This section uses the icdar2015 dataset as an example to introduce the training, evaluation, and testing of the detection model in PaddleOCR.
The icdar2015 dataset can be obtained from [official website]( Registration is required for downloading.
The icdar2015 dataset contains train set which has 1000 images obtained with wearable cameras and test set which has 500 images obtained with wearable cameras. The icdar2015 can be obtained from [official website]( Registration is required for downloading.
After registering and logging in, download the part marked in the red box in the figure below. And, the content downloaded by `Training Set Images` should be saved as the folder `icdar_c4_train_imgs`, and the content downloaded by `Test Set Images` is saved as the folder `ch4_test_images`
Decompress the downloaded dataset to the working directory, assuming it is decompressed under PaddleOCR/train_data/. In addition, PaddleOCR organizes many scattered annotation files into two separate annotation files for train and test respectively, which can be downloaded by wget: