var和student var,输出为自定义的loss
- **program** (Program): 用于蒸馏训练的fluid program。默认值: `fluid.default_main_program() <>`_
- **\**kwargs** : loss_func输入名与对应variable名称

**返回** :自定义的损失函数loss


.. code-block:: python
   import paddle.fluid as fluid
   import paddleslim.dist as dist
   student_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       x ='x', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 1, name='s1')
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='s2')
   teacher_program = fluid.Program()
   with fluid.program_guard(teacher_program):
       y ='y', shape=[1, 28, 28])
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(y, 32, 1, name='t1')
       conv = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 32, 3, padding=1)
       out = fluid.layers.conv2d(conv, 64, 3, padding=1, name='t2')
   data_name_map = {'y':'x'}
   USE_GPU = False
   place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if USE_GPU else fluid.CPUPlace()
   dist.merge(teacher_program, student_program, data_name_map, place)
   def adaptation_loss(t_var, s_var):
       teacher_channel = t_var.shape[1]
       s_hint = fluid.layers.conv2d(s_var, teacher_channel, 1)
       hint_loss = fluid.layers.reduce_mean(fluid.layers.square(s_hint - t_var))
       return hint_loss
   with fluid.program_guard(student_program):
       distillation_loss = dist.loss(adaptation_loss, student_program,
               t_var='teacher_t2.tmp_1', s_var='s2.tmp_1')

.. note::

    在添加蒸馏loss时会引入新的variable,需要注意新引入的variable不要与student variables命名冲突。这里建议两种用法(两种方法任选其一即可):

    1. 建议与student_program使用同一个命名空间,以避免一些未指定名称的variables(例如tmp_0, tmp_1...)多次定义为同一名称出现命名冲突

    2. 建议在添加蒸馏loss时指定一个命名空间前缀,具体用法请参考Paddle官方文档 `fluid.name_scope <>`_