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# 社区贡献 # 开源社区
感谢大家长久以来对PaddleOCR的支持和关注,与广大开发者共同构建一个专业、和谐、相互帮助的开源社区是PaddleOCR的目标。本文档展示了已有的社区贡献、对于各类贡献说明、新的机会与流程,希望贡献流程更加高效、路径更加清晰。 感谢大家长久以来对PaddleOCR的支持和关注,与广大开发者共同构建一个专业、和谐、相互帮助的开源社区是PaddleOCR的目标。本文档展示了已有的社区贡献、对于各类贡献说明、新的机会与流程,希望贡献流程更加高效、路径更加清晰。
...@@ -119,25 +119,30 @@ PaddleOCR非常欢迎社区贡献以PaddleOCR为核心的各种服务、部署 ...@@ -119,25 +119,30 @@ PaddleOCR非常欢迎社区贡献以PaddleOCR为核心的各种服务、部署
## 附录:社区常规赛积分榜 ## 附录:社区常规赛积分榜
| 开发者 | 总积分 | 开发者 | 总积分 | | 开发者 | 总积分(+新增积分) | 开发者 | 总积分(+新增积分) |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------ | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| [RangeKing](https://github.com/RangeKing) | 220 | [WZMIAOMIAO](https://github.com/WZMIAOMIAO) | 36 | | [RangeKing](https://github.com/RangeKing) 🥇 | 222(+2) | CLXK294 | 40 |
| [hao6699](https://github.com/hao6699) | 145 | [v3fc](https://github.com/v3fc) | 35 | | [mymagicpower](https://github.com/mymagicpower) 🥈 | 150(+10) | [telppa](https://github.com/telppa) | 40 |
| [mymagicpower](https://github.com/mymagicpower) | 140 | [imiyu](https://github.com/imiyu) | 30 | | [hao6699 ](https://github.com/hao6699) 🥉 | 145 | sosojust1984 | 40 |
| [raoyutian](https://github.com/raoyutian) | 90 | [haigang1975](https://github.com/haigang1975) | 29 | | [raoyutian](https://github.com/raoyutian) | 135(+45) | [WZMIAOMIAO](https://github.com/WZMIAOMIAO) | 36 |
| [sdcb](https://github.com/sdcb) | 80 | [daassh](https://github.com/daassh) | 23 | | [OneYearIsEnough](https://github.com/OneYearIsEnough) 🏅 ↑12 | 120(+80) | [v3fc](https://github.com/v3fc) | 35 |
| [zhiminzhang0830](https://github.com/zhiminzhang0830) | 70 | [xiaoyangyang2](https://github.com/xiaoyangyang2) | 20 | | [edencfc](https://github.com/edencfc) ↑5 | 97(+40) | [imiyu](https://github.com/imiyu) | 30 |
| [Lovely-Pig](https://github.com/Lovely-Pig) | 70 | [prettyocean85](https://github.com/prettyocean85) | 20 | | [zhangyingying520](https://github.com/zhangyingying520) ↑5 | 91(+34) | [haigang1975](https://github.com/haigang1975) | 29 |
| [livingbody](https://github.com/livingbody) | 70 | [nmusik](https://github.com/nmusik) | 20 | | [sdcb](https://github.com/sdcb) | 90(+10) | [daassh](https://github.com/daassh) | 23 |
| [fanruinet](https://github.com/fanruinet) | 70 | [kjf4096](https://github.com/kjf4096) | 20 | | [xiaxianlei](https://github.com/xiaxianlei) ✨ 🏆 | +81 | [BeyondYourself](https://github.com/BeyondYourself) | 26(+6) |
| [bupt906](https://github.com/bupt906) | 60 | [chccc1994](https://github.com/chccc1994) | 20 | | [zhiminzhang0830](https://github.com/zhiminzhang0830) | 80(+10) | [xiaoyangyang2](https://github.com/xiaoyangyang2) | 26(+6) |
| [edencfc](https://github.com/edencfc) | 57 | [BeyondYourself ](https://github.com/BeyondYourself) | 20 | | [Lovely-Pig](https://github.com/Lovely-Pig) | 70 | [prettyocean85](https://github.com/prettyocean85) | 20 |
| [zhangyingying520](https://github.com/zhangyingying520) | 57 | chenguoqi08161 | 18 | | [livingbody](https://github.com/livingbody) | 74(+4) | [nmusik](https://github.com/nmusik) | 20 |
| [ITerydh](https://github.com/ITerydh) | 55 | [weiwenlan](https://github.com/weiwenlan) | 10 | | [fanruinet](https://github.com/fanruinet) | 70 | [kjf4096](https://github.com/kjf4096) | 20 |
| [telppa](https://github.com/telppa) | 40 | [shaoshenchen thinc](https://github.com/shaoshenchen) | 10 | | [bupt906](https://github.com/bupt906) | 64(+4) | [chccc1994](https://github.com/chccc1994) | 20 |
| sosojust1984 | 40 | [jordan2013](https://github.com/jordan2013) | 10 | | [PeterH0323](https://github.com/PeterH0323) ✨ 🎖 | +55 | chenguoqi08161 | 18 |
| [redearly123](https://github.com/redearly123) | 40 | [JimEverest](https://github.com/JimEverest) | 10 | | [ITerydh](https://github.com/ITerydh) | 55 | [JimEverest](https://github.com/JimEverest) | 14(+4) |
| [OneYearIsEnough](https://github.com/OneYearIsEnough) | 40 | [HustBestCat](https://github.com/HustBestCat) | 10 | | [d2623587501](https://github.com/d2623587501) | 51(+6) | [weiwenlan](https://github.com/weiwenlan) | 10 |
| [Huntersdeng](https://github.com/Huntersdeng) | 40 | | | | [Wei-JL](https://github.com/Wei-JL) | 46(+6) | [HustBestCat](https://github.com/HustBestCat) | 10 |
| [GreatV](https://github.com/GreatV) | 40 | | | | [GreatV](https://github.com/GreatV) | 42(+2) | [shaoshenchen thinc](https://github.com/shaoshenchen) | 10 |
| CLXK294 | 40 | | | | [fuhengwu2021](https://github.com/fuhengwu2021) ✨ | +40 | [jordan2013](https://github.com/jordan2013) | 10 |
| [manangoel99](https://github.com/manangoel99) ✨ | +40 | | |
| [redearly123](https://github.com/redearly123) | 40 | | |
| [Huntersdeng](https://github.com/Huntersdeng) | 40 | | |
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