提交 f15c1130 编写于 作者: C chenguowei01

update humanseg_postprocess

上级 e053e5a7
......@@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ def human_seg_tracking(pre_gray, cur_gray, prev_cfd, dl_weights, disflow):
h, w = pre_gray.shape[:2]
track_cfd = np.zeros_like(prev_cfd)
is_track = np.zeros_like(pre_gray)
# 这两个的处理的作用?
flow_fw = disflow.calc(pre_gray, cur_gray, None)
flow_bw = disflow.calc(cur_gray, pre_gray, None)
# cur_position =
flow_fw = np.round(flow_fw).astype(np.int)
flow_bw = np.round(flow_bw).astype(np.int)
y_list = np.array(range(h))
......@@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ def postprocess(cur_gray, scoremap, prev_gray, pre_cfd, disflow, is_init):
cur_cfd = scoremap.copy()
if is_init:
is_init = False
if h <= 64 or w <= 64:
elif h <= 160 or w <= 160:
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