未验证 提交 29f5ef46 编写于 作者: Z zhoujun 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #5957 from manangoel99/wandb-metric-logger-corrected

Restructure Metric Logging and Add support for W&B
......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ PaddleOCR aims to create multilingual, awesome, leading, and practical OCR tools
PaddleOCR support a variety of cutting-edge algorithms related to OCR, and developed industrial featured models/solution [PP-OCR](./doc/doc_en/ppocr_introduction_en.md) and [PP-Structure](./ppstructure/README.md) on this basis, and get through the whole process of data production, model training, compression, inference and deployment.
PaddleOCR also supports metric and model logging during training to [VisualDL](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/en/guides/03_VisualDL/visualdl_usage_en.html) and [Weights & Biases](https://docs.wandb.ai/).
> It is recommended to start with the “quick experience” in the document tutorial
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Take rec_chinese_lite_train_v2.0.yml as an example
| pretrained_model | Set the path of the pre-trained model | ./pretrain_models/CRNN/best_accuracy | \ |
| checkpoints | set model parameter path | None | Used to load parameters after interruption to continue training|
| use_visualdl | Set whether to enable visualdl for visual log display | False | [Tutorial](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/paddle/visualdl) |
| use_wandb | Set whether to enable W&B for visual log display | False | [Documentation](https://docs.wandb.ai/)
| infer_img | Set inference image path or folder path | ./infer_img | \||
| character_dict_path | Set dictionary path | ./ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt | If the character_dict_path is None, model can only recognize number and lower letters |
| max_text_length | Set the maximum length of text | 25 | \ |
......@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ In PaddleOCR, the network is divided into four stages: Transform, Backbone, Neck
| :---------------------: | :---------------------: | :--------------: | :--------------------: |
| model_type | Network Type | rec | Currently support`rec`,`det`,`cls` |
| algorithm | Model name | CRNN | See [algorithm_overview](./algorithm_overview_en.md) for the support list |
| **Transform** | Set the transformation method | - | Currently only recognition algorithms are supported, see [ppocr/modeling/transforms](../../ppocr/modeling/transforms) for details |
| **Transform** | Set the transformation method | - | Currently only recognition algorithms are supported, see [ppocr/modeling/transform](../../ppocr/modeling/transforms) for details |
| name | Transformation class name | TPS | Currently supports `TPS` |
| num_fiducial | Number of TPS control points | 20 | Ten on the top and bottom |
| loc_lr | Localization network learning rate | 0.1 | \ |
......@@ -130,6 +131,17 @@ In PaddleOCR, the network is divided into four stages: Transform, Backbone, Neck
| drop_last | Whether to discard the last incomplete mini-batch because the number of samples in the data set cannot be divisible by batch_size | True | \ |
| num_workers | The number of sub-processes used to load data, if it is 0, the sub-process is not started, and the data is loaded in the main process | 8 | \ |
### Weights & Biases ([W&B](../../ppocr/utils/loggers/wandb_logger.py))
| Parameter | Use | Defaults | Note |
| :---------------------: | :---------------------: | :--------------: | :--------------------: |
| project | Project to which the run is to be logged | uncategorized | \
| name | Alias/Name of the run | Randomly generated by wandb | \
| id | ID of the run | Randomly generated by wandb | \
| entity | User or team to which the run is being logged | The logged in user | \
| save_dir | local directory in which all the models and other data is saved | wandb | \
| config | model configuration | None | \
<a name="3-multilingual-config-file-generation"></a>
## 3. Multilingual Config File Generation
......@@ -233,4 +245,4 @@ For more supported languages, please refer to : [Multi-language model](https://g
The multi-language model training method is the same as the Chinese model. The training data set is 100w synthetic data. A small amount of fonts and test data can be downloaded using the following two methods.
* [Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bS_u207Rm7YbY33wOECKDA),Extraction code:frgi.
* [Google drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18cSWX7wXSy4G0tbKJ0d9PuIaiwRLHpjA/view)
* [Google drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18cSWX7wXSy4G0tbKJ0d9PuIaiwRLHpjA/view)
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## Logging metrics and models
PaddleOCR comes with two metric logging tools integrated directly into the training API: [VisualDL](https://readthedocs.org/projects/visualdl/) and [Weights & Biases](https://docs.wandb.ai/).
### VisualDL
VisualDL is a visualization analysis tool of PaddlePaddle. The integration allows all training metrics to be logged to a VisualDL dashboard. To use it, add the following line to the `Global` section of the config yaml file -
use_visualdl: True
To see the visualizations run the following command in your terminal
visualdl --logdir <save_model_dir>
Now open `localhost:8040` in your browser of choice!
### Weights & Biases
W&B is a MLOps tool that can be used for experiment tracking, dataset/model versioning, visualizing results and collaborating with colleagues. A W&B logger is integrated directly into PaddleOCR and to use it, first you need to install the `wandb` sdk and login to your wandb account.
pip install wandb
wandb login
If you do not have a wandb account, you can make one [here](https://wandb.ai/site).
To visualize and track your model training add the following flag to your config yaml file under the `Global` section -
use_wandb: True
To add more arguments to the `WandbLogger` listed [here](./config_en.md) add the header `wandb` to the yaml file and add the arguments under it -
project: my_project
entity: my_team
These config variables from the yaml file are used to instantiate the `WandbLogger` object with the project name, entity name (the logged in user by default), directory to store metadata (`./wandb` by default) and more. During the training process, the `log_metrics` function is called to log training and evaluation metrics at the training and evaluation steps respectively from the rank 0 process only.
At every model saving step, the WandbLogger, logs the model using the `log_model` function along with relavant metadata and tags showing the epoch in which the model is saved, the model is best or not and so on.
All the logging mentioned above is integrated into the `program.train` function and will generate dashboards like this -
![W&B Dashboard](../imgs_en/wandb_metrics.png)
![W&B Models](../imgs_en/wandb_models.png)
For more advanced usage to log images, audios, videos or any other form of data, you can use `WandbLogger().run.log`. More examples on how to log different kinds of data are available [here](https://docs.wandb.ai/examples).
To view the dashboard, the link to the dashboard is printed to the console at the beginning and end of every training job and you can also access it by logging into your W&B account on your browser.
### Using Multiple Loggers
Both VisualDL and W&B can also be used simultaneously by just setting both the aforementioned flags to True.
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from .vdl_logger import VDLLogger
from .wandb_logger import WandbLogger
from .loggers import Loggers
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class BaseLogger(ABC):
def __init__(self, save_dir):
self.save_dir = save_dir
os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True)
def log_metrics(self, metrics, prefix=None):
def close(self):
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from .wandb_logger import WandbLogger
class Loggers(object):
def __init__(self, loggers):
self.loggers = loggers
def log_metrics(self, metrics, prefix=None, step=None):
for logger in self.loggers:
logger.log_metrics(metrics, prefix=prefix, step=step)
def log_model(self, is_best, prefix, metadata=None):
for logger in self.loggers:
logger.log_model(is_best=is_best, prefix=prefix, metadata=metadata)
def close(self):
for logger in self.loggers:
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from .base_logger import BaseLogger
from visualdl import LogWriter
class VDLLogger(BaseLogger):
def __init__(self, save_dir):
self.vdl_writer = LogWriter(logdir=save_dir)
def log_metrics(self, metrics, prefix=None, step=None):
if not prefix:
prefix = ""
updated_metrics = {prefix + "/" + k: v for k, v in metrics.items()}
for k, v in updated_metrics.items():
self.vdl_writer.add_scalar(k, v, step)
def log_model(self, is_best, prefix, metadata=None):
def close(self):
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import os
from .base_logger import BaseLogger
class WandbLogger(BaseLogger):
def __init__(self,
import wandb
self.wandb = wandb
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Please install wandb using `pip install wandb`"
self.project = project
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.save_dir = save_dir
self.config = config
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.entity = entity
self._run = None
self._wandb_init = dict(
_ = self.run
if self.config:
def run(self):
if self._run is None:
if self.wandb.run is not None:
"There is a wandb run already in progress "
"and newly created instances of `WandbLogger` will reuse"
" this run. If this is not desired, call `wandb.finish()`"
"before instantiating `WandbLogger`."
self._run = self.wandb.run
self._run = self.wandb.init(**self._wandb_init)
return self._run
def log_metrics(self, metrics, prefix=None, step=None):
if not prefix:
prefix = ""
updated_metrics = {prefix.lower() + "/" + k: v for k, v in metrics.items()}
self.run.log(updated_metrics, step=step)
def log_model(self, is_best, prefix, metadata=None):
model_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, prefix + '.pdparams')
artifact = self.wandb.Artifact('model-{}'.format(self.run.id), type='model', metadata=metadata)
artifact.add_file(model_path, name="model_ckpt.pdparams")
aliases = [prefix]
if is_best:
self.run.log_artifact(artifact, aliases=aliases)
def close(self):
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......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from ppocr.utils.stats import TrainingStats
from ppocr.utils.save_load import save_model
from ppocr.utils.utility import print_dict, AverageMeter
from ppocr.utils.logging import get_logger
from ppocr.utils.loggers import VDLLogger, WandbLogger, Loggers
from ppocr.utils import profiler
from ppocr.data import build_dataloader
......@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ def train(config,
cal_metric_during_train = config['Global'].get('cal_metric_during_train',
......@@ -300,10 +301,8 @@ def train(config,
stats['lr'] = lr
if vdl_writer is not None and dist.get_rank() == 0:
for k, v in train_stats.get().items():
vdl_writer.add_scalar('TRAIN/{}'.format(k), v, global_step)
vdl_writer.add_scalar('TRAIN/lr', lr, global_step)
if log_writer is not None and dist.get_rank() == 0:
log_writer.log_metrics(metrics=train_stats.get(), prefix="TRAIN", step=global_step)
if dist.get_rank() == 0 and (
(global_step > 0 and global_step % print_batch_step == 0) or
......@@ -349,11 +348,9 @@ def train(config,
# logger metric
if vdl_writer is not None:
for k, v in cur_metric.items():
if isinstance(v, (float, int)):
cur_metric[k], global_step)
if log_writer is not None:
log_writer.log_metrics(metrics=cur_metric, prefix="EVAL", step=global_step)
if cur_metric[main_indicator] >= best_model_dict[
......@@ -374,10 +371,12 @@ def train(config,
# logger best metric
if vdl_writer is not None:
if log_writer is not None:
"best_{}".format(main_indicator): best_model_dict[main_indicator]
}, prefix="EVAL", step=global_step)
log_writer.log_model(is_best=True, prefix="best_accuracy", metadata=best_model_dict)
reader_start = time.time()
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
......@@ -392,6 +391,10 @@ def train(config,
if log_writer is not None:
log_writer.log_model(is_best=False, prefix="latest")
if dist.get_rank() == 0 and epoch > 0 and epoch % save_epoch_step == 0:
......@@ -404,11 +407,14 @@ def train(config,
if log_writer is not None:
log_writer.log_model(is_best=False, prefix='iter_epoch_{}'.format(epoch))
best_str = 'best metric, {}'.format(', '.join(
['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in best_model_dict.items()]))
if dist.get_rank() == 0 and vdl_writer is not None:
if dist.get_rank() == 0 and log_writer is not None:
......@@ -565,15 +571,32 @@ def preprocess(is_train=False):
config['Global']['distributed'] = dist.get_world_size() != 1
if config['Global']['use_visualdl'] and dist.get_rank() == 0:
from visualdl import LogWriter
loggers = []
if 'use_visualdl' in config['Global'] and config['Global']['use_visualdl']:
save_model_dir = config['Global']['save_model_dir']
vdl_writer_path = '{}/vdl/'.format(save_model_dir)
os.makedirs(vdl_writer_path, exist_ok=True)
vdl_writer = LogWriter(logdir=vdl_writer_path)
log_writer = VDLLogger(save_model_dir)
if ('use_wandb' in config['Global'] and config['Global']['use_wandb']) or 'wandb' in config:
save_dir = config['Global']['save_model_dir']
wandb_writer_path = "{}/wandb".format(save_dir)
if "wandb" in config:
wandb_params = config['wandb']
wandb_params = dict()
wandb_params.update({'save_dir': save_model_dir})
log_writer = WandbLogger(**wandb_params, config=config)
vdl_writer = None
log_writer = None
print_dict(config, logger)
if loggers:
log_writer = Loggers(loggers)
log_writer = None
logger.info('train with paddle {} and device {}'.format(paddle.__version__,
return config, device, logger, vdl_writer
return config, device, logger, log_writer
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