未验证 提交 830676e3 编写于 作者: Z Zeyu Chen 提交者: GitHub

Update finetune_deeplabv3plus.md

上级 1f0be755
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ python pdseg/eval.py --use_gpu --cfg ./configs/test_deeplabv3p_pet.yaml
## 模型组合
|预训练模型名称|BackBone|Norm Type|数据集|配置|
|mobilenetv2-2-0_bn_imagenet|-|bn|ImageNet|MODEL.MODEL_NAME: deeplabv3p <br> MODEL.DEEPLAB.BACKBONE: mobilenet <br> MODEL.DEEPLAB.DEPTH_MULTIPLIER: 2.0 <br> MODEL.DEFAULT_NORM_TYPE: bn|
|mobilenetv2-1-5_bn_imagenet|-|bn|ImageNet|MODEL.MODEL_NAME: deeplabv3p <br> MODEL.DEEPLAB.BACKBONE: mobilenet <br> MODEL.DEEPLAB.DEPTH_MULTIPLIER: 1.5 <br> MODEL.DEFAULT_NORM_TYPE: bn|
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