提交 cbd52309 编写于 作者: W wuzewu

Fix download bug

上级 e9b1393b
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ model_urls = {
"unet_bn_coco": "https://paddleseg.bj.bcebos.com/models/unet_coco_v3.tgz",
# Cityscapes pretrained
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def _uncompress_file(filepath, extrapath, delete_file, print_progress):
handler = functools.partial(_uncompress_file_tar, mode="r")
for total_num, index in handler(filepath, extrapath):
for total_num, index, rootpath in handler(filepath, extrapath):
if print_progress:
done = int(50 * float(index) / total_num)
......@@ -95,27 +95,31 @@ def _uncompress_file(filepath, extrapath, delete_file, print_progress):
if delete_file:
return rootpath
def _uncompress_file_zip(filepath, extrapath):
files = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r')
filelist = files.namelist()
rootpath = filelist[0]
total_num = len(filelist)
for index, file in enumerate(filelist):
files.extract(file, extrapath)
yield total_num, index
yield total_num, index, rootpath
yield total_num, index
yield total_num, index, rootpath
def _uncompress_file_tar(filepath, extrapath, mode="r:gz"):
files = tarfile.open(filepath, mode)
filelist = files.getnames()
total_num = len(filelist)
rootpath = filelist[0]
for index, file in enumerate(filelist):
files.extract(file, extrapath)
yield total_num, index
yield total_num, index, rootpath
yield total_num, index
yield total_num, index, rootpath
def download_file_and_uncompress(url,
......@@ -150,7 +154,9 @@ def download_file_and_uncompress(url,
if not os.path.exists(savename):
if not os.path.exists(savepath):
_download_file(url, savepath, print_progress)
_uncompress_file(savepath, extrapath, delete_file, print_progress)
savename = _uncompress_file(savepath, extrapath, delete_file,
savename = os.path.join(extrapath, savename)
shutil.move(savename, extraname)
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