argument.h 9.8 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.

 * This file defines the class Argument, which is the input and output of the
 * analysis module. All the fields that needed either by Passes or PassManagers
 * are contained in Argument.
 * TODO(Superjomn) Find some way better to contain the fields when it grow too
 * big.

#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/program_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_analysis_config.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/variant.h"

namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {

using framework::ir::Graph;

using VarQuantScale =
    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<bool, framework::LoDTensor>>;

 * The argument definition of both Pass and PassManagers.
 * All the fields should be registered here for clearness.
struct Argument {
  Argument() = default;
  explicit Argument(const std::string& model_dir) { SetModelDir(model_dir); }

  using unique_ptr_t = std::unique_ptr<void, std::function<void(void*)>>;
  using fusion_statis_t = std::unordered_map<std::string, int>;
  using anakin_max_shape_t = std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>>;

  bool Has(const std::string& key) const { return valid_fields_.count(key); }
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  // If we set the model using config.SetModelBuffer,
  // the model and parameter will occupy additional CPU resources.
  // Use this interface to release these resources.
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  void PartiallyRelease() {
    if (Has("model_program_path")) {
      if (Has("model_from_memory") && model_from_memory()) {

#define DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(field__, Field, type__)          \
 public:                                                     \
  type__& field__() {                                        \
    PADDLE_ENFORCE(Has(#field__), "There is no such field"); \
    return field__##_;                                       \
  }                                                          \
  void Set##Field(const type__& x) {                         \
    field__##_ = x;                                          \
    valid_fields_.insert(#field__);                          \
  }                                                          \
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD_VALID(field__);                        \
  type__* field__##_ptr() { return &field__##_; }            \
 private:                                                    \
  type__ field__##_;

#define DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD_VALID(field__) \
  bool field__##_valid() { return Has(#field__); }

#define DECL_ARGUMENT_UNIQUE_FIELD(field__, Field, type__)                \
 public:                                                                  \
  type__& field__() {                                                     \
    PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(field__##_);                                  \
    PADDLE_ENFORCE(Has(#field__));                                        \
    return *static_cast<type__*>(field__##_.get());                       \
  }                                                                       \
  void Set##Field(type__* x) {                                            \
    field__##_ =                                                          \
        unique_ptr_t(x, [](void* x) { delete static_cast<type__*>(x); }); \
    valid_fields_.insert(#field__);                                       \
  }                                                                       \
  void Set##Field##NotOwned(type__* x) {                                  \
    valid_fields_.insert(#field__);                                       \
    field__##_ = unique_ptr_t(x, [](void* x) {});                         \
  }                                                                       \
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD_VALID(field__);                                     \
  type__* field__##_ptr() {                                               \
    PADDLE_ENFORCE(Has(#field__));                                        \
    return static_cast<type__*>(field__##_.get());                        \
  }                                                                       \
  type__* Release##Field() {                                              \
    PADDLE_ENFORCE(Has(#field__));                                        \
    valid_fields_.erase(#field__);                                        \
    return static_cast<type__*>(field__##_.release());                    \
  }                                                                       \
 private:                                                                 \
  unique_ptr_t field__##_;

  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(predictor_id, PredictorID, int);
  // Model path
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(model_dir, ModelDir, std::string);
  // Model specified with program and parameters files.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(model_program_path, ModelProgramPath, std::string);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(model_params_path, ModelParamsPath, std::string);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(model_from_memory, ModelFromMemory, bool);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(optim_cache_dir, OptimCacheDir, std::string);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(enable_analysis_optim, EnableAnalysisOptim, bool);
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137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198

  // The overall graph to work on.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_UNIQUE_FIELD(main_graph, MainGraph, framework::ir::Graph);
  // The overall Scope to work on.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_UNIQUE_FIELD(scope, Scope, framework::Scope);

  // The default program, loaded from disk.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_UNIQUE_FIELD(main_program, MainProgram, framework::ProgramDesc);

  // The ir passes to perform in analysis phase.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(ir_analysis_passes, IrAnalysisPasses,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(analysis_passes, AnalysisPasses,

  // Pass a set of op types to enable its mkldnn kernel
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(mkldnn_enabled_op_types, MKLDNNEnabledOpTypes,
  // The cache capacity of different input shapes for mkldnn.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(mkldnn_cache_capacity, MkldnnCacheCapacity, int);

  // A set of op types to enable their quantized kernels
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(quantize_enabled_op_types, QuantizeEnabledOpTypes,

  // A set of op IDs to exclude from enabling their quantized kernels
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(quantize_excluded_op_ids, QuantizeExcludedOpIds,

  // Scales for variables to be quantized
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(quant_var_scales, QuantVarScales, VarQuantScale);

  // Passed from config.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(use_gpu, UseGPU, bool);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(gpu_device_id, GPUDeviceId, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(use_tensorrt, UseTensorRT, bool);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_max_batch_size, TensorRtMaxBatchSize, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_workspace_size, TensorRtWorkspaceSize, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_min_subgraph_size, TensorRtMinSubgraphSize, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_precision_mode, TensorRtPrecisionMode,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_use_static_engine, TensorRtUseStaticEngine,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(tensorrt_use_calib_mode, TensorRtUseCalibMode, bool);

  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_max_input_shape, AnakinMaxInputShape,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_max_batch_size, AnakinMaxBatchSize, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_min_subgraph_size, AnakinMinSubgraphSize, int);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_precision_mode, AnakinPrecisionMode,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_auto_config_layout, AnakinAutoConfigLayout, bool);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(use_anakin, UseAnakin, bool);
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_passes_filter, AnakinPassesFilter,
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(anakin_ops_filter, AnakinOpsFilter,

  // Memory optimized related.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(enable_memory_optim, EnableMemoryOptim, bool);

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  // Indicate which kind of sort algorithm is used for operators, the memory
  // optimization relays on the sort algorithm.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(memory_optim_sort_kind, MemoryOptimSortKind, int);

  // The program transformed by IR analysis phase.
  DECL_ARGUMENT_UNIQUE_FIELD(ir_analyzed_program, IrAnalyzedProgram,

  DECL_ARGUMENT_FIELD(fusion_statis, FusionStatis, fusion_statis_t);

  std::unordered_set<std::string> valid_fields_;

#define ARGUMENT_CHECK_FIELD(argument__, fieldname__) \
  PADDLE_ENFORCE(argument__->Has(#fieldname__),       \
                 "the argument field [%s] should be set", #fieldname__);

}  // namespace analysis
}  // namespace inference
}  // namespace paddle