提交 f16212f2 编写于 作者: S Sanster

update text_renderer url

上级 fdda75f5
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PaddleOCR已完成Windows和Mac系统适配,运行时注意两点:1、在[
10. **使用带TPS的识别模型预测报错**
报错信息:Input(X) dims[3] and Input(Grid) dims[2] should be equal, but received X dimension[3](320) != Grid dimension[2](100)
## 数据合成工具
- [text_renderer](https://github.com/Sanster/text_renderer)
- [text_renderer](https://github.com/oh-my-ocr/text_renderer)
- [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText)
- [SynthText_Chinese_version](https://github.com/JarveeLee/SynthText_Chinese_version)
- [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator)
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ At present, the open source model, dataset and magnitude are as follows:
English dataset: MJSynth and SynthText synthetic dataset, the amount of data is tens of millions.
Chinese dataset: LSVT street view dataset with cropped text area, a total of 30w images. In addition, the synthesized data based on LSVT corpus is 500w.
Among them, the public datasets are opensourced, users can search and download by themselves, or refer to [Chinese data set](./datasets_en.md), synthetic data is not opensourced, users can use open-source synthesis tools to synthesize data themselves. Current available synthesis tools include [text_renderer](https://github.com/Sanster/text_renderer), [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText), [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator), etc.
Among them, the public datasets are opensourced, users can search and download by themselves, or refer to [Chinese data set](./datasets_en.md), synthetic data is not opensourced, users can use open-source synthesis tools to synthesize data themselves. Current available synthesis tools include [text_renderer](https://github.com/oh-my-ocr/text_renderer), [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText), [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator), etc.
10. **Error in using the model with TPS module for prediction**
Error message: Input(X) dims[3] and Input(Grid) dims[2] should be equal, but received X dimension[3](108) != Grid dimension[2](100)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
In addition to open source data, users can also use synthesis tools to synthesize data.
There are the commonly used data synthesis tools, which will be continuously updated. Welcome to contribute tools~
* [Text_renderer](https://github.com/Sanster/text_renderer)
* [Text_renderer](https://github.com/oh-my-ocr/text_renderer)
* [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText)
* [SynthText_Chinese_version](https://github.com/JarveeLee/SynthText_Chinese_version)
* [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator)
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This is a collection of commonly used Chinese datasets, which is being updated c
- [Chinese Document Text Recognition](#中文文档文字识别)
- [ICDAR2019-ArT](#ICDAR2019-ArT)
In addition to opensource data, users can also use synthesis tools to synthesize data themselves. Current available synthesis tools include [text_renderer](https://github.com/Sanster/text_renderer), [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText), [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator), etc.
In addition to opensource data, users can also use synthesis tools to synthesize data themselves. Current available synthesis tools include [text_renderer](https://github.com/oh-my-ocr/text_renderer), [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText), [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator), etc.
<a name="ICDAR2019-LSVT"></a>
#### 1. ICDAR2019-LSVT
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